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New Life Evangelical Training School Inc.

Peñafrancia Cupang Antipolo City

How students perceive bullying and how it affects

their academic performance

A Research Study
Presented to the
Faculty of the New Life Evangelical Training School Inc.
Antipolo City

Balisalisa, Mark Ivann S.

Boragay, Miguelle O.

Casanoba, Cyrus Giro M.

Condesa, Elmer James T.

Florentino, Apollo Glen M.

Galano, Rachelle B.

Malazarte, Arian Grace C.

Oresco, Joshua C.

Paiz, Cassandra Nicole M.

Ramos, Digi R.

New Life Evangelical Training School Inc.
Peñafrancia Cupang Antipolo City

Chapter I
This chapter presents the background of the study, the statement of the

problem, the significance of the study and the scope and delimitation of the


Background of the study

Bullying is a major problem in schools and its students.

It affects their academic performance, mental health, and their social skills.

Being bullied is much bigger than most people realize. It has a significant impact on how

a student thinks. Teachers often view bullying as friends just messing around. This

results in students being shunned and neglected by teachers who are supposed to be

responsible of their student’s wellness. Also, we must discuss on what causes bullying.

The main causes of bullying are varied, but there are some bigger buckets that

bullies tend to fall into especially teenagers 1) bullied themselves: Someone who bullies

others might have experienced bullying maybe by their parents, their abusing step-

siblings, or even from someone in their neighborhood. Bullies often lack empathy as a

result of their perception of what’s happen to them, and they want to pay that negativity

forward. 2) seeking social attention via loneliness: Bullies are often lonely. They don’t

New Life Evangelical Training School Inc.
Peñafrancia Cupang Antipolo City

have any real friends. So they try to find attention in any way they can, even if that

means resulting in violent acts, using verbal abuse, or hampering someone’s mental

health. 3) frustration or envy: Bullies may bully people who are doing better than them at

something, be it grades or athletic accomplishments given by their schools. The bullies

look to undermine the other person’s skills with acts of aggression only to level the

playing field. Bullies often lack psychological well-being, so there’s a lot of comparison

being done in their heads, and that leads to frustration or envy. 4) shame: This occurs

when the person bullying is ashamed by their low intellect or lack of ability to succeed in

whatever they try. Bullies often lack personal integrity as well. 5) the decline of

disagreement: oftentimes in online discourse, a simple disagreement may be flagged by

one person as “hate,” as opposed to an opportunity for future learning and discussion.

6) gender norms: Males are often more likely to have bullied another person,

while it is common for us to encourage females to talk about their problems and accept

visual emotions, the opposite is usually true for males. Without the outlet of healthy

communication and displays of emotions, males can revert to aggressive behavior.

Also, the effects on the victims of bullying, being bullied can increase anxiety,

depression, loneliness, and can lead to eating disorders and substance abuse. In some

cases, it can reach self-harm or suicidal ideation.

For the bully, there can obviously be punishments and potential work terminations.

What’s paradoxical here is that often sometimes, when a bully is punished, they won’t

New Life Evangelical Training School Inc.
Peñafrancia Cupang Antipolo City

necessarily have the self-awareness to realize it’s time to change. Rather, they will get

mad at “the system” and “the word” (loose constructs) and very likely will continue to

repeat the cycle of bullying, perhaps in a more severe manner.

There are also bystander effects of bullying. If an organization or school does

nothing about obvious bullying, others will likely respect the organization less, or

assume they can get away with bad behavior too. Now on the flipside, if a school or

organization punishes everything, even the slightest hint of discourse, as potential

bullying, then you create a culture where every bad apple are terrified to do something

bad to the students who have experienced bullying, can now walk and go to school

without having to worry about someone jumping on them and giving them traumatizing


New Life Evangelical Training School Inc.
Peñafrancia Cupang Antipolo City

Statement of the problem

This quantitative research aims to study the problems we students face on the

topic of bullying on today’s face-to-face classes and asking the feedback of both

elementary students & high school students of New Life Evangelical Training School Inc

for the school year 2022-2023.

More specifically, this study will try to answer the following questions:

1. How can bullying affect the academic performance of the students?

2. What are signs of bullying and being bullied?

3. Are there any ways we can do to stop or prevent bullying?

4. Why do students feel pressured because of bullying?

5. How can the students help someone from bullying?

Scope and delimitation

The researchers focus their study on the common causes and effects of bullying in

students. The study is conducted at New life evangelical training school Inc, school year

of 2022-2023. The respondents of the study are the study are the current students of

New life evangelical training school Inc. The researchers would like to answer the

questions of the students who are victims of bullying.

Significance of the study

New Life Evangelical Training School Inc.
Peñafrancia Cupang Antipolo City

The disclosure of the study will help not just the researchers but also the following:

Students – this study will help the students find out how they become the victims of

bullying and help them avoid bullies and being bullied.

Teachers – this study will be able to guide the teachers on how to properly treat the

students that are being bullied and to also have the knowledge of how to handle bullies.

Based on the perspective of the researchers. It will also create a healthy environment

for both the students and teachers. It will have a positive impact on a student’s grade

solely because they don’t have the need to be worried about a classmate poking fun at


Parents – the consequence of this study will help them understand the feelings of their

children and possibly help them in their growth as human and a student.

Future researchers – the result of this study will help as baseline information for other

related studies. Research studies like this will help further develop their growing minds

and knowledge as students. To encapsulate, once the students find out the causes of

bullying, they will try hard to be stronger and learn to stand up for themselves. It will not

only benefit the students, but also the teachers and their parents. The fact that this can

be viewed as a lesson for self-development and growth. Can be satisfying to say the


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