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Name: Cortiz, Leonido Jr.

Degree/Program: BSEd 2 English

Instructor: Mr. Lito Mag-Ampo

Reflect on your current and past experiences on the different curricula
you went through from the time you entered school up to the present.

Pause for some moments and read the "I wonder if...." incomplete
sentences. Based on your reflection, choose one number and write your
answer on the box provided then based on on your response on "I
wonder if....", complete the sentence , "I think......", I wonder if....."

1. My teacher have reviewed the textbooks we use in High School.

2. The instructional materials we are using now will not be used in the future.
3. What I have learned now still be relevant in the future.
4. Evaluation of a curriculum will still be a task of a teacher.
5. There is really a need to evaluate a curriculum.

I think...
The curriculum content is of social relevance when the learning experiences
are related to the disciplines (subjects) taught in schools. ... When learners are
educated on this aspect they tend to be change in behavior in human beings;
therefore, the curriculum should bring about change in behavior, attitude and

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