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NAMA : Muhammad Riskiyanto

NIM : 02421069

The film, written and directed by John Frohlich, starring Greg McCann as Joe, and Ruby
Duncan as Rose and Fleur played by Francesca Waters, is entitled "CarPark" which tells the
story of Joe and his girlfriend Rose who are on the run after committing a robbery at night and to
rush to the parking lot. But Rose forgot to put her car keys where.
Fleur is a grandmother who is confused about how to get out of the parking lot. Fleur
had a hard time entering a parking ticket into the parking machine and the portal didn't open.
Rose, who saw this, was angry because the car couldn't get out, she wanted to take a gun to
shoot the grandmother.
Seeing this, Joe tried to calm Rose and got out of the car to help Fleur who was having trouble
getting out of the parking lot. Soon the portal was able to open, and Joe immediately rushed into
his car to get out of the portal. However, unfortunately, Fleur's car broke down and again
covered the way out of the two robbers. Rose, who did not expect this to happen, then wanted to
kill the grandmother, but the police who were getting closer made Joe panic, Joe immediately
fled in Fleur's car and left Rose who was caught by the police.
The plot of this film is a forward plot. The message that can be taken from this film is
that if we want to make a decision, it would be much better to consider it calmly and not in a

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