Grid Bee

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What is Grid Bee? Grid Bee is a hexagonal electrical grid which includes a variety of
operational and energy measures including smart home, smart consumer, smart distribution,
smart operation center, and renewable energy. The Grid Bee will consist of controls, computers,
automation, and technologies and equipment working together, but in this case, these
technologies will work with the electrical grid to respond digitally to our quickly changing
electric demand. There are the two parts of grid bee namely the hexagonal grid, and the triangle

The hexagonal grid make bee grid more efficient. The form is hexagonal to facilitate the
power to connect, because there are six lines to supply electricity. So, electricity is not
extinguished, even though there is damage to some of the grid. Every home can produce electric
with solar cell. A home that produce many electric can use or sell their electric. So, the home
save energy will get money from the sale of electricity. The hexagonal grid connected with
smart operation center, it is have a function to set the electric lines. Grid bee is only using
renewable energy to reduce pollution and eco-friendly.

The triangle connection will connecting consumer with smart house and smart operation
center. Consumer can control an electronic device that was at smart home by using Smartphone,
So that the amount of energy used will be more efficient. Smart operation center has a function
to convey information to consumers, if there was trouble in electricity grid and also to regulate
the flow of electricity is flowing at the grid.

Briefly, to create eco-friendly district, we need smart system and management to meet
energy needs without damaging the environment. Grid bee is the solution of the problem. It may
be simple but, I hope my thinking can save the world.

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