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eliac disease is an autoimmune disorder caused by intolerance to gluten,

which is found in wheat and similar proteins in barley, rye and oats. The
present study was designed to examine the effects of the addition of
gums, whey protein concentrate, dry egg, and water to corn and cassava
starches on the rheological properties of a non-fermented dough used for the
production of “empanadas” (a traditional meal in Latin América) and pie-
crusts suitable for people with celiac disease.

eliac disease is an autoimmune disorder caused by intolerance to gluten,

which is found in wheat and similar proteins in barley, rye and oats. The
present study was designed to examine the effects of the addition of
gums, whey protein concentrate, dry egg, and water to corn and cassava
starches on the rheological properties of a non-fermented dough used for the
production of “empanadas” (a traditional meal in Latin América) and pie-
crusts suitable for people with celiac disease.

ackground and aims: Recent research suggests that use of social networking sites can be addictive for some individ-
uals. Due to the link between motivations for media use and the development of addiction, this systematic review ex-
amines Facebook-related uses and gratifications research and Facebook addiction research.

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