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Timeline for Historical Developments in Electricity

Date/Period Inventions in Inventor Importance to Human Life and Society


1660 The first ever Otto von Guericke His invention enable us to develop much
electric generator. better generator that can supply electricity
more safely.

1879 incandescent lamp. Thomas Alva Edison Thanks to his invention, it allowed us to
travel safely in the dark.

1885 Power Transformer William Stanley Jr. His invention helps to control the amount
of electricity so that it can deliver safely.

1890 Alternating Current Charles Proteus His invention helps the engineer to
Steinmetz develop much better electromagnetic
equipment such as the electric motor.

1906 Audion Vacuum Lee de Forest Thanks to his invention we able to develop
Tube our electronic devices that we use today.

1909 Fuse Box Thomas Murray His invention helps to deliver the electricity
in our house's safely.


1. Discuss the concepts and principles related to electricity that have been developed through these

- Electricity, simply put, is the flow of electric current along a conductor. This electric current takes the
form of free electrons that transfer from one atom to the next. Thus, the more free electrons a material
has, the better it conducts. Using this principle many people have able to come some ideas on how
electricity can be transfered to to a device or conductor that can be used as a source of electricity.
2. Who among the physicists/scientists you think have contributed much to the development of
electricity? Why?

- For me i think it's Thomas Edison invention who had more contribution in Electricity, thanks to his
incandescent lamp it able us to see in the more properly. His invention help us to travel safely at night and
it able us to work also at night.

3. Which among the discoveries, concepts, and principles do you think had the most significant
contribution in today’s modern world? Why?

- I think it's Nicola Tesla's discoveries who had a great contribution in todays modern world, his
discovery of Tesla coil made us able to develope electricity. Also some of the invention in electricity was
based in his principle.

4. In today’s modern and technologically advanced world, given the chance to invent or develop a
device, what would it be and why?

- To be honest if I given a chance to develope a device I want to develope an automated small cooling
device, well my idea is like a making a small Aircon but still I want to make it. I want to make this device
because here in the Philippines the temperature is so hot and it's hard to find a place to cool yourself, but
using this device no matter where you are you can can cool yourself.

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