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2 Collaborative activities in the language classroom

3.2 Collaborative activities in the language classroom

Sitio: Aula Virtual de Formación del Profesorado. Junta de Andalucía. Imprimido por: Moreno Liso, Carmen
Curso: 371. SOFT SKILLS IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE CLASSROOM - ÚNICO Día: domingo, 12 de diciembre de 2021, 10:16
Libro: 3.2 Collaborative activities in the language classroom 1/14
12/12/21 10:16 3.2 Collaborative activities in the language classroom

Tabla de contenidos

1. Collaborative activities

2. Activity 1: Short everyday activities

3. Activity 2: Jigsaw reading

4. Activity 3: Find someone who...

5. Activity 4: Picture dictation

6. Activity 5: Interviews and surveys

7. Activity 6: Dictagloss

8. Activity 7: Mutual dictation

9. Activity 8: Numbered heads together

10. Activity 9: Quiz-Quiz-Trade

11. Activity 10: Matching halves 2/14
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1. Collaborative activities

There are many different ways to include collaboration in the language classroom.

On the following pages of this book, you can see examples of different types of group work and collaborative tasks you can use with your students.

How many have you tried? Are there any you would like to try in the future? 3/14
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2. Activity 1: Short everyday activities

There are some collaborative activities that require no preparation and can be included in every class.

1. Complete a task from the coursebook in pairs;

2. Revision with questions given by teacher (pair work);
3. Student-led questions and answers: students ask each other questions from the coursebook to revise;
4. Pair-check (checking and correcting homework by comparing answers);
5. Pair work comprehension task: pairs read a text together and discuss the answers;
6. Reading and summarising in pairs: pairs read a text and work together to write a two-sentence summary 4/14
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3. Activity 2: Jigsaw reading

This is an approach to reading that involves speaking and summarising skills. 

Jigsaw reading can be done in two ways

Two separate stories

If you have two texts that share a theme, prepare comprehension questions for each text. Give one half of the class (Group A) one text, and
the other half (Group B) the other. The students read their article, answer the questions and check understanding. Students then pair up with
someone from the other group and tell them about their text, and listen to the other one. 

One story split in two

Some texts can be clearly divided in two. Follow the same procedure as above, but giving each group only one half of the text. When the
students are recounting their half of the text, make sure that the student with the opening half goes first.

Jigsaw reading can also work with more texts:

Here's an example where group A reads about western astrology and group B reads about Chinese astrology and then they work together to answer the questions. 5/14
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The full lesson can found here 6/14
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4. Activity 3: Find someone who...

The teacher prepares a questionnaire for students. Students circulate through the classroom, forming and reforming pairs, trying to "find someone who" knows an answer.

Step 1. Students receive a list of statements or questions to answer or complete about a topic. 

Step 2. Students circulate in the classroom trying to find classmates who can help them answer a question or complete a statement on their sheet. Other students may answer and sign their
names only once on another student’s sheet. 

Step 3. The students hurry to see who can be first to find answers for the questions or complete the statements. 

Step 4. After the people hunt, the teacher will process and debrief the information.

This lesson can be found here 7/14
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5. Activity 4: Picture dictation

This is a low preparation fun activity that works well with large classes, especially with young learners and teens. All your students need is a blank piece of paper.

First of all explain to the students that they are going to do a picture dictation, that you are going to describe a picture to them and that all they have to do is simply listen and draw what
they hear you describe.

You then describe a simple and easy-to-draw picture to them and they draw it. 

When you are describing the picture it is best to describe one object at a time slowly and to repeat each description two or three times.

Make sure you give students enough time to finish drawing one object before you move onto the next object and it is a good idea to walk around and look at the students' drawings as they
are drawing them so that you can see how well they are understanding your descriptions and then you can adjust them accordingly and give them any support they need.

When you have demonstrated the activity, the students then draw their own picture and dictate it to their partner.

This works really well with house and furniture language.

Here is an example picture with the description. 8/14
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6. Activity 5: Interviews and surveys

Surveys and questionnaires are easy ways of getting students to talk to each other as the questions are prepared for them.

A simple procedure:

1. Review the language students need

2. Allocate one question or topic to each pair of students.

3. The students interview the other members of the class.

4. They work together to collate and then present their results, e.g. 

12 out of 16 people had breakfast this morning. The most popular breakfast is milk and biscuits...etc.

Alternatively, students interview each other in pairs and then report on their findings. 9/14
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7. Activity 6: Dictagloss

Dicto Gloss is a challenging, engaging classroom dictation activity for language learners. They have to reconstruct a short text by listening and noting key words. 

1. Choose a short text (this can be from the coursebook) that students will understand the majority of.

2. Read the text at normal speed. The students note down key words and phrases.

3. In pairs, compare the key phrases.

4. Read the text again at normal speed and add more key words and phrases. If necessary read for a third time.

5. Students work in pairs to try and reconstruct the text from their notes. 

6. Compare the texts with the original.

Note: The focus of this activity is meaning - they have to reproduce the meaning of the text rather than write exactly what was in the text. 10/14
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8. Activity 7: Mutual dictation

In a mutual dictation, the students are divided into pairs of student As and student Bs and then each given the relevant worksheet, either A or B. The aim of the activity is to dictate their
information to each other in order to get the complete text. It encourages learners to cooperate together and also has a fun puzzle element which keeps motivation up.

Step 1. Write or find a text which gives the students key information. Divide it up into alternate A and B sentences. On one sheet write the A sentences, leaving the B lines blank. Do the
reverse on the other sheet. 

Step 2. Give half the class the A sheets and the other half the B sheets. Give the students time to read and understand their sentences. 

Step 3. Put the students into A and B pairs. Student A starts by dictating their first sentence to Student B. Student B writes it in their firs A line. 

Step 4. Then Student B dictates their first sentence and Student A writes it in their first B line. They continue like this until they have completed the dictations and filled in all their lines. 11/14
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9. Activity 8: Numbered heads together

Teacher prepares questions or problems to ask teams. Teammates put their "heads together" to reach consensus on the team's answer. Teacher calls a number and students with that
number answer simultaneously, using response cards, small whiteboards or chalkboard responses. Numbered heads together uses the element of surprise (students do not know who will be
called on) and encourages each student to make sure he or she knows the information well enough to answer correctly if chosen. It also holds students accountable with positive peer
pressure; students will want to represent their team well (and earn points if that is part of the activity) by providing an acceptable answer.

Step 1. Put the students in small groups. 

Step 2. Assign a number to each student within each group. 

Step 3. Ask the students to complete a task, engage in an activity, or answer questions. 

Step 4. As you check answers with the whole class, specify that students with a particular number will be called on to answer the question you are about to discuss. 12/14
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10. Activity 9: Quiz-Quiz-Trade

This activity allows students to practise language multiple times within a short period. It can be used to access prior knowledge as well as to practise, apply and review information. It provides
a reason to talk, the chance to repeat and reinforce language structures and a non-threatening environment.

Step 1. The teacher prepares and provides a card for each student with e.g. a phrase in Spanish and its English translation, a word with a short definition, a question and example answer...
Alternatively, the students prepare the cards themselves.

Step 2. Students form pairs. Students from each pair ask the other person the question on their card. They give themselves a point if they get it right.

Step 3. Partners trade cards and thank each other. 

Step 4. Students form new pairs. 

Step 5. Repeat steps 2-4 a number of times, until students have asked and answered most of the cards. 

Step 6. Students are asked to go back to their seats, and e.g. write as many definitions as they remember on a blank paper, answer the questions, count up their points, etc. 13/14
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11. Activity 10: Matching halves

As in Mutual Dictation, students are split into As and Bs. As have the first half of a list of sentences and Bs have the second half and they have to work together orally, to write the complete

Step 1. Write or find sentences using the language point you are focused on. Divide each sentence into A and B parts. On one sheet write the A parts in a jumbled order and on another sheet
write the B parts.

Step 2. Give half the class the A sheets and the other half the B sheets. Give the students time to read and understand their half sentences. 

Step 3. Put the students into A and B pairs. Student A starts by dictating the first part of their sentence to Student B. Student B reads and tries to find the matching half. The students work
together and complete their missing halves for each sentence.

Example sentences focusing on conditionals. 14/14

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