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UW -Madison Learning Support Services Novem ber 21, 2007

Van Hise Hall - Room 274


PORTUGUESE FILM S ON VIDEO (Various distributors, 1986-89)

TYPE OF PROGRAM : Portuguese culture and civilization: feature film

DESCRIPTION: Popular & classic films either produced in the Portuguese language, or about a
Portuguese or Brazilian subject. Most have English subtitles. VIDEOTAPES ARE FOR
RESERVE USE IN THE M EDIA LIBRARY ONLY -- Instructors may check them out for up
to 24 hours to preview them or show them in class.
AUDIENCE: Any; Portuguese is needed for films not subtitled


All Nudity Shall be Punished PG2.015.079

Amores (Loves) PG2.015.058
Brazil. 1998. D VD . 95 m in. C olor. In Portuguese w/3 language subtitles. D irected by D om ingos Oliveria. Set in Rio de Janiero at the end of the
m illennium , a group of friends share their lives and experiences with each other. The film is a m oving com edy about universal them es: the couple
who tries to save a failing m arriage by having a child; an im pulsive girl who considers her father’s concerns an invasion of her privacy; the father
who fears losing his job; and a wom an who discovers that her boyfriends is bissexual. Like all of D om ingos Oliverira’s m ovies, “Am ores” explores
the fundam ental role of love in tour lives, this tim e in a style rem iniscent of W oody Allen.
Amores Possíveis see Possible Loves
Aniki Bóbó PG2.015.057
Portugal. 1942, 1991. 71 m in. B&W . D irected by Antonio Lopes R ibeiro. In his first feature-length film , M an oel de Oliveria portrays a group of
working class children living at the river’s edge in the city of O porto. As he depicts their gam es, their rivalries and their ploys to win a young girl’s
affection, Olivera im bues his film with poetic im ages that convey a m essage of peace and reconciliation.
Antonio das M ortes PG2.015.021
Brazil. 1968. 100 m in. Portug ue se w ith E ng lish subtitles. D irected by Glauber R ocha. A m asterful transform ation of native folk art and m ystical
tradition, this violent, im m ensely powerful and original work concerns the m atador of cangacieros, a paid killer of rebels and bandits in the backlands.
The successful film established the Brazilian Cinem a Nova.
April Capitans see Capitaes de abril PG2.015.059
At Play in the Fields of the Lord PG2.015.028
U SA. 1991. 186 m in. In English. D irected by H ecotr Babenco. A cautionary epic adventure film ed on location in the rainforest jugles of Brazil. D ram a
about test of faith and cultural interference puts the fate of an entire na tive Ind ian tribe in the hads
of a few Am erican m issionaries.
Baile Perfum ado PG2.015.051
Brazil. 1997. 93 m in. In Portuguese with English subtitles. Directed by Paulo C aldas and Lirio Ferreira. Based on a true story, Perfum ed Ball tells
the story of one of Brazil’s m ost infam ous outlaws, “The C angaceriors.” Set in the 1930's the film follows Benjam in Abrahoa, a Lebanese im m igrant.
A fiilm aker and photographer, Abrahao sees an opportunity for fam e and fortune in the elusive Lam piao, one of the “cangaceriors” infam ous leaders.
Abraho m anages to track down Lam piao at his cam p and talks him into becom ing the subject of a docum entary film .
Bananas is my Business PG2.015.067
1994. DVD form at. 90 m in. Color. In English and Portuguese w/English subtitles. D irected by H elena Solberg and D avid M eyer. A docum entary film
that is the intim ate saga of C arm en Miranda who captured the world’s heart and im agination. The film reveals the lasting im age of Latin Am erican
wom en she created and serves as a celebration of her glorious talents. U sing archival footage, film fragm ents, interviews and dram atic re-
enactm ents, the film goes behind-the-scenes to convey the tru life story of the “B razilian Bom bshell.”
Behind the Sun PG2.015.055
Brazil. 200? 92 m in. Color. DVD form at. In Portuguese with optional English subtitles. Directed by W alter Salles. Inspired by the novel “Broken April”
by Ism ail Kadare. The story about love, loyalty and the choice a son m ust m ake between honoring his fam ily and following his heart. In the brutal
B razilian badlands of 1910, two fam ilies are locked in a bloody, generations-old feud. In one fam ily, the oldest rem aining son, distressed by the
prospect of death and encouraged by his younger brother, begins to question the cycle of violence. Then, a beautiful young wom an crosses his path
and opens his eyes to life outside his culture’s rigid code of honor.
Bicho de sete cabeças PG2.015.071
Brazil. 2001. 74 m in. D VD . Portuguese w/subtitles. D irected by Lais Bodanzky. A m iddle class teenager, lives a norm al life until his father sends
him to a m ental institution, where he gets to know a com pletely absurd, inhum ane reality where people are devoured by a corrupt and cruel system .
There, he has to go through his own conflicts and is forced to grow up, to change forever his relationship with his father and his way of dealing with
Black God, W hite Devil PG2.015.023
Brazil. 1964. 102 m in. Video or D VD . Portuguese with English subtitles. D irected by Glauber R ocha. A quintessential film from Brazil's C inem a Novo,
this film of im m ense power is set in the im poverished N ortheastern B razil, and focuses on a poor peasant as he changes from a fanatical preacher
into an honorable bandit. A violent yet lyrical portrait of Brazilian society.
Black Orpheus PG2.015.004
Brazil. 1958. Portuguese with English subtitles. 103 m in.Video & D VD form at. D irected by M arcel Ophuls. M arcel C am us' quintessential love story
based on the Greek m yth of O rpheus and Eurydice is set against the vivid backdrop of carnival in R io de Janeiro. Orpheus, the streetcar conductor,
falls hopelessly in love with Eurydice; winner of the Grand Prize at C annes as well as Oscar for Best Foreign Film .
Bus 174 PG2.015.073
Brazil. 200. D VD . Portuguese w/English subtitles. 120 m in. C olor. D irected by Jose Padilha. O n 6/12/2000, a bus filled with passengers was hijacked
in R io de Janeiro in broad daylight. The kidnapper, Sandro do N ascim ento, terrorized his victim s for four and a half hours as the whole country
watched the dram a broadcast live on Brazilian TV. Based on an extensive research of stock footage, interviews and official docum ents, BU S 174
is the careful investigation of the hijacking–focusing on Sandro do N ascim ento, his childhood, and how unavoidably he was doom ed to becom e
a bandit.
Bye bye Brazil PG2.015.001
Brazil. 1980. Portuguese with E nglish subtitles. 105 m in. C olor. D irected by C arlos Diegues with Jose W ilker. A m agic caravan of con m en, lovers,
m usicians and fools is driving through the explosive backcountry landscape of Brazil. Bye Bye Brazil is a superb film written and directed by C arlos
D iegues, one of the founders of Brazil's C inem a N uovo m ovem ent. W ith the visual exuberance of Fellini and the bittersweet irony of Truffaut,
D iegues follows his threadbare troupe of entertainers back and forth across a land caught up in an avalanche of social change.
O cangaceiro (The cangaceiro) PG2.015.015
1953. Portugese only - N O subtitles. 112 m in. Black & white. D irected by Lim a Barreto. A Brazilian cowboy film .
Capitaes de abril PG2.015.059
Portugual. 1999. DVD (requires region free player.) 119 m in. In Portuguese w/no English subtitles.. D irected by M aria de M edeiros. In Portugal,
during the night of the 24 to the 25 of April of 1974, the radio plays “G randola”, a song banned by the governm ent, unleashing a m ilitary coup d’etat
that would change the face of the country and the destiny of the colonial territories that it controlled in A frica. At the sound of the voice of the poet
Jose Zeca Afonso, the rebelling troops take over the soliders’ barracks. The Portuguese Revolution stands out for its adventurous, as well as
peaceful and sentim ental, character of its developm ent.
Carandiru PG2.015.080
2004. Brazil. In Portuguese w/English subtitles. D VD . 145 m in. C olor. D irected by H ector Babenco. This is the true story of the Carandiru (prison)
M assacre in October 1992.
Carlota Joaquina: Princesa do Brazil PG2.015.030
Brazil. 1994. Portuguese only - N O subtitles. 100 m in. Color. Directed by Carola Cam urati.
A cartom ante [The Fortuneteller] PG2.015.072
Brazil. 2004. 95 m in . D VD . Portuguese w/subtitles. D irected by W ager Assis and Pablo U ranga. R ita is about to m arry a wealthy physician, D r.
Augusto Vilela. One night, Velela’s best friend, Cam ilo, is brought to the hospital, dying from an overdose. Vilela saves his life and introduces him
to his fiancee. R ita and Cam ilo fall in love and, confused about what to do, the girl goes to a fortuneteller to seek for advice. A free adaptation of
the short-story by M achado de Assis.
A Casa assassinada PG2.015.056
Brazil. 1971. In Portuguese. D irected by Paulo Cesar Saraceni. Tim oteo is the vastly overweight and wildly effem inate younger son of the M enezes
clan living in their decadent fam ily estate located in econom ically stagnant and staunchly conservative early twentieth-centruy M inas Gerais province
of Brazil. Tim oteo responds to the ostracism and rejection by isoloating him self in a guilding away from the m ain house and, especially, wearing
wom en’s clothes while retaining m ost physical tokens of m aleness. H e could only count on two allies, Alberto, a farm hand who is adrift without a
role in a world predicated on roles; and N ina, herself and outsider brought in from R io de Janiero by one of the M enezes brothers only to be crushed
by the petty world of sm all-tw on M inas Gerais. Both allicances, however, are short lived as Alberto and nina also face intense rejection and
encounter an early death, leaving Tim oteo to fend off for him self.
Central Station PG2.015.041
Brazil. 1998. In Portuguese w/English subtitles. 106 m in. C olor. VH S or D VD . Director: W alter Salles. Inside Rio de Janeiro’s bustling Central Station,
two unlikely souls becom e inextricably linked. A young boy witnesses his m other’s accidental death, a lonely retired school-teacher reluctantly takes
the child under her wing. The two form an uncom m on bond as they venture from the bustling city to Brazil’s barren and rem ote northeast region
in search of the boy’s father.
City of God PG2.015.065
Brazil. D VD . C olor. In Portuguese w/English, Spanish and French subtitles. 130 m in. D irected by Fernando M eirelles. Set in R io de Janerio’s “C ity
of God” slum ,a frail and scared young boy will grow up to discover that he can view the harsh realities of his surroundings with a different eye: the
ye of an artist. In the face of im possible odds, his brave am bition to becom e a profession al ph otographer becom es a window into his world and
ultim ately his way out.
Copacabana PG2.015.088
1947. D VD . B& W . 9 1 m in . W ith G ro ucho M arx, C arm en M iranda. D irected by Alfred E. Green. M usical com edy set in N ew York’s legendary
Copacabana PG2.015.060
Brazil. 2001. D VD . 92 m in. In Portuguese w/subtitles English, Spanish, Italian and French. D irected by C arla Cam urati. On the eve of photographer
Alberto’s 90 th birthday, a group of rowdy friends prepare a surprise party. But just as the celebrations are about to start, Albert is swept back in tim e
on a hum orous and poignant journey through the key m om ents of his working and social life. M em ories are shared with his friends, other aging
inhabitants of the area like him . Gradually, these m em ories blend with the historical facts of the district to form a living tableau of life in Capacabana
and Brazil since the beginning of the 20 th century. C ontrasting the m em ories of the golden years of the neighborhood that once was the capital of
the Brazilian republic is today’s C opacabana, full of beauty and surprises.
O corpo (The Body) PG2.015.034
Brazil. Portuguese only - NO subtitles. 80 m in. C olor. An adaptation of the short story of the sam e title by Brazilian author Clarice Lispector. Xavier,
drugstore owner and m acho m an extraordinaire, lives in bigam y with two wom en, Carm en and Beatriz. The three live in com plete harm ony until
the day the two wom en learn that Xavier has taken up a thrid lover, M onique the call girl. H igly parodic treatm ent of h eterose xual relationships
in Brazil.
Cronicamente Inviavel (Chronically Unfeasible) PG2.015.053
Brazil. 1998. C olor. 101 m in.D VD or VH S. In Portuguese w/English subtitles. D irected by Sergio Bianchi. D irector Sergio Bianch throws down the
gauntlet in an explosive and stridently political docudram a, a critical look at inequality, corruption and hypocrisy in contem porary Brazil. A m osaic
of characters, spanning all five regions of the enorm ous country and all classes, interact in pointedly loaded situations, as they struggle to survive,
m entally and physically, within their chaotic society.
Da terra ao sonho de Rose PG2.015.078
A dama do lotacao (Lady on the Bus) PG2.015.022
Deus e o diabo na terra so sol PG2.015.023
Dois corregos (Tw o Streams) PG2.015.061
Brazil. 1999. DVD . 112 m in. C olor. In Portuguese w/4 language subtitles. Carlos Alberto R iccelli plays a m ature m an who lives clandestinely in Brazil
during the m ilitary dictatorship in 1969. An ex-m ember of the arm ed struggle, he finds him self hiding at his sister’s country home in the sm all town
of D ois C orregos. There he lives together with three fascinating wom en; Ana Paula, his niece, Lydia, an accom plished pianist and a m ilitary officer’s
daughter, and Teresa, Ana Paula’s friend who is involved with and arm y sergeant. N arrated in flashback, Ana P aula rem em bers the holidays she
s p e n t w i th her two friends and the m ysterious presence of her uncle.
Dois perdidos num a noite suja PG2.015.070
Brazil. 2002. DVD . 100 m in. Portuguese w/subtitles. Directed by Jose Joffily. Story of two illegal Brazilian im m igrants in New York. The film shows
the relationship of the couple in love m id hope, difficulties, and m isencounters in a beautiful and violent m etropolis. A free adaptation of the play
by Plinio M arcos.
Doll Face PG2.015.089
1945. 80 m in. B&W . D VD . R estored version. W ith C arm en M iranda, Vivian Blaine, D ennis O ’Keefe, Perry C om o. D irected by Lewis Seiler. The story
of a stripper who wants to m ake it on Broadway, so she undergoes “refining” when her boyfriend/m anager decides that’s what she needs to succeed.
They hire a ghostwriter to publish er autobiography, but things to awry as he falls in love with her–and her boyfriend finds out. Adapted from the
play “The N aked Genius,” written by real-life exotic dancer Louise Hovick, a.k.a. Gypsy R ose Lee.
Dom ésticas see M aids PG2.015.083
Dona Flor e seus dois maridos (Dona Flor and her tw o husbands) PG2.015.017
Brazil. 1975. Portugese only - N O subtitles. 120 m in. C olor. D irected by Bruno Barreto. A wildly com ic version of a love triangle. Based on a novel
by Jorge Am ado.
Dow n Argentine W ay PG2.015.090
1940. D VD . C olor. 88 m in. C aptioned. W ith Don Am eche, Betty Grable, C arm en Miranda. D irected by Irving Cum m ings. M usical. Everyone goes
south of the border in this com ic tale of horseracing, with lots of rom ance and nightclubbing tossed in. G lenda (G rable) wants to buy a horse from
Ricardo (Am eche). But because their families have been feuding for years, Ricard’s father refuses. But in true Rom eo and Juliet fashion, the two
fall in love. C arm en M iranda m akes her N orth Am erican film debut and the Nicholas Brothers do brilliant things with the feet in this m ovie.
Eles não usam Black Tie (They don't wear black tie) PG2.015.018
Brazil. 1981. Portugese only - N O subtitles. 115 m in. C olor. D irected by Leon H irszm an. A dram a about two fam ilies in today's difficulties of Sao
Paulo, Brazil. A film version of the play by Gianfrancesco Guarnieri.
Eu sei que vou te amar see Love M e Forever or Never PG2.015.062
Foreign Land PG2.015.081
1995. Brazil. D VD . B&W . 100 m in. In Portuguese w/English subtitles. After the unexpected death of his m other, Paco, an aspiring actor from Sao
Paulo, longs to leave his native Brazil. Tired of living in squalor, he accepts a delivery job from a shady antique dealer and travels to Lisbon carrying
a violin filled with uncut diam onds. But when the excahnge goes bad, he finds him self on the run from an underworld thug and in the arm s of Alex,
a beautiful wom an caught up in the Portuguese black-m arket.
Four Days in September PG2.015.040
U SA. 1997. In English. 107 m in. C olor. VH S or D VD . D irected by Bruno Barreto. Based on true life events. Political terrorists, in a desperate bid
to focus the world’s attention on their fight for freedom , kidnap an Am erican Am bassador. Now, the diplom at’s life hangs in the balance...helplessly
caught between a governm ent unwilling to cooperate...and his fear of the captors them selves.
Four Jills in a Jeep PG2.015.091
1944. VH S form at. 89 m in. C lose captioned. B&W . W ith Kay Frances, C arole Landis, M artha Raye M itzi M ayfair, C arm en M iranda, Betty Grable.
D irected by W illiam A. Seiter. M usical. U SO tour of four wom en who entertained soldiers from England to N orth Africa.
Francisca PG2.015.045
Portugal. 1981. Portuguese w/N O subtitles. B/W . 160 m in. D irected by M anoel de Oliveira. This film is an adaptation of the novel Fanny Ow en
by Augustina Bessa Luis, which was inspired by a true story. The plot is based on the two m ain characters, Jose A ugusto e C am ilo C astelo Branco,
reflections on life, wom en, fatalism , etc. W hile the debate is developed throughout the film , the characters are represented as victim s of their own
The Gang’s All Here PG2.015.092
1943. D VD . C olor. 103 m in. W ith Alice Faye, C arm en M iranda, Phil Baker. D irected by Busby Berkeley. M usical. A chorus gilr dream s of becom ing
a star. W hile working at a N ew york nightclub, she m eets Sergeant Andy M ason; they fall in love, but he is shipped off to war. As she becom es the
headliner at the nightclub, Andy com es hom e a war hero. But com plications arise when she finds out that he is un officially engaged to another
wom an.
O Guarani PG2.015.032
Brazil. 1996. In Portuguese only - 91 m in. Color. Directed by Norm a Bengell. Film version of Jose’ de Alencar’s celebrated historical novel.
C hronicles the form ation of the people of Brazil through the interaction of the Portuguese (the wom an, C eci) with the natives (the m an, Peri.)
A guerra de Canudos (The Battle of Canudos) PG2.015.052
Brazil. 1997. C olor. 165 m in. In Portuguese w/English subtitles. D irected by Sergio Rezende. 10/5/1897: the citizens of the Belo M onte em pire, the
tow n know n as C anudos, under their m ystical leader Antonio C onselheiro, brace for the assault of the soldiers of the newly created Brazilian republic.
R oughly based on Euclides da Cunha’s classic Os Sertoes (R ebell ionin the Backlands), the film follows a single fam ily, with daughter Luiza caught
between both cam ps. At the tim e of its production, this was the biggest budget film in Brazilian history.
Hallucinations of a Deranged M ind PG2.015.027
Brazil. D irected by Jose M ojica M arins. A ll the scenes that were censored by the m ilitary dictatorship in Brazil in one m ovie. "Abnorm al
D elierm " shows the curse of a young m an haunted in his dream s by Coffin Joe. Banned scnes from over ten of M ojica's m ovies, a m ix
of both color and black and white, that prove the genius of this direcotr and actor.
Hans Staden PG2.015.063
Brazil. 1999. 92 m in. D VD . C olor. In Portuguese w/subtitles in Portuguese, English, Spanish and French. D irected by Luiz Alberto Pereira. The film s
tells the story of Hans Staden, a G erm an sailor who was shipwrecked off the coast of Santa C atarin, Brazil in 1550. Two years later, he arrives in
Sao Vicente, a site of Portuguese colonization. There he spent two years working as a gunner at the Fort of Bertioga. In January of 1554, on the
eve of his return to Europe, he sets out in a canoe on a nearby river to search for his Indian slave who has disappeared while fishing. An enem y
Indian tribe, the Tupinam bas, capture Staden and take him to their village where they plan to kill and devour him in an anthropophagous ritual.
The Hero (O Heroi) AF2.072.071
Angola. 2005. 97 m in. D VD . C olor. In Portuguese w/English subtitles. D irected by Zeze G am boa. W inner, Grand Prize, W orld Dram atic C om petition
2005 Sundance Film Festival The H ero (O H erói) is the story of Angola, a nation torn apart by forty years of uninterrupted war, and now trying
Im perfectly but courageously to piece itself back together. It is also the story of a city, Luanda, like so m any in the Third W orld, trying to absorb the
m illions of people displaced by civil strife and global econom ic change. After a thirteen year national liberation struggle against the Portuguese
colonialists ended with independence in 1975, Angola plunged im m ediately into a brutal civil war. The national M PLA governm ent, backed initially
by C uba and the Soviet U nion, and the U N ITA rebels, supported by the U .S. and the South A frican apartheid regim e, rem ained locked in conflict
until 2003, long after the end of the C old W ar itself.
A hora da estrela (Hour of the star) PG2.015.003
Brazil. 1985. Portuguese with English subtitles. 96 m in. DVD & VH S. Color. Directed by Suzana Am aral from a novel by C larice Lispector. The film
explores the life of an im poverished young wom an who m oves to the city of Sao Paolo from the northeast countryside of Brazil. M acabea has no
chance for success, yet she finds m om ents of happiness through hope and fantasy.
How Tasty W as M y Little Frenchman PG2.015.031
Brazil. 1973. 80 m in. DVD or VH S. Color. In French and Tupi with English subtitles. Directed by Nelson Pereira D os Santo. W ith Arduino C olasanti,
Ana M aria M agalhaes, Ital N atur. Black C om edy set in the jungles of Brazil, tells the story of a French explorer who tries in vain to be accepted by
the tribe of cannibals who has captured him .
O homem nu PG2.015.039
Brazil. 1997. 75 m in. Color. In Portuguese w/NO subtitles. Directed by Hugo Carvana. Based on the story by Fernando Sabino. Film follows
the travails of a 45 yr.old m an, Silvio, who needs to get the airport in a hurry to catch a plane. At the airport he m eets a group of old friends and
they start to party. A sum m er storm forces cancellation of their flight, so they go to the hom e of the friends, where our hero spends the night. In
the m orning he wakes up in a strange place all by him self, and when he opens the door of the ap artm en t to collect the fresh bread which the
bakery services had left by the doorstep, the wind shuts down the door behind him , locking it, and voila, the problem s start, as he is stark naked
in a strange building. Film is a com edy plus a m ordant satire of the police, the m edia and social conventions in general.
O homem que copiava see The M an W ho Copied
The Jester PG2.015.025
Portugal. 1987. Portuguese with English subtitles. C olor. 127 m in. D irected by Jose Alvaro M orais. Intertwines excerpts of Alexandre H erculano's
classic play, "O Bobo," which chronicles the founding of Portugal's m onarchy, with a m odern-day dram a about Portugal after the loss of Angola:
the rise and fall of em pire.
Jubiabá PG2.015.012
Brazil. 1987. Portuguese only - N O subtitles. 100 m in. C olor. D irected by Nelson Pereira D os Santos. W ith Françoise G oussard, C harles Baiano,
and C atherine R ouvel. Film adaptation of Jorge Am ado's novel tells the stroy of an ill-fated love affair of an interracial couple in 1930's Brazil.
The Kayapó of Gorotire: SEE SP2.075.001 tape guide
Kiss of the spider wom an PG2.015.005
Brazil. 1985. English dialogue (no subtitles). 119 m in. C olor. D irected by H ector Babenco with Sonia Braga, W illiam H urt, R aul Julia. A com plex
story of a friendship between two m en with radically different perspectives on life. Sharing a prison cell som ewhere in Latin Am erica, M olina, a
hom osexual, and Valentin, a political prisoner, have only one thing in com m on -- they are both victim s of society.
Lady on the Bus PG2.015.022
Latitude Zero PG2.015.075
Brazil. 2000. 90 m in. D VD . Portuguese w/English subtitles. D irected by Toni Ventura. Lena, eight m onths pregnant, owns a forgotten bar next to
a highway where the trucks zip by but rarely stop. M eets Vilela a form er policem an wanted for a crim e he com m itted in S ao Paulo. The pair is hunted
by the m em ory of Lena’s form er husband. Based on an original stage play by Fernando Bonassi, the film delves into the souls of two Brazilians
isolated in one of the country’s nam eless reaches. A love story and a m etaphor taken to extrem es: a glim pse at an unequal society which excludes
m any of its citizens, pushing them into violent adventures of love and death.
Love M e Forever or Never (Eu sei que vou te amar) PG2.015.062
Brazil. 1986. 115 m in. D VD . In Portuguese w/subtitles. Directed by
Loves see Amores PG2.015.058
M adam e Sata PG23.015.087
2002. Brazil. D VD . In Portuguese w /E nglish subtitles. 105 + 28 m in. Color. W ritten and directed by Karim Ainouz. Born to slaves in the arid
wasteland of N orthern Brazil and sold by his m other at the age of 7 for a m ule, Joao Francisco dos Santos battles all stereotypes on the m ean streets
of Lapa, R io de Janiero in the 1930s. Jailed for 27 of his 76 years, dos Santos was an explosive figure prone to excessive bouts of violence and
m om ents of extrem e tenderness the next m om ent. .
M acunaíma PG2.015.009
Brazil. 1969. Portuguese with NO subtitles. 103 m in. C olor. D irected by Joaquim Pedro de Andrade, with G rande O telo, D ina Sfat, Paulo José, M ilton
G onçalves, Jardel Filho. C om edy of the absurd. Adapted from the book by M ario de Andrade. The story of M acunaim a, born in the village of a
cannibal tribe, and his adventures in the city.
M aids PG2.015.083
D VD , requires region free player.
The M an W ho Copied (O Hom em Que Copiava) PG2.015.068
Brazil. 2003. D VD . 123 m inutes. C olor. In Portuguese w/optional English subtitles. D irected and written by Jorge Furtado. R om ance and trigues
await a poor copy m achine operator who learns that counterfeiting and m urder are a lethal com bination in thei entralling Brazilian thriller that blends
good-hum ored rom anticism , poignant social observations and exciting crim inal action.
The M an W ho Turned Into Juice PG2.015.050
Brazil. 1980. 97 m in. In Portuguese with English subtitles. D irected by Joao Batista de Andrade. A poet from the N ortheast sells his poem s on the
streets of Sao Paulo. M istaken for som eone else, he is forced to hide from the police, becom es a construction worker, and is confronted with the
exploitation and oppression of the workers.
M anha subm ersa (Subm ersed M orning) PG2.015.047
Portugal . 1980. Portuguese with NO subtitles. 127 m in. C olor. D irected by Lauro Antonio. An adaptation of the novel by Vergilio Ferreira, M anha
subm ersa (Subm ersed M orning) describes the com ing of age of a twelve year old boy who spends his tim e between the austerity of D ona Estefania’s
house, the snow and sensuality of his childgood village, and the silence of the sem inary. This is a powerful piece in which a young m an begins to
discover him self and the world around him , including: repression in education, his country’s poverty, social inequalities, friendship, and love.
M e You Them PG2.015.054
Brazil. 2000. D VD form at. Portuguese with optional E nglish, French, Spanish, C hinese, Korean, Thai. C olor. 107 m in. D irected by Angrucha
W addington. One wom an, four sons, three fathers.
M emorias do carcere PG2.015.035
Brazil. 1984. Portuguese with NO subtitles. 220 m in. C olor. D irected by N elson Pereira dos Santos. R evisits the real life experience of m ajor
R egionalist novelist Graciliano R am os (1892-1953) as political prisoner following the Vargas dictatorship carckdoen on suspected C om m unists
in m id-1930's Brazil. Eloquent film rendition of R am os’ depiction of the physical space and m oral atm osphere of the prison and of his stuggle with
his own prejudices against regular prisoners.
M emórias Póstum as de Brás Cubas PG2.015.076
Brazil. 2001. D VD . 101 m in. In Portuguese w/English subtitles. D irected by Andre Kltzel. Bras C ubas, is a m an with half-hearted political am bions,
a harebrained idea for curing the world of m elancholy, and a thousand quixotic theories. H e has just m et his fate and now takes a long look back
on his life and tim es, m aking fun of the society in R io de Janeiro during the second half of the 19 th century. A free adaptation of the 19 th century
m asterpiece by Brazilian author M achado de A ssis.
Narradores de Javé PG2.015.077
Brazil. 2005. D VD . 102 m in. The population of Ja vé is threa ten ed to disappear by the new hydropower dam . Antônio Bia is in charge or
reconstructing the history of the town through the oral m em ory of its people.
Opera do M alandro PG2.015.014
Brazil. 1987. Portuguese with English subtitles. 108 m in. C olor. D irected by R uy Guerra. Book, m usic and lyrics by C hico Buarque. W ith Edson
C elulari, C laudia Ohana, Elba R am alho, and Ney Latorraca. A m usical com edy about a dapper hoodlum on the seedy backstreets of Rio, whose
search for the Am erican dream is thwarted by the schem es of a Brazilian dream girl.
Orfeu PG2.015.086
1999. Brazil. D VD . C olor. 112 m in. In Portuguese w/English subtitles. D irected by C arlos D ieques. The Greek m yth of Orpheus and his love for the
nym ph Eurydice is brought to the screen with intoxicating results in this lush, vibrant feature. Like M arcel C am us' 1959 classic, Black Orpheus, this
film transposes the legend to R io de Janeiro during C arnaval, but the portrayal of the event and the m yth is notably different than the earlier film ,
reflecting an entirely different era and sensibility. "An original and intoxicating creation" (Kevin Thom as, Los Angeles Tim es). Featuring the m usic
of C aetano Veloso.
The Other Side of the Street PG2.015.066
Brazil. 2005. 98 m in. C olor. D VD . In Portuguese with English subtitles. D irected by M arcos Bernstein. R egina, a lonely 65 year old who works on
the neighborhood watch for the police in C opacabana, Brazil, believes she has witnessed a m urder in the building across the street, and ends up
getting involved with the suspect in a potentially dangerous chain of events that will force her to take stock of her life in a way that she could never
have im agined.
O pagador de prom essas (Payer of prom ises) PG2.015.011
B razil. 1962. Portuguese with N O subtitles. 95 m in. Black/W hite. D irected by Anselm o D uarte, with Leonardo Vilar, Glória M enezes, D ionísio
Azevedo, Geraldo D'el R ey, Othon Bastos. D ram a. From the cassette jacket: "Baseado na peça hom ônim a de D ias gom es, ese film e jà com oveu
m ilhares de espectadores em todo o m undo, com a dram ática história de Zé do B urro, um cam ponês que prom ete levar um a cruz tao pesada
quanto a de C risto ao altar de Santa Barbara, caso seu burro de estim açao se recupere dos ferim entos sofridos num a tem pestade."
O pai tirano (The Tyrannical Father) PG2.015.044
Portugal. 1941. Portuguese with NO subtitles. B/W . 114 m in. D irected by Antonio Lopes R ibeiro. C hico M ega is not the only one nurturing a passion
for Tatao in the theater group, G rupo dos G randelinhas, A rtur de C astro is also fighting for Tatao’s attention. The group is rehearsing the play O
pai tirao (The Tyrannical Father) for their annual perform ance when Tatao becom es bored with C hico and returns her attention to Artur. Yet due
to an unforeseen m isunderstanding, Tatao is led to believe that C hico is a wealthy heir who left hom e due to m isunderstandings with his father.
C hico takes advantage of the confusion to win back Tatao’s heart, but Artur won’t give up without a fight and the consequences are unim aginable!
Party PG2.015.042
Portugal. 1996. 88 m in. C olor. Portuguese with N O subtitles. D irected by M anoel de Oliveira. This film secretly looks to dem onstrate the goodness
of wom en while m en turned out perverse and full of ill intentions. Yet, at the sam e tim e, not as paradoxical as it appears, this film dem onstrates the
exact opposite: wom en are evil and m en are saints. W herever the truth m ay lie, one thing rem ains undoubtable: there is a hidden conflict between
the sexes, a conflict which neither experience nor age can resolve.
O patio das cantigas (The Courtyard of the Ballads) PG2.015.043
Portugal. 1941. 125 m in. B/W . Portuguese with N O subtitles. D irected by Francisco Ribeiro. C onsidered one of the best com edies of Portuguese
cinem a, this is the intertwined story of crossed loves beginning with Rosa who lived in the courtyard of Evaristo and had two suitors: N arciso, who
drinks to drown his sorrows, and Evaristo D roguista, a m an or rustic nature who is virtually related to all other characters in the film in som e way
or another.
Pixote PG2.015.002
Brazil. 1981. Portuguese with English subtitles. 130 m in. D VD & VH S. C olor. D irected by H ector Babenco with M arilla Pera, Fernando R am os D a
Silva, based on the novel Infancia dos M ortos by Jose Louzeiro. Like Los Olvidados, the Buñuel film , Pixote is a story of abandoned children who
becom e thieves, drug peddlers and prostitutes, even m urderers in order to survive.
Policarpo quaresma PG2.015.095
Possible Loves (Amores Possiveis) PG2.015.069
Brazil. 2000. D VD . 98 m in. In Portuguese w/English subtitles. C olor. D irected by Sandra W erneck. C om edy-dram a. A beautiful, young university
student stands up her date a Rio theater. Fifteen years later they bum p into each other. W hat happened during the fifteen years? This film won
the Latin Am erican C inem a Award at the Sundance Film Festival.
Posthumous M emoirs of Brás Cubas see M emórias Póstum as de Brás Cubas PG2.015.076
O Primo Basilio PG2.015.064
1958. Portugal. 138 m in. R equires m ulti-standard playback m achine. B&W . In Portuguese w/no subtitles. D irected by Antonio Lopes R ibeiro. Based
on the novel by 19 th century author Eca de Queiros, this faithful adaptation tells the story of a young Lisbon housewife’s adulterous relationship and
its disastrous consequences.
O quatrilho PG2.015.029
Brazil. 1995. Video or D VD (requires region free D VD player.). In Portuguese only - N O subtitles. 120 m in. C olor. D irected by Fabio Barreto. The
story of two Italian im m igrant couples living in Rio Grande do Sul in 1930. Both couples are part of a gam e of facsination and secudtion that leads
to trason and brings serious consequences to those who lose.
Quilom bo PG2.015.026
Brazil. 1984. Portuguese with English subtitles. 114 m in. VH S or D VD . C olor. D irected by C arlos D iegues. Set in the m id-1600's, disgruntled slaves
in northern Brazil leave their plantations and form Quilom bo de Palm ares--their own dem ocratic nation in the jungle. But this doesn't sit well
with the Portuguese landowners, who send in their troops to restore control.
Recordacoes da Casa Amarela PG2.015.046
Portugal. 1989. Portuguese with NO subtitles. 120 m in. C olor. D irected by Ioao C esar M onteiro. A m iddle aged, ill fated, m entally ill m an is kicked
out of his cheap, run down boarding house after going against the owner’s daughter. Alone, penniless, and without anywhere to go, he finds him self
face to face with the harshness of urban life. H e finally ends up adm itted to an asylu, which he will later leave to com plete a unique m ission which
was suggested to him be another patient.
Rostov Luanda PG2.015.038
M auritania /A ngola/France/Germ any. 1997.Portuguese & French with English subtitles. 58 m in. Color. Directed by Abderrahm ane Sissako. This
film chronicles the director’s search for a friend of the past. In this personal retrospective, Sissako encounters present-day Angola and traces the
great lines of Africa’s recent history.
O sonho de Rose PG2.015.078
Brazil. 1987/2000. 176 m in. D VD . Portugues w/subtitles. D irected by Tete M oraes. Two docum entaries m ade by Tete M oraes: “Terra para Rose”
of 19 87 , Is the story of a Rose and her fam ily, who together with 1,500 fam ilies occupied a land in Rio Grande do Sul. This film discusses the
agrarian reform in Brazil after the m ilitary dictatorship and the beginning of the M ST m ovem ent. “O sonho de R ose”, film ed 10 years after, revisits
the fam ily of her first docum entary. M usic by C hico Buarque.
A Talking Picture PG2.015.084
Portugal. 2003. 93 m in. C olor. D vd. In Porgutues, French and greek w/optional Englishs butiltes. D irected by M andel D e Oliveira. A m editation on
civilization. July, 2001: friends wave as a cruise ship departs Lisbon for M editerranean ports and the Indian Ocean. On board and on day trips in
M arseilles, Pom peii, Athens, Istanbul, and C airo, a professor tells her young daughter about m yth, history, religion, and wars. M en approach her;
she's cool, on her way to her husband in Bom bay. After C airo, for two evenings divided by a stop in Aden, the captain charm s three successful,
fam ous (and childless) wom en, who talk with wit and intellect, each understanding the others' native tongue, a E uropean union. The captain asks
m other and child to join them . H e gives the girl a gift. Helena sings. Life can be sweet.
Tenda dos m ilagres (Tent of M iracles) PG2.015.024
Brazil. 1977. Portuguese with NO subtitles. 148 m in. C olor. Based on the Jorge Am ado's novel of the sam e title. D irected by N élson Pereira dos
Santos with H ugo C arvana, Sôia D ias, and Anecy R ocha. D epicts the cultural conflict which is unveiled when a C olum bia U niversity anthropologist
leaves for a research trip in Brazil. The film explores issues of race, class, and intellectual power at different levels of Brazilian society.
A terceira margem do rio (The Third Bank of the River) PG2.015.036
Brazil. Portuguese with NO subtitles. 94 m in. C olor. Film adaptation of the celebrated short story of the sam e title by one of the giants of Brazilian
literature, Joao G uim araes R osa (1908-1967.) A m an leaves his hom e, wife and children to live in a canoe in the m iddle of a river. H e never returns
to land nor is he ever again seen by anyone. M usic by the always sublim e M ilton Nascim ento.
Da terra ao sonho de Rose PG2.015.078
Brazil. 1987/2000. 176 m in. Portugues w/subtitles. D irected by Tete M oraes. Two docum entaries m ade by Tete M oraes: “Terra para Rose” of 1987,
is the story of a R ose and her fam ily, who together with 1,500 fam ilies occupied a land in R io Grande do Sul. This film discusses the agrarian reform
in Brazil after the m ilitary dictatorship and the beginning of the M ST m ovem ent. “O sonho de Rose”, film ed 10 years after, revisits the fam ily of her
first docum entary. M usic by C hico Buarque.
Terra em Transe PG2.015.082
Brazil. D VD . 115 m in. In Portuguese w/Portuguese, English, French and Spanish subtitles.
O Testamento Do Senhor Napumoceno (Napumoceno’s W ill) PG2.015.037
Portugal/C ape V erde. 1998. In Portuguese w/English subtitles. C olor. 110 m in. VH S or D VD . D irected by Francisco M anso. The film is an epic farce
from one of the world’s least known but m ost culturally com plex societies--C ape Verde. This classic tale of the hollowness at the core of provincial
bourgeois life introduces English speaking audiences to G erm ano Alm eida, one of the outstanding writers in Portuguese today. W ith its novelistic
breadth, the film offers a bildungsrom an of a m an and a society so caught up in the pursuit of conventional success and prestige it overlooks its
true self alm ost until it is too late.
That Night in Rio PG2.015.093
1941. D VD . C olor. 91 m in. W ith Alice Faye, D om Am eche, C arm en M iranda. D irected by Irving Cum m ings. M usical classic set in South Am erica.
To the Left of the Father PG2.015.085
Brazil. 2001. 172 m in. C olor. D VD . In Portuguese with English subtitles. D irected by Luiz Fernando C arvalho. razilian baroque. The young son that
ran from his dom inant fam ily, descends into decadence and then returns to the nest. W ith m elodram atic them es of tyrannical fathers, incest, fierce
f a m i l y c onflicts and an overheated and intense visual style to m atch.
Toda nudez será castigada (All Nudity Shall Be Punished) PG2.015.079
Brazil. 1973. 102 m in. D VD . Portuguese w/subtitles. D irected by Arnoaldo Jabor. H erculano, a m iddle class widow, who sworn never to m arry again,
falls in love with a prostitute, driving his son and his fam ily in a crisis of fam ily values. Based on the play by N elson R odrigues.
Um trem para as estrelas (A train to the stars) PG2.015.016
1987. Portugese only - N O subtiles. 103 m in. C olor. D irected by C arlos D iégues. The story of a m usician of the suburbs with a prom ising career
whose girlfriend suddenly disappears.
Tw o Streams see Dois corregos PG2.015.061
Vale Abraao (The Valley of Abraham ) PG2.015.048
Portugal. 1993. Portuguese with N O subtitles. C olor. 203 m in. Directed by M anoel de Oliveir. Vale Abraao is the story of Em a, a devastatingly
beautiful wom an who m arried C arlos, a m an she didn’t love and who didn’t lover her. She takes three successive lovers, each one unable to alleviate
her increasing sense of disillusionm ent, all leading to that one sunny day she will (accidentally?) D ie after having gotten dressed as if she were going
out for a night on the town.
Veja Esta cancao PG2.015.033
Brazil. 1994. 114 m in. C olor. In Portuguese only - N O subtitles. D irected by C arlos D iegues. Four short episodes created in response to four songs
by C hico B ua rque, C aetano Veloso and other m ajor nam es in contem porary Brazilian popular m usic. Each eqipsode bears the nam e of a song
and explores a different aspect of hum an relationships in m odern Brazil.
Vidas secas (Barren lives) PG2.015.020
Brazil. 1963. Portugese only - NO subtitles. 103 m in. VH S or DVD .Black & white. D irected by N elson Pereira dos Santos. The tragic story of a
fam ily forced to leave their farm and m ove to the city because of a drought. Film version of the novel by Graciliano R am os.
Villa-Lobos PG2.015.019
Brazil. Portugese only - N O subtitles. 90 m in. C olor. D irected by R oberto Feith. A docum entary on the life and career of H eiter Villa-Lobos, one
of Brazil's m ost outstanding 20th century m usical com posers.
W eek-end in Havana PG2.015.094
1941. D VD . C olor. 80 m in. W ith Alice Faye, C arm en M iranda. D irected by W alter Lang. A rom antic m usical com edy about a departm ent store clerk
on a C aribbean cruise, determ ined to have the vacation of her life.

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