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Learning Team 4 Doctor of Philosophy Major in Science Education

Sci Ed 804: Qualitative Design

and Data Management

Submitted to:
Marie Grace Cabansag
PNU Academic Year 2022 - 2023
Management and Leadership in Science Education


Title of the Proposed Habits of Minds: Students’ Metacognitive Practices in the Development
Qualitative Research of Science Process Skills in General Chemistry

Names of LT Members Joderon P. Nimes

Aimee Pareño
George Labayog
Amethyst Castro

Main Arguments Teachers frequently use a direct teaching approach rather than an
inquiry approach in their efforts to address the vast array of content
included in most science curricula. As a result, student learning is
frequently restricted to definitions and a few facts or details.
This hurried pace through the curriculum also means that students
rarely have time to reflect on what they are learning. Due to a lack of
processing time, students have few opportunities to make sense of the
science concepts embedded in the learning experiences or to learn the
information deeply.
If we want students to think about their thinking, we must teach them
the processes associated with metacognition and give them time to
practice those processes.
According to Tweed (2009), students must think critically and
creatively, reason scientifically, and monitor their own thinking and
progress toward learning objectives in order to develop a deep
understanding of science concepts.
The more a student understands about how he or she learns,
remembers, and processes information, the more information he or she
will retain. This ability is also linked to improved memory skills, which are
a predictor of future academic success (Blake, 2019).

Main and Specific Questions Presented in this study is the general aim of identifying metacognitive
classroom practices of students as they acquire science process skills in
their General Chemistry class.
The study would like to seek answers on the following:
1. What part of the chemistry class discussion you find interesting?
2. What do you usually do to help you:
a. understands the lesson well
b. finds other ways to learn prove that you have learned

Nimes, JP (2022)
Philippine Normal University
Management and Leadership in Science Education

Methodology This research is qualitative in nature. In Denzinand Lincoln's

Handbook of Qualitative Research (2005), they explained that qualitative
research involves an interpretative naturalistic approach to the world.
Qualitative research studies what is in the natural environment and
seeks to understand phenomena based on people's perception of
Qualitative research aims to understand the reality of high school
students who are actively engaged in their chemistry class trying to
enumerate their metacognitive practices, and is suitable for research.
Qualitative research is best suited for this type of research as it is a type
of research that captures people's perspectives, perceptions and
practices of a particular issue. Qualitative research also reveals an
individual's feelings about an issue.
Phenomenological research is a qualitative research approach that
seeks to understand and explain the universal nature of phenomena.
This approach explores people's everyday experiences and overturns
researchers' preconceived notions about the phenomenon. In other
words, phenomenological studies examine lived experiences to gain
greater insight into how people make sense of those experiences.

Nimes, JP (2022)
Philippine Normal University
Management and Leadership in Science Education

Procedure The researchers sought a permit from the office of the principal,
asking for a permission to conduct observation and interview for
students attending one chemistry class for research purposes.
The researchers designed a chemistry class to be observed.
Class observed on the metacognitive practices shown by students
during class.
Students subject for observation were interviewed also for furtherdata

Pilot Data

Data Analysis The collected data were analyzed using coding, categorizing, and
thematic analysis. Coding is just a structure on which reflection occurs.
Coding is accomplished by assigning uppercase letters that represent a
specific group of participants, lowercase letters that represent each
participant, and numbers that correspond to a participant's statement.
To generate a code, key points from each statement are extracted. Itis
critical to easily identify the differences between the participants as
well as the similarities between the answers. Categorizing is the
processof grouping statements that share the same code.

Nimes, JP (2022)
Philippine Normal University

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