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I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my teacher Ms.Shikha as well as our
principal Ms.Rekha Shah who gave me the golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on
the topic ‘Management Of Natural Resources’, which also helped me in doing a lot of
Research and I came to know about so many new things I am really thankful to them.
Secondly I would also like to thank my parents and friends who helped me a lot in finalizing
this project within the limited time frame.
This is to certify that KHRUSKUMAR B. VAGHASIA Of class X has successfully completed his
project on topic “Management Of Natural resources” as prescribed by Ms.Shikha During
the academic year 2022-23
We shall be looking into the meaning of the term
'Resource’ and the cause of depletion of it. We will
also be exploring some solutions to reduce the
exploitation of natural resources.
What are
What is Resource?
● Everything available in our environment which can be used to satisfy our needs, is called a
resource. It should be technologically accessible, economically feasible and culturally
acceptable. Only then, it can be termed as a 'Resource'. Examples: minerals, forests, fossil fuels
● On the basis of exhaustibility
○ Renewable
○ Non-Renewable
Resource Depletion
Depletion Of Resources
● Resource Depletion occurs when the renewable and non-renewable natural resources become
scarce because they are consumed faster than they can replenish.

● Examples of resource depletion include deforestation, soil degradation, and overfishing.

● Air Pollution, water pollution, solid wastes, agrochemicals, radioactive wastes, greenhouse effect
and global warming, ozone depletion, improper resource utilisation and deforestation are some
of the main causes of depletion of natural resources.
Why Do We Need To
Manage Natural
Why Management of Resources?
● Following are the reasons why the management of natural resources is important :

○ To maintain a balance in the ecosystem.

○ To avoid further destruction of the environment.
○ To avoid over-consumption of natural resources.
Management Of
Natural Resources
Ways For Management of Resources

● Following are the methods for the management of natural resources:

○ Sustainable management of land resources
○ Maintaining and enhancing water assets
○ Efficient use of alternative sources of power such as wind energy and solar energy
○ Plantation of trees to prevent soil erosion
○ To conserve water in our homes by practicing judicious ways
○ Using pipelines for the transportation of oil as oil spills are highly detrimental to aquatic
plants and animals
○ Proper treatment of sewages and industrial wastes before releasing them into water bodies
○ Harvesting of rainwater is also an important practice to ensure water conservation.
The 3 R’s Of Waste
3R’s – Reduce, Recycle & Reuse
Reduce refers to smart purchasing of the products. The best way to reduce waste is by not producing waste. Following are the ways to reduce:

○ Avoid using disposal products like paper cups and plates and straws instead switch to reusable products.
○ Check for the durability of the products.
○ Stop asking for carry bags at shops, instead carry cloth bags.
Recycling refers to reusing products to get creative and by-products. Following are the ways to recycle:

○ Recycling used paper to make paper bags.

○ Purchasing products that can be recycled and also that are recycled.
Reuse refers to using products that are economical and also environmental friendly. Following are the ways to reuse:

○ Donate or sell old clothes, electrical appliances, furniture, etc.

○ Reuse the paper and plastic bags.
Th a n ks !

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