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The Teaching Of Science

Name: Patricio B. Isaran Year & Section: BSEd Science-3


Lesson 1. The Science Curriculum

Task /Drill:

1. Based on the development of science education in the Philippines, as a future science teacher, can you
cite improvements in the delivery of science as a subject? If yes, kindly list at least 5 proofs of
development/improvements. If you think otherwise, give your reason.

- No, there is still no improvements in delivering science as a subject, teaching science is a challenge and
hard that's the reason why we still don't have improvements in delivering it. Base on my research some of
the researcher had able to come up with ideas and tips on how to improve science teaching, since it was
just an idea we cannot say if it's effective or not and that's also the reason why we cannot say it as an
improvement in delivering science as a subject.

2. What are the factors affecting curriculum organization? Briefly describe each.

The following are the factors the generally affect the curriculum organization:

The pupils

- A young person who plans to be a teacher and who spends part of his or her time in preliminary
education undertaking teaching duties under the supervision of the head-teacher.

The teacher

- A teacher is a person, who provides education for people; one who teaches or instructs. The role of
teacher is often formal and ongoing, carried out at a school or other place of formal education.

The text books

- Text book used as a standard work for the study of a particular subject.

The need of the society

- The idea behind the framework is that societal systems are systems meant to meet societal needs of the

The tools and equipment

- Tool and equipment used in teaching as a supplement in class room instruction to enhance the interest of
students. Teaching materials are important catalysts of effective instructions.
Examination and evaluation

- An examination (exam or evaluation) is an educational assessment intended to measure a test-taker's

knowledge, skill, aptitude, physical fitness, or classification in many other topics.

Advancements in science

- The generation or discovery of knowledge that advances the understanding of science, that allows us to
develop new technologies, solve practical problems, and make informed decisions.

Political force

- It enables people or groups to control the policies and functions in the school.

The geographic factors

- Geographic factors would influence the decision on where to locate a new school in the local

Supervision and administration

- Educational administration and supervision programs focus on the general principles and methods to
teach students how to manage schools and other educational organizations.

Lesson 2. The Science Teacher

Task/ Drill: Construct an essay answering all the questions below:

1. What are the basic academic qualifications required of a science teacher?

2. Why is there a need for a teacher to make sure that he/she is updated professionally?

3. Are you ready to become a science teacher? Give your reasons.


As a future teacher it's really important to expand my knowledge and get more learnings while i'm still
young because this learnings will help me to achieve my goals in life as a teacher. In becoming a teacher
there is some qualifications required, teachers need to have a bachelor's degree, have experience teaching
(usually accomplished through student teaching), and hold a valid teaching certificate in their state and
this qualifications will uphold me as a certified teacher. This qualifications is hard enough for me to
accomplish and In order for me to to get a bachelor degree i need to take this course for four years in
order to complete and that's and a pressure on me. Being a teacher is not that simple because a teacher
must always be updated because of the changes that's happening, being updated will help the teachers to
improve their understanding on how to deliver effective education, and ensures they can adapt to the
changing needs of students. By doing this it can make the teacher's more professional and the more
professional development teachers get, the more likely students are to succeed. Still, like I said becoming
a teacher is really hard and I also need to get qualifications to be a certified teacher, that's why im not
ready yet to become a teacher plus I still lack more knowledge and experience. Having experience is the
most important thing in being a teacher because through experience we can easily adapt in any situation, I
said that being a teacher is really hard but it doesn't mean that I give up. In order to pursue our dreams of
course there will be some hardships and challenges, that's why I will make sure to pass these challenges
and achive my goals in life.


Answer the following questions

1. What is curriculum? What are the principles of curriculum construction?

- The term curriculum refers to the lessons and academic content taught in a school or in a specific course
or program. Curriculum is the outline of concepts to be taught to students to help them meet the content
standards. There is ten principles of curriculum construction:

1. The Principles of Child centeredness

2. The Principle of Community centeredness
3. The Principle of Integration
4. Conservation Principle
5. Creative Principle
6. Principle of Activity centeredness
7. Forward Looking Principle
8. Principle of Elasticity and Variety
9. Principle of Totality and Experience
10. Principle of Scientific Thinking

2. Make a list of various defects in present day curriculum in our school.

 Curriculum are static

 Absence of vocational and technical studies
 Students' lack of participation in online class.
 Over-load activities to do for teachers and students

3. What special qualifications are required for a science teacher?

- To qualify for a science teacher position, all candidates must hold, at a minimum, a bachelor's degree,
preferably in science or a specific field. Master's Degree in Education or in a specialized field in Science,
Mathematics or in any of the related subjects.
4. Describe briefly the steps that you may take for your professional growth.

- In order to for me to grow as a professional I must develop my skill and improve my knowledge,
understanding the subjects that I take is important because it can give me more learnings. Also, taking
action such as joing activities in science can help me improve my social communication, this can also
give me an idea to develop my own style of teaching in the future.

5. List down the limitations in the current system of education in teaching science.

 Students' inability to understand the lessons taught.

 Students' lack of interest in science.
 There's no enough time to teach all the aspect of science.

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