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Limit of a Function

Frequently when studying a function y = f (x), we …nd ourselves interested

in the function’s behavior near a particular point c, but not atpc. This might be
the case, for instance, if c is an irrational number, like or 2, whose values
can only be approximated by “close” rational numbers at which we actually
evaluate the function instead. Another situation occurs when trying to evaluate
a function at c leads to division by zero, which is unde…ned. We encountered
this last circumstance when seeking the instantaneous rate of change in y by
considering the quotient function y > h for h closer and closer to zero. Here’s a
speci…c example in which we explore numerically how a function behaves near
a particular point at which we cannot directly evaluate the function.
Example. How does the function
x 2
f (x) =
x2 4
behaves as x ! 2:
The given formula de…nes f for all real numbers x except x = 2 (we cannot
divide by zero). For any x6= 2, we can simplify the formula by factoring the
numerator and canceling common factors:
x 2 x 2 1
= = for x 6= 2
x2 4 (x 2)(x + 2) x+2
That is as x goes to 2 this expression goes to 1/4...... Generalizing the idea
illustrated in Example, suppose f (x) is de…ned on an open interval about c,
except possibly at c itself. If f (x) is arbitrarily close to the number L (as close
to L as we like) for all x su¢ ciently close to c, we say that f approaches the
limit L as x approaches c, and write

lim f (x) = L

For example
x 2
lim = 1=4
x!2 x2 4
Algebraic properties of the limit. If there exists limits limx!c f (x) and limx!c g(x);then

lim [f (x) + g(x)] = lim f (x) + lim g(x);

x!c x!c x!c
lim [f (x) g(x)] = lim f (x) lim g(x)
x!c x!c x!c
lim [f (x) g(x)] = lim f (x) lim g(x)
x!c x!c x!c
lim [af (x)] = a lim f (x); a is constant
x!c x!c
lim [f (x)=g(x)] = lim f (x)= lim g(x)
x!c x!c x!c

In the last property we suppose limx!c g(x) 6= 0:


1: lim (x 4x2 ) = lim x lim 4x2 = 3 4 9

x!3 x!3 x!3
x 4x2 2 4 22
2: lim = ::: = :::
x!2 3 + x 3+2
3. Discuss the behavior of the following functions, explaining why they have
no limit as x!0.

x if x < 0
a)f (x) =
2x 1 if x 0
x2 if x < 0
b)g(x) =
2x + 1 if x 0

4. Find the limit of the function az x ! 1

x if x < 1
f (x) =
2x 1 if x 1
Eliminating Common Factors from Zero Denominators

x2 + x 2
x!1 x2 + 2x 3
(x 1)(x + 2)
= lim
x!1 (x 1)(x + 3)
x+2 3
= lim =
x!1 x + 3 4

x2 + x 2
1) lim
x!3 x2 + 2x 3
x2 + x + 2
2) lim 2
x!1 x + 2x + 3
x 1
3) lim p
x!1 x 1
4) lim (x 4)3
x! 1

One sided limits

If f fails to have a two-sided limit at c, it may still have a one-sided limit,
that is, a limit if the approach is only from one side. If the approach is from the
right, the limit is a right-hand limit. From the left, it is a left-hand limit.

1) lim x = 0
x 1 1
2) lim = 1 WHY???
x!1 x
3. Find limx!1 f (x) and limx!1 f (x) for

x if x < 1
f (x) =
2x 1 if x 1
4. Find limx!1 f (x) and limx!1 f (x) for

2x if x < 1
f (x) =
2x 1 if x 1

When we plot function values generated in a laboratory or collected in the
…eld, we often connect the plotted points with an unbroken curve to show what
the function’s values are likely to have been at the points we did not measure.
In doing so, we are assuming that we are working with a continuous function,
so its outputs vary regularly and consistently with the inputs, and do not jump
abruptly from one value to another without taking on the values in between.
Intuitively, any function y = f (x) whose graph can be sketched over its domain
in one unbroken motion is an example of a continuous function.
Such functions play an important role in the study of calculus and its appli-





-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5

Numbers at which the graph of f has breaks:
Example 1. Consider the function

x if x < 1
f (x) =
2x + 1 if x 1
Clearly the graph breaks at x=1....Left-hand limit at this point is

lim f (x) = 1

But right hand limit is

lim f (x) = 3

Numbers at which the graph of f has no breaks:

Example 2. Consider the function

2 2x if x < 1
f (x) =
x 1 if x 1


-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5

No breaks at x=1....

lim f (x) = 0 = lim f (x)

x!1 x!1+

DEFINITIONS Let c be a real number on the x-axis. The function is

continuous at c if

lim f (x) = f (c)


The function f is right-continuous at c (or continuous from the right) if

lim f (x) = f (c)


The function f is left-continuous at c (or continuous from the left) if

lim f (x) = f (c)

Example. The function y = 9 x2 is continuous for all x2 ( 3; 3): Right cont.
for x=-3 and left continuous for x=3.


-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

Example. y=bxc


-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5





THEOREM The Intermediate Value Theorem for Continuous Func-

tions. If f is a continuous function on a closed interval [a; b], and if y0 is any
value between f (a) and f (b), then y0 = f (c) for some c in [a; b]
Example. y = x2 is continuous on [0,2]. Let y0 = 2:25 2 [0; 4]: Then there
exist c, namely c=1.5, such that c2 = 2:25:::


0 1 2 3 4 5

A Consequence for Root Finding. We call a solution of the equation f (x) =

0 a root of the equation or zero of the function f . The Intermediate Value
Theorem tells us that if f is continuous, then any interval on which f changes
sign contains a zero of the function.
In practical terms, when we see the graph of a continuous function cross the
horizontal axis there really is a point where the function’s value is zero.
Example. The equation x3 x 1 = 0 has a solution on [1,2]......WHY????


1 2 3 4 5



Limits Involving In…nity; Asymptotes of Graphs

Now we investigate the behavior of a function when the magnitude of the in-
dependent variable x becomes increasingly large, or x! 1. We further extend
the concept of limit to in…nite limits, which are not limits as before, but rather
a new use of the term limit. In…nite limits provide useful symbols and language
for describing the behavior of functions whose values become arbitrarily large in
magnitude. We use these limit ideas to analyze the graphs of functions having
horizontal or vertical asymptotes.
The symbol for in…nity (1) does not represent a real number. We use 1
to describe the behavior of a function when the values in its domain or range
outgrow all …nite bounds. For example, the function f (x) = 1/x is de…ned
for all x6=0. When x is positive and becomes increasingly large, 1/x becomes
increasingly small. When x is negative and its magnitude becomes increasingly
large, 1/x again becomes small. We summarize these observations by saying
that f (x) = 1/x has limit 0 as x! 1 or x! 1, or that 0 is a limit of f (x) =
1/x at in…nity and negative in…nity. Here are precise de…nitions
1. We say that f (x) has the limit L as x approaches in…nity and write

lim f (x) = L

if, for every number " >0, there exists a corresponding number M such that for
all x

x > M =) jf (x) Lj < "

2. We say that f (x) has the limit L as x approaches minus in…nity and write

lim f (x) = L
x! 1

if, for every number " >0, there exists a corresponding number N such that for
all x

x < M =) jf (x) Lj < "

Example 1. f(x)=1/x

lim = 0;
x!1 x
lim = 0
x! 1 x


-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5
-1 x




x 1
Example 2. f (x) = x2

x 1
lim = 0;
x!1 x2
x 1
lim = 0
x! 1 x2

y-2 x
-14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 2 4 6 8 10 12 14





x 1
Example 3. f (x) = x

x 1
lim = 1;
x!1 x
x 1
lim = 1
x! 1 x

y 3

-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 10 20 30 40 50



Properties are the same as in case of …nite limit points....

DEFINITION A line y = b is a horizontal asymptote of the graph of a
function y = f (x) if either

lim f (x) = b or
lim f (x) = b
x! 1

Example: y = 0 is ahorizontal asymptote for the graph of y=1/x.

In…nite Limits
Let us look again at the function f (x) = 1/x. As x!0+, the values of
f grow without bound, eventually reaching and surpassing every positive real
number. That is, given any positive real number B, however large, the values
of f become larger still. Thus, has no limit as x!0+. It is nevertheless
convenient to describe the behavior of f by saying that f (x) approaches 1 as
x!0+. We write

lim = 1;
x!0+ x
lim = 1
x!0 x

Example. y = x 1

lim =1
x!1+ x 1
DEFINITION A line x = a is a vertical asymptote of the graph of a function
y = f (x) if either

lim f (x) = 1 or
lim f (x) = 1

Examples. Find all horizontal and vertical asymptotes

x 1
1)y =
3 1
2)y = +
x x 1
x2 2
3)y =
2x2 1


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