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2 NLLS Story B READING Assessment 1

Name:Desmond Coleman

1) Read the story through a few times until you're sure you understand it. (DO NOT copy and
paste the text into Google Translate, that is cheating!!!)
2) Translate the story into English in the space below.
3) Respond to the reading comprehension questions with complete French sentences.
Charlotte was a nervous person. Charlotte was seventeen years
old and had never visited another city or country. She lived on a very
isolated farm far outside of a smaller village in Quebec.
She didn't have a car. She didn't have a cell phone or TV. She
didn't like technology because she didn't trust it. At Charlotte's house,
there was only one radio to listen to the weather report.
One day, she listened to her radio. There was a contest and the
winner would get a free trip to New York City, USA. Charlotte ran to a
neighbor's house to use her phone to call the radio station. She dialed the
number and...she won!
Charlotte was thrilled but she was also very nervous. She had
never been on a plane before. To fly, she would have to travel by bus to
Quebec City. She had never taken a bus or a plane, and she was afraid. She
decided to stay home and not go on the trip.
Charlotte was a nervous person. Charlotte was seventeen years old
and had never visited another city or country. She lived on a very
isolated farm far outside of a smaller village in Quebec.
She did not have a car. She didn't have a cell phone or TV. She
didn't like technology because she didn't trust it. At Charlotte's
house, there was only one radio to listen to the weather report.
One day, she listened to her radio. There was a contest and the
winner would win a free trip to New York City, USA. Charlotte ran
to a neighbor's house to use her phone to call the radio station. She
English 2 NLLS Story B READING Assessment 2

dialed the number and...she WON!

Charlotte was excited, but she was also very nervous. She had
never been on a plane before. To fly, she would have to travel by
bus to Quebec City. She had never taken a bus or a plane, and she
was afraid. She decided to stay home and not go on the trip.
1. What was the girl's name?

2. How did it look?

3. How old was she?

4. How do you say <<had never visited>> in English?

5. Did she live on a farm or in the village?

6. What was the farm like?

7. Where was the farm located?

8. List the things she didn't have:

9. Why didn't she like technology?

10. What did she have only?

11. What was on the radio?

12. What would the winner gain?

13. Is New York City in the United States or the United Kingdom?

14. Where did Charlotte run?

15. Who did she call?

16. How do you say <<dial in>> in English?

17. Did she win the contest?

18. How was Charlotte after she won?

English 2 NLLS Story B READING Assessment 3

19. What should she do to get to Quebec City?

20. Did she ever (already) take the bus or plane?

21. What did she have?

22. What did she decide to do?

Proficiency Indicators: Novice Mid: Novice High: Intermediate Low:

(Approaching Benchmark: (Meeting Benchmark: 12 (Exceeding Benchmark: 15
8 points) Points) points)

What can I understand, I can identify some basic facts I can identify the topic and I can identify the topic and
interpret or analyze in from memorized words and some isolated facts from related
authentic informational phrases when they are simple sentences in information from simple
supported by gestures or
texts? informational texts. sentences in
visuals in informational texts.
short informational texts.

What can I understand, I can identify some basic facts I can identify the topic and I can identify some basic
interpret or analyze in from memorized words and some isolated elements facts from memorized
authentic fictional texts? phrases when they are from simple sentences in words and phrases when
supported by gestures or short fictional texts. they are supported by
visuals in fictional texts.
gestures or visuals in
fictional texts.

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