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● literally, “self-feeders using light”, use light
to manufacture their own food.
● is essential to all life on Earth; both plants
● Plants, algae, and a group of bacteria called
and animals depend on it.
cyanobacteria are the only organisms
● it is the only biological process that can
capable of performing photosynthesis.
capture energy that originates in outer space
(sunlight) and convert it into chemical
compounds (carbohydrates) that every
organism organisms uses to power its ● “other feeders”, they must rely on the sugars
metabolism. produced by photosynthetic organisms for
● the energy of sunlight is captured and used their energy needs (e.g., animals, fungi, and
to energize electrons, which are then stored most other bacteria).
in the covalent bonds of sugar molecules.
● is vital because it evolved as a way to store CHEMOAUTOTROPHS
the energy in solar radiation (the “photo-“ ● synthesize sugars, not by using sunlight’s
part) as high-energy electrons in the energy, but by extracting energy from
carbon-carbon bonds of carbohydrate inorganic chemical compounds.
molecules (the “-synthesis” part).
● those carbohydrates are the energy source LAYERS OF CELL
that heterotrophs use to power synthesis of
ATP (adenosine triphosphate) via Mesophyll
RESPIRATION. ● the process of photosynthesis occurs in a
● photosynthesis powers 99% of Earth’s middle layer.
ecosystems. Stomata (singular: stoma)
● is a multi-step process that requires sunlight, ● small, regulated openings where the gas
carbon dioxide (which is low in exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen
● energy), and water as substrates. occurs.
● after the process is complete, it releases ● also plays roles in the regulation of gas
OXYGEN (generated as a waste product of exchange and water balance.
photosynthesis) and produces ● it is typically located on the underside of the
Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (GA3P), leaf, which helps minimize water loss.
● simple carbohydrate molecules (which are Chloroplast
high in energy) that can be subsequently be ● an organelles where photosynthesis of
converted into glucose, sucrose, or any autotrophic eukaryotes takes place.
dozens of other sugar molecules. ● it has a double membrane; the outer
● these sugar molecules contain energy and membrane and inner membrane.
the energized carbon that all living things Thylakoids
need to survive. ● stacked and disc-shaped structure within the
● the chemical equation for photosynthesis has chloroplast.
many steps that takes place and are actually ● embedded in the thylakoid membrane is
quite complex. chlorophyll, a pigment (molecule that
● before learning the details of how absorbs light).
photoautotrophs turn sunlight into food, it is ● the thylakoid membrane encloses an internal
important to become familiar with the space called the thylakoid lumen.
structures involved. Granum
● a stack of thylakoids
Stroma or “bed”
● the liquid-filled space surrounding the
● light energy initiates the process of
TWO PARTS OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS photosynthesis when pigments absorb the
LIGHT-DEPENDENT REACTIONS ● Organic pigments like the chloroplast
● energy from sunlight is absorbed by thylakoid have a narrow range of energy
chlorophyll and that energy is converted into levels that they can absorb.
stored chemical energy. ● plants pigment molecules absorb only light
LIGHT-INDEPENDENT REACTIONS in the wavelength range of 700nm to 400nm.
● lower energy levels represented by red light
● the chemical energy harvested during the
are insufficient to raise an orbital electron to
light-dependent reactions drive the assembly
a populatable, excited (quantum) state.
of sugar molecules from carbon dioxide.
● Higher energy levels represented by blue
light will physically tear the molecules
apart, called bleaching.
● sun emits an enormous amount of
electromagnetic radiation (solar energy).
● visible light is the only portion of the
fraction of energy which human can only
● the manner in which solar energy travels is ● there are five major chlorophylls: a, b, c, d
described as waves. and a related molecule found in prokaryotes
● scientist can determine the amount of energy called bacteriochlorophyll.
of a wave by measuring its wavelength, the CAROTENOIDS
distance between consecutive points of a ● are much larger group of pigments. (e.g.,
wave. found in fruit – such as the red tomato
● a single wave is measured from two
(lycopene), the yellow of corn seeds
consecutive points, such as from crest to
crest or from trough to trough. (zeaxanthin), or the orange peel
● is an instrument that can differentiate which
wavelength of light a substance can absorb.
● it measures transmitted light and compute
from it the absorption.

● is the range of all possible frequencies of
● the difference between wavelengths relates
to the amount of energy carried by them.
● the longer the wavelength, the less energy is
carried. The shorter the wavelength, the
most energy is carried.
● the higher-energy waves can penetrate
tissues and damage cells and DNA,
explaining why X-rays and UV rays can be
harmful to living organisms.
● is an enzyme composed of two protein
● the overall function of light-independent complexes, transfers the electrons from the
reactions is to convert solar energy into carrier molecule plastoquinone (Pq) to the
chemical energy in the form of NADPH and protein plastocyanin (Pc), thus enabling both
ATP. This chemical energy supports the the transfer of protons across the thylakoid
light-independen reactions and fuels the membrane and the transfer of electrons from
assembly of sugar molecules. PSII to PSI.
● protein complexes and pigment molecules
work together to produce NADPH and ATP. TWO MAJOR COMPONENTS OF ELECTRON
● both photosystem have the same basic TRANSPORT CHAIN
structure; a number of antenna proteins to
which the chlorophyll molecules are bound PHOTOSYSTEM I (P700)
surround the reaction center where the ● delivers its high-energy electrons, one at the
photochemistry takes place. time, to the primary electron acceptor, and
● each photosystem is serviced by the through the electron transport chain.
light-harvesting complex, which passes
energy from sunlight to the reaction center; PHOTOSYSTEM II (P680)
it consists of multiple antenna proteins that ● is oxidized and sends a high-energy electron
contain a mixture of 300-400 chlorophyll a to NADP+ to form NADPH (Nicotinamide
and b, as well as other pigments like adenine dinucleotide phosphate).
● thus, PSII captures the energy to create
● the absorption of a single photon or distinct proton gradients to make ATP, and PSI
quantity or “packed” of light by any of the captures the energy to reduce NADP+ into
chlorophylls pushes that molecule into an NADPH.
excited state.
● the energy is transmitted from chlorophyll to
chlorophyll until eventually (after a
millionth of a second), it is delivered to the
reaction center.


● a multiprotein complex where the actual step

that converts light energy into chemical
energy takes place.
● Two types of photosystem are embedded in HOW LIGHT-INDEPENDENT REACTION
the thylakoid membrane, photosystem II WORK
(PSII) and photosystem I (PSI).
● the products of light-dependent reactions,
REACTION CENTER ATP and NADPH, have life spans in the
range of millionths of seconds, whereas the
● where the photochemistry takes place. product of light-independent reactions
● center contains a pair of chlorophyll a (carbohydrates and other forms of reduced
molecules with a special property. carbon) can survive for hundreds of millions
of years.
PHOTOACT ● also called the Calvin Cycle discovered by
Dr.Marvin Calvin
● two chlorophylls can undergo oxidation
upon excitation; they can actually give up an
electron in this process.
● Fixation
● Reduction
● Regeneration
Stage 1: Carbon Fixation
● in the stroma, carbon dioxide and two other
components are present to initiate the
light-independent reactions: an enzyme
called ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase
(RuBisCO), and three molecules of ribulose
bisphosphate (RuBP), have a five atoms of
carbon and flanked by two phosphates.
● RuBisCO catalyzes a reaction between CO2
and RuBP. For each CO2 molecule that
reacts with one RuBP, two molecules of
another compound (3-PGA) form.
● this process is called carbon fixation,
because carbon dioxide is “fixed” from an CELLULAR RESPIRATION
inorganic form in organic molecules.
● is a series of metabolic pathways that
Stage 2: Reduction extracts energy from the bonds in glucose
● ATP and NADPH are used to convert the six and converts it into a form that living things
molecules of 3-PGA into six molecules of a can use- both producers like plants, animals,
chemical called glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and consumers.
(G3P). That is a reduction reaction because ● Cellular respiration is the process on how
it involves the gain of electrons by 3-PGA. we derive energy or fuel energy from what
Six molecules of both ATP and NADPH are we eat or specifically, from glucose.
● for ATP, energy is released with the loss of STAGES OF CELLULAR RESPIRATION
the terminal phosphate atom, converting it
into ADP; for NADPH, both energy and a
hydrogen atom are lost, converting it into
NADP+. Both of these molecules return to
the nearby light-dependent reactions to be
reused and reenergized.

Stage 3: Regeneration
● at this point, only one of the G3P molecules
leaves the Calvin Cycle and is sent to the
cytoplasm to contribute to the formation of
other compounds needed by the plant. It
takes three “turns” of Calvin Cycle to fix
enough net carbon to export one G3P. GLYCOLYSIS
● one is exported while the remaining five ● is the first step in the breakdown of glucose
molecules of G3P are remain in the cycle to extract energy for cellular metabolism.
and is used to regenerate RuBP, which ● Nearly all living organisms carry out
enables the system to prepare for more CO2 glycolysis as part of their metabolism.
to be fixed. ● The process does not use oxygen and is
therefore anaerobic (processes that use
oxygen are called aerobic).
DARK REACTIONS ● Glycolysis takes place in the cytoplasm of
● the most outdated name both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
● can be misleading because it implies
incorrectly that the reaction only occurs at
night or is independent of light, which is
why most scientists and instructors no
longer use it.
● in this situation, the entire glycolysis
pathway will proceed,but only two ATP
molecules will be made in the second half.

● in order for the pyruvate from glycolysis to
enter the Krebs cycle, it must be converted
to Acetyl CoA (2-carbon).
● a carboxyl group is removed from pyruvate,
releasing CO2 into the surrounding.
Glycolysis begins with the six carbon ring-shaped ● NAD+ is reduced to NADH
structure of a single glucose molecule and ends with ● an acetyl group is transferred to coenzyme
two molecules of a three-carbon sugar called A, resulting in acetyl CoA.


CELLS IN TWO WAYS: ● like conversion of pyruvate to acetyl CoA,
● through secondary active transport. the Citric Acid Cycle takes place in
● through a group of integral proteins called the matrix of Mitochondria.
GLUT proteins, also known as glucose ● almost all the enzymes of the Citric Acid
transporter proteins. Cycle are soluble, with the single exception
of the enzyme Succinate Dehydrogenase,
GLYCOLYSIS CONSISTS OF TWO DISTINCT which is embedded in the inner membrane
PHASES: of Mitochondria.
● unlike glycolysis, the Citric Acid Cycle is a
First Half of Glycolysis (Energy-Requiring Steps) closed loop: the last part of the pathway
● the first part of the glycolysis pathway traps regenerates the compounds used in the first
the glucose molecule in the cell and uses step.
energy to modify it so that the six-carbon ● the 8 steps of the cycle are a series of redox,
sugar molecule can be split evenly into the dehydration, hydration and decarboxylation
two three-carbon molecules. reactions that produce two carbon dioxide
molecules the GTP/ATP and reduced NADH
Second Half of Glycolysis (Energy-Releasing and FADH. This is considered an aerobic
Steps) pathway because the NADH and FADH2
● the second part of glycolysis extracts energy produced must transfer their electrons to the
from the molecules and stores it in the form next pathway in the system, which will use
of ATP and NADH, the reduced form of oxygen.

● glycolysis starts with a 6-carbon structure
glucose molecule and ends with two
molecules of a 3-carbon sugar called
● two ATP molecules were used in the first
half of the pathway to prepare the six-carbon
ring for cleavage, so the cell has a net gain
of two ATP molecules and 2 NADH
molecules for its use.
● the last step in glycolysis will not occur if
pyruvate kinase, the enzyme that catalyzes
the formation of pyruvate is not available in
sufficient quantities.

Step 1: Citrate synthase

Step 2: Aconitase

Step 3: Isocitrate dehydrogenase

Step 4: α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase

Step 5: Succinyl-CoA dehydrogenase

Step 6: Succinate dehydrogenase

Step 7: Fumarase

Step 8: Malate dehydrogenase

● chemiosmosis is the movement of ions
2 - CO2 across a selectively permeable membrane,
down their electrochemical gradient.
3 – NADH ● during chemiosmosis, the free energy from
the series of reactions that make up the
1 – FADH electron transport chain is used to pump
hydrogen ions across the membrane,
1 – GTP or ATP establishing an electrochemical gradient.
● the uneven distribution of H+ ions across the
membrane establishes both concentration
ELECTRON TRANSPORT CHAIN and electrical gradients, owing to the
hydrogen ions' positive charge and their
● the electron transport chain is the last aggregation on one side of the membrane.
component of aerobic respiration and is the ● hydrogen ions in the matrix space can only
only part of glucose metabolism that uses pass through the inner mitochondrial
atmospheric oxygen. membrane through a membrane protein
● Oxygen continuously diffuses into plants, called ATP synthase.
● animals. ● as protons move through ATP synthase,
● It enters the body through the respiratory ADP is turned into ATP.
system. ● the production of ATP using the process of
● Electron transport is a series of redox chemiosmosis in mitochondria iscalled
reactions that resemble a relay race or oxidative phosphorylation.
bucket brigade in that electrons are passed
rapidly from one component to the next.
● It is present in multiple copies in the inner
● mitochondrial membrane of eukaryotes and
the plasma membrane of prokaryotes.
ATP YIELD ● various methods of fermentation are used by
● the amount of energy (as ATP) gained from assorted organisms to ensure adequate
glucose catabolism varies across species and supply of NAD+ for the sixth step of
depends on other related cellular processes. glycolysis.
● while glucose catabolism always produces ● without these pathways, that step would not
energy, the amount of energy (in terms of occur and no ATP would be harvested from
ATP equivalents) produced can the breakdown of glucose.
vary,especially across different species.
● the number of hydrogen ions that the
electron transport chain complexes can
pump through the membrane varies between
● NAD+ - in the liver
● FAD+ - in the brain.
● the use of intermediates from glucose
catabolism in other biosynthetic pathways,
such as amino acid synthesis, can lower the
yield of ATP.
● overall, these pathways of glucose
metabolism extract about 34% of the energy
contained in glucose.


● is the type of respiration through which cells
can break down sugars to generate energy in
the absence of oxygen.


● other fermentation methods occur in
● many prokaryotes are Facultatively
Anaerobic, meaning that they can switch
between aerobic respiration and
fermentation, depending on the availability
of oxygen.
● certain prokaryotes, like Clostridia, are
obligate anaerobes.
● obligate anaerobes live and grow in the
absence of molecular oxygen.
● oxygen is a poison to these microorganisms
and kills them from exposure.
● should be noted that all forms of
fermentation, except lactic acid
fermentation, produce gas.
● the production of particular types of gas is
used as an indicator of the fermentation of
specific carbohydrates, which plays a role in
laboratory identification of the bacteria.

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