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COLD & FLU Alterative Antibacterial AnticatarrhaAntihistamine Anti-inflammatoAntinociceptiv Anti-pain AntispasmodiAstringentAntitussive Antiviral Catalyst ChologogueDiaphoretic Expectorant Febrifuge Immune

phoretic Expectorant Febrifuge Immune stimulanLymphaticMoistensNervine, calmin Opens lungs Soothes Vulnerary Contraindications Helps
Aspen, Birch, Cottonwood, Willow bark X Analgesic X Take at least 1 oz
↓Bee balm Strong X Dries X X X Especially flowerExcellent X X Antispasmodic X Pregnancy Calming nervine, strong antiseptic to help infection
↑Blackeyed Susan & Echinacea X Excellent some properties Good X X None Powerful antioxidant, double the amount

↑Elder X Flowers only Some X Excellent X Good X X X Raw berries make some people sick, don't ingest redSpecific to influenza
↓Garlic & onion X X X X Excellent X AntispasmodiX Antispasmodic Good Powerful Mildly Antispasmodic X Mild Thins blood, allergies to garlic are extremely rare Onions drain sinuses
↑Honey X X X Tasty

Licorice Excellent X Useful X X Pregnancy, hypertension Improves function of other herbs, affinity for respiratory
Marshmallow, mallow, hollyhock X X anywhereX None Demulcent properties need to be extracted in water
Mullein X X Sedates lungs Excellent X Mild X Calms bronchiol X Very safe, some are allergic Affinity for the lungs, restorative to lungs, improves respiratory sytem over time

↓Oregano Powerful X X X X PowerfulStimulates, warming Good Excellent X X Antispasmodic Pregnancy Prevents damage to liver, stimulates by being mildly irritating
↓Peppermint X X X X X X X X Stimulates X X X X None Nervine stimulant so improves absorption of other herbs
Rosemary X Powerful Analgesic X Mild X Good X Antispasmodic Improves circulation, calming nervine, antioxidant

Sage X X X X X AntinociceptivX Excellent AntispasmodiX Antispasmodic X X Antioxidant rich Antispasmodic X Pregnancy

↓Thyme X X Good X AntispasmodiX Antispasmodic Good X Some Pregnancy
↓Yarrow Broad spectruX Some X Nervine stimulant Powerful X Some Pregnancy, poison hemlock is a deadly look-a-like

↓means decreases cytokines

↑means increases cytokines

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