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1. Chicken Sandwich

Sandwiches are commonly eaten for breakfast – they’re pretty popular.

2.Egg Sandwich

Egg sandwiches are rich in protein, giving your body plenty of energy for the day ahead.

3. Seafood Sandwich

If you’re a fan of seafood, then a fish sandwich may be just the thing you need

4. Roast Beef Sandwich

Beef – it’s great on a Sunday roast, in a beef wellington and so much more. It’s not just restricted to being the star of the show
on a big meal, however.

5. Grilled Cheese

There’s nothing like a hearty grilled cheese to get you through the day! The grilled cheese sandwich is truly an American
6. Ham Sandwich

Easy to make and rich in flavor, a ham sandwich is a good choice if you want to make a sandwich in a hurry

7. Nutella Sandwich

You say Nutella, we come running! For a breakfast that could easily pass as a dessert, a nutella sandwich is perfect

8.Grilled Chicken Sandwich

You can also have a grilled chicken sandwich instead of cheese, especially if cheese sounds a little too strong for your tastebuds
right now

9. Meatball Sandwich

Despite the fact that some kinds of beef are high in fat, it’s also great if you’re looking for sources of protein.
10. Salmon Sandwich

Have some spare salmon in your house that you haven’t eaten yet? Take that salmon and stick it in a bun to make a salmon

11. Tuna Sandwiches

Tuna sandwiches are a popular choice of food for lunch. You may want to eat your tuna sandwich in a room full of
judgemental coworkers, but it can be a good choice if you’re just enjoying a relaxing lunch at home.

16. Vegetable Sandwich

For a vegetarian option, you can’t go wrong with a vegetable sandwich. You can cook your veggies in a lot of different ways, so
you’re not restricted to having boiled vegetables either.
17. Cheese Sandwich

There’s nothing quite like some cheese to make your sandwich truly melt in the mouth! You can do so many things with a
cheese sandwich.

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