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Center for a
child Labor free
For the future of childhood in Mexico

Emmanuel Marquez Granados

Guillermo Calderón Galicia
Javier Ramirez Vega
Juan Carlos Lopez Martinez

Center for a
child Labor
free México
80,000 children working

Between 5 and 17 years old

Child labour can derive from various factors such as poverty

and unemployment, it takes away from them the opportunity
to enjoy their childhood, their power and their dignity,
preventing them from basic rights such as the right to health,
food and education, thus harming their physical and
psychological development.

Why a Center?

Taking jobs away from children who depend on the income they
generate to support their families or to continue their studies is not an
option that will improve the situation.

“Center for a child Labor free Mexico” seeks to generate a system

2 that supports children in this situation, through the creation of an
education center in Mexico City.

Having this where the children can attend, provides them the
3 opportunity to continue their education while allowing them to keep
working if they need to.

What will
1 Implementation of the center
happen in
2 Implementation of economic support program
Implementation of tutoring program (5 tutors
with groups of 10 students each)

4 Implementation of a denouncing system

Target participants Number Criteria Recruitment plan

Families with infants or adolescents

Public advertisements and broadcast
or individual children and adolescents
in government media Interviews
Children and adolescents between 5-17 years old 50 who are either at risk of poverty or
between possible participants, tutors
severely materially and socially
and social workers

People who count with either a

professional academic formation in Online Job proposals advertisements
Tutors 5 education or with experience at through online websites such as
social working regarding child LinkedInen margen a la legalidad

Social service accreditation from

  People who have no records of child
private or public
Volunteer teachers 30 abuse with at least a highschool
institutionsVolunteer programs 

Government dependencies
DIF personnel who will be
personnel who will be responsible of
DIF (Sistema para el Desarrollo Integral de la Familia) 2 proportioned by the government
gathering possible denunciations
regarding child welfare

Constant review of centers operation Government dependency request for

with the objective of keeping track constant review of center activities
CNDH (Comisión nacional de los derechos humanos) N/A
that they are functioning according and tutors - teachers - families -
within the law youngsters interaction

CITI (Comisión intersecretarial para la prevención y erradicación del trabajo infantil) N/A

Assessment regarding centers

operation and participants progress Collaboration plan invitations in which
with the objective of keeping track of each organization will receive credit
optimal relation between outputs and for the projects final results

Roles and responsibilities
of program

Tutors (Mentors)

Volunteer teachers

DIF (Sistema para el Desarrollo Integral de la


CNDH (Comisión Nacional de los Derechos


CITI (Comisión intersecretarial para la prevención y

erradicación del trabajo infantil) and LEGO
07 Estimated Budget
Items Sub-items Sum Calculation basis Sum

Total  $95,400

Tutors  $3,000 Monthly  3,000*5 tutors $15,000

Hours of social
Personnel Volunteers
service(30 monthly) 30


subtotal $15,000

Rent  $1,300 1,300*12  $15,600

Project Incentives $40 40*60*12 $28,800

subtotal $44,400

Indirect cost  $3,000 3,000*12  $36,000

subtotal $36,000


"Working children demand decent

work policies"

Improved legislation, enforcement Innovative research and Strengthened protections to

and policy coordination on child monitoring systems to guide children in child labor situations.
labour and forced labour policy development and program
design on students.

implement policy initiatives to

increase access to quality
education and sustainable
livelihoods for vulnerable
populations. Expected Outcomes
09 The pillars of The Center for a child Labor free Mexico are:

Through interviews and data

Provide a financial Provide short or long
collection from volunteers we
incentive to children's term support in the form
ensure that they have the
families to enable them to of psychological
necessary skills to deal with
continue attending the appointments to address
children and provide a good
educational center. children's problems.

Marketing Plan
Social media

Community outreach

Attracting employees
07 Project Timeline
Sustainability plan after

program completion
Participatory methods with all stakeholders whenever possible to
ensure project ownership from all participants. Implementing their
preferences through their own proposal within the program

“The economic support of donors and organizations involved are a

2 complement to the government capital backing that could be
received, having external and internal financial sources.

This will be achieved through external sources like grants and long-
3 term funding and through internal sources like income-generating
activities or membership fees

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