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7/14/23, 11:25 AM Mail - Humpherys, Casey - Outlook

Danielson Evaluation Results - Student Copy

BYU-I Education Field Services <>
Mon 11/15/2021 1:47 PM
To:Humpherys, Casey <>
Dear Casey Frerichs,
Lori Chavez completed an evaluation using the Danielson Framework for Teaching. The evaluation
results are included below. After reviewing your results, please contact your supervisor with any
questions or concerns. 
Kind regards,
BYU-I Field Services
HIN 325
(208) 496-4140

Evaluation Results for Casey Frerichs

Evaluation Context
Semester: FA21
Observation Date: 10/18/2021
Section ID: Campus.2021.Fall.FCS 205.1
Evaluator: Lori Chavez
Content Area: General Education
Evaluation Type: Formative
Scchool District: Madison School District #321
School Name: Central High School
Mentor Teacher:  Brianna Murray
Grade Level: 10-12
Subject(s) Taught: Fashion & Textiles
# of Students (optional): 10
General Comments:  Casey is a very diligent student. She has attention to detail and writes clear
lesson plans. She is animated and shows a love for the content that she is teaching. She is
approachable and plans engaging lessons and activities. Casey uses technology effectively and
multiple methods of assessing students learning.
Domain 1: Planning and Preparation
Domain 1 Rubric Link
Domain 1 Component Rating
1a: Knowledge (Content/Pedagogy) Proficient (3)
1b: Knowledge of Students Basic (2)
1c: Setting Outcomes Proficient (3)
1d: Knowledge of Resources Proficient (3)
1e: Designing Coherent Instruction Proficient (3)
1f: Student Assessments Proficient (3)… 1/3
7/14/23, 11:25 AM Mail - Humpherys, Casey - Outlook

Domain 1 Evidence (formative) or Strength(s) (summative): Teacher provides clear explanation of

the content. The learning acitivites are varied and appropriate for the content. The teacher inquired of
the mentor teacher ahead of time for the lesson preparation as to special needs of the students. IEP
student was given a copy of the ppt. to follow. Outcomes are appropriate for the lesson. They are
measurable. The teacher uses a variety or resources and hands on acitivites for the lesson. All the
learning outcomes have an assessment. There were multiple methods of assessment- Plickers quiz,
the crinoline making activity, and an exit ticket.
Domain 1 Growth Opportunity: The lesson plan was well thought out and planned. Plan some time to
introduce yourself along with the topic that you are teaching. Work on building a relationship with the
students in the class, even if it is only a short amount of time that you will spend with them.
Evaluators are required to provide specific feedback for each Unsatisfactory (1) rating(s). This
feedback is found below:

Domain 2: 
Domain 2 Rubric Link
Domain 2 Component Rating
2a: Respect and Rapport Proficient (3)
2b: Culture for Learning Basic (2)
2c: Managing Procedures Proficient (3)
2d: Managing Behavior Basic (2)
2e: Organizing Space Proficient (3)
Domain 2 Evidence (formative) or Strength(s) (summative): Teacher learns the names of all the
students prior to beginning the lesson. Teacher ties the current lesson to a project that they are
working on. She also mentions the curtains in the room that follow the same rules of fashion influence.
Some students don't participate, I like how the 2nd time you asked them to please participate. Don't
be afraid to hold them accountable for the content in the lesson. The teacher had good use of
technology resources- Plickers, Thinglink, ppt. and youtube videos. All students can see and hear the
lesson. A few students are talking during the presentation. Teacher does not address this with the
Domain 2 Growth Opportunity: Make an effort to make some connections with the students. Even
though you are with them a short period of time. THose connections will go a long way with the
students. A student used some of the materials inappropriately and this was not discovered until later
after the student left. As you are walking around the classroom, be sure to monitor students and see
what they are doing. If students are talking during the lesson presentation, what strategies can you use
to get them focused back on the lesson?
Evaluators are required to provide specific feedback for each Unsatisfactory (1) rating(s). This
feedback is found below:… 2/3
7/14/23, 11:25 AM Mail - Humpherys, Casey - Outlook

Domain 3: Instruction
Domain 3 Rubric Link
Domain 3 Component Rating
3a: Communication Proficient (3)
3b: Questioning / Discussion Basic (2)
3c: Engaging Students Basic (2)
3d: Using Assessment Proficient (3)
3e: Flexibility/Responsiveness Basic (2)
Domain 3 Evidence (formative) or Strength(s) (summative): The teacher states the learning
outcomes at the beginning of the lesson. She reviews from a previous lesson and lets the students
know the goals for this lesson. Some students are engaged in the crinoline activity, but not all the
students participate or use the materials appropriately. The teacher frames some questions to
promote student thinking, but many have a single correct answer.
Domain 3 Growth Opportunity: When students don't participate what can you do to hold them
accountable and engage them in the lesson? Consider repeating the instructions or asking individual
students if they need help or would like to work with a partner.
Evaluators are required to provide specific feedback for each Unsatisfactory (1) rating(s). This
feedback is found below:… 3/3

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