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Design of a Transmitter-Receiver loop

for FMCW Radar for Advanced Driver

Assistance System

Submitted by:
Hamza Ahmad- F2019019050
Badar Ashraf Rana - F2019019039

Submitted to:
Dr. Faran Awais Butt

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering School

of Engineering
University of Management & Technology

January 2023
Design of a Transmitter-Receiver loop for
FMCW Radar for Advanced Driver
Assistance System

Submitted by:
Hamza Ahmad - F2019019050

Badar Ashraf Rana – F2019019039

Communication Systems EE-


Supervised by:
Dr. Faran Awais Butt

(Dr. Faran Awais Butt)

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

School of Engineering

University of Management & Technology


List of Figures .........................................................................................................................

List of Tables ...........................................................................................................................


Abbreviations ......................................................................................................................... 2

Abstract ....................................................................................................................................

3 1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................

1.1 Literature Review .............................................................................................................. 4

2 Problem Statement ............................................................................................................ 6

2.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 6

2.2 Design of FMCW radar .......................................................................................................


3 Derivation of Transmitted-Received Signal in Time Domain .................................... 8

3.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 8

3.2 Derivation of FMCR Radar Transmitted Signal ............................................................... 8

3.3 Derivation of FMCR Radar Received Signal ................................................................... 10

4 Expressions for a Linear FMCW Radar System’s Parameters .................................. 12

4.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 12

4.2 Expression of FMCW Radar System’s Parameters ........................................................ 12

4.2.1 Radar Equation ............................................................................................................. 12

4.2.2 Range ............................................................................................................................. 12

4.2.3 Range Resolution .......................................................................................................... 13

4.2.4 Velocity of the Moving Target ...................................................................................... 13

5 Simulation of FMCW Radar on

Matlab .......................................................................... 14

5.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 14

5.2 Simulation of Sawtooth Modulated FMCW Radar ......................................................... 14

5.2.1 Range-Doppler Response Pattern ............................................................................... 15

5.3 Simulation of Triangular Modulated FMCW Radar ....................................................... 16

5.3.1 Range-Doppler Response Pattern ............................................................................... 17

6 Link Budget Calculation .................................................................................................. 19

6.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 19

6.2 Link Budget for FMCW Radar ......................................................................................... 19


A MATLAB Coding of Controlled System’s Step Response

A.1 MATLAB Code of Spectrogram & Time-Domain Signal of FMCW
Radar………………. 25
A.2 MATLAB Code of Range-Doppler Pattern of Saw tooth FMCW Radar
…………….……. 25
A.3 MATLAB Code of Spectrogram of Triangular FMCW
A.4 MATLAB Code of Dechriped Signal of Triangular FMCW

Contents iv

List of Figures
2.1 Structure of an FMCW Radar System……………………………………………………………..6
3.1 Spectrogram of Saw-tooth Wave Chirp for FMCW Radar………………………………...8
3.2 Spectrogram of FMCW saw-tooth Signal Model…………………………………………….10
5.1 Time-Domain Representation of Saw-tooth Modulated FMCW Transmitted
5.2 Spectrogram of Saw-tooth Modulated FMCW Radar……………....……………………..15
5.3 Received Dechriped Signal of Saw-tooth Modulated FMCW Radar………………...15
5.4 Range-Doppler Response Pattern of Saw tooth Modulated FMCW Radar……….16
5.5 Spectrogram of Triangular Modulated FMCW Radar……………………………………..17
5.6 Received Dechriped Signal of Triangular Modulated FMCW Radar………………...17
5.7 Range-Doppler Response Pattern of Triangular Modulated FMCW Radar………18
6.1 Block Diagram of 5.8GHz FMCW System……………………………………………………….19
6.2 Link Budget on Receiver Side for 5m Range of 5.8GHz FMCW System…………….21
6.3 Input Parameters of Receiver Side for 5m Range of 5.8GHz FMCW
6.4 Link Budget for 5m Range of 5.8GHz FMCW System………………………………………21
6.5 Link Budget on Receiver Side for 102m Range of 5.8GHz FMCW System........…..22
6.6 Input Parameters of Receiver Side for 102m Range of 5.8GHz FMCW
6.7 Link Budget for 102m Range of 5.8GHz FMCW System………………………………….23
List of Tables
2.1 FMCW Radar System Parameters…………………………………………………………………….7
2.2 FMCW PARAMETERS………………………………………………………………………………………7

Chapter 2. Problem Statement 2

DSP Digital Signal Processing

FMCW Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave

ADAS Advanced Driver Assistance System


Many types of radars have been used in automotive applications, such as adaptive
cruise control systems. This Complex Engineering Problem (CEP) required us to design
a unique Continuous Wave (CW), radar system where the frequency of the transmitted
signals changes with time. This CEP requires us to develop an FMCW radar system for
advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) in automotive applications. As every
industry in the automotive sector is moving towards automation and greater safety for
their customers, this field has been a hot topic for many years. They adapt quickly to
these changes, but there is still much to do in this area.

Chapter 2. Problem Statement 4

Chapter 1

There are many kinds of radars available for automotive applications, such as
automotive adaptive cruise control systems. We use Frequency Modulated Continuous
Wave radar (FMCW) because it is cheap and has three types of modulation models. This
is the future of automotive, with every industry moving towards safety and automation.
They adapt quickly to these changes, but there is still much to be done in this area. This
CEP will design a radar system based on Saw-tooth and Triangular modulated FMCW
radars. We'll also simulate the design in Matlab to compare its performance.

1.1 Literature Review

The automotive industry is advancing in this technological era. They are now using
various driver assistance methods to offer the best driving experience with high-quality
road assistance. The onboard computer within the car controls autonomous driving.

The 24GHz FMCW radar has been created with a single receiver antenna and
transmitter. FMCW radar can be achieved using the tuning range of 100MHz with the
8dBm output powers and the 9dB conversion losses at the frequency of 24GHz. The
FMCW radar has been successfully implemented in vehicles to provide vehicle collision
avoidance and autonomous direction for the vehicle [1].

The author presents the Frequency Modulation Continuous wave (FMCW), Radar
operating at 24 GHz with a single transmitter and receiver array. This is a novel, low-
cost, and low-profile antenna. The author also includes a Gunn Voltage-Controlled
Oscillator, (VCO), and the MMIC. These are both driver amplifiers that act as transmitters
for the FMCW radar. The FMCW radar receiver is provided by the Rat race, which is a
hybrid mixer. An antenna with a 100-patch micro-strip antenna is used by the author. It
has a narrow beam width and high gain in FMCW radar. The antenna's gain measured at
24GHz is 22dB [1].

A second FMCW Radar system with an operating frequency of 24GHz was designed and
implemented using Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) as well as Digital Signal
Processing (DSP). A 24GHz FMCW radar system was also created by the author. It has a
single transmitter antenna array and one transmitting antenna array, which can
measure distances with high accuracy. A test was conducted to verify the accuracy and
range resolution of the radar system. The distance measured was approximately 3cm
within the target range of 0.5m to 3.4m.

FMCW radar is used for automotive applications. DSP chips were used to create a signal
processing system that can be used for FMCW radar. The author verified the radar using
testing and accurate measurement of target distance. The experimental results show the
range estimation accuracy of < 3 cm [2].

Another method, which is used by the author to simulate an automotive Multiple

Input/Multiple Output (MIMO), FMCW radar using the combined FSKLFMCW waves
with CDM method, is also proposed. This FMCW radar can be used to detect multiple
targets and provide high angular resolution. It also has a low sampling rate. The FMCW
radar proposal has limitations because it is a MIMO system. Each signal acts as
interference for all other transmitted and received signals. This causes a low SNR.

Chapter 2

Chapter 2. Problem Statement 6

Problem Statement
2.1 Introduction
Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave radar system (FMCW), is a special type of
Continuous Wave radar system. The frequency of the transmitted signals is constantly
changing with time. This Complex Engineering Problem (CEP) requires us to design an
FMCW radar system for advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS).

2.2 Design of FMCW radar

The FMCW radar system has been a popular field in automotive for many years.
However, there are still many improvements to be made. We will simulate an end-to-
end, linear FMCW radar system that goes from the transmitter to the target and back to
its receiver.

Figure 2.1: Structure of an FMCW Radar System.

The FMCW radar system parameters are define in the Table 2.1 which is used to design
and simulate the complete linear FMCW radar.

The FMCW radar's basic waveform transmits and receives the sawtooth waveform.
Triangular waveforms offer additional benefits. We must simulate FMCW radar for
sawtooth and triangular waveforms, and then generate Range-Doppler response
patterns for FMCW linear chirp patterns FMCW using MATLAB. Also, we need to drive
the FMCW radar received signal and transmitted signal time-domain equations. These
expressions are described in Table 2.2

Table 2.1: FMCW Radar System Parameters.

Parameter Definition Value
fo Operating Frequency (GHz) 77 GHz
fVCO Operating Frequency Range (GHz) 75 - 80 GHz
B Chirp Bandwidth 150 MHz
T Chirp Duration 7.33uSec
Ns Number of Sweeps of Chirp 64
rr Range Resolution(m) 1m
vT Maximum Target Speed (km/h) 192 km/h


Parameter Definition
Pr Radar Equation
R Range (m)
δR Range Resolution (m)
vr Velocity of the moving Target (m/s)

Also, we need to calculate Link Budget for the receiver path for targets at 5m and 102m
using ADIsimRF Analog Devices for 5.8GHz FMCW radar. We have to propose a
hardware circuit to implement the FMCW radar system.

Chapter 3

Chapter 2. Problem Statement 8

Derivation of Transmitted-Received
Signal in Time Domain
3.1 Introduction
The first task is to derive both the FMCW radar's transmitted and received signals in the
time domain and it can be used to further simulate the FMCW radar and determine the
object distance and relative position.

3.2 Derivation of FMCR Radar Transmitted Signal

There are different types of modulation in FMCW radar which are Saw-tooth, triangular,
and sinusoidal. The time-domain expression is determined by a spectrogram that shows
a sawtooth waveform, as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3.1: Spectrogram of Saw-tooth Wave Chirp for FMCW Radar.

As you can see, the transmitted frequency increases linearly with time during Sweep (T).
In our case, the operating frequency or we can say the starting frequency fo is 77GHz
which is given in the FMCW radar system parameters in Chapter 2.

We can determine the frequency of our transmitted signal at any time t by using the
Equation 3.1.

Chapter 3. Derivation of Transmitted-
Received Signal in Time Domain

Here the is called the chirp rate, it gives us the information of the speed of frequency


The instantaneous phase in the Frequency Modulation (FM) can be determine by the
given Equation

o (3.3)

By putting the Equation 3.1 in the Equation 3.3 to get the instantaneous phase.

o (3.4)

In the Equation 3.4, ϕo is the initial phase of the transmitted signal. The FM modulated
transmitted signal can be determine by the Equation 3.5.

s(t) = Acos(µ(t)) (3.5)

We can get the FMCW radar transmitted signal in the first sweep by putting the
instantaneous phase in the FM modulated signal in Equation 3.5.


The Above Equation 3.6 gives the transmitted signal s(t) = xtx(t) for only first sweep.
But we transmit the N number of sweep at shown in the Figure 3.2.

To determine the N number of Sweep’s transmitted signal which is in our case N = 64.
The T will be modified in the Equation 3.6.
Chapter 3. Derivation of Transmitted-
Received Signal in Time Domain 10

Figure 3.2: Spectrogram of FMCW saw-tooth Signal Model.

t = nT + ts (3.7)

Here 0 < ts < T, so we get the final transmitted signal which is given below:

Here the ts is the starting time of nth sweep.

3.3 Derivation of FMCR Radar Received Signal

The FMCR radar received signal is the same signal as the transmitted signal in Equation
3.8 but with some delay τ which can get from the given Equation



Here the R is the object distance and the v is the relative speed of the object and the c is
the speed of light. So, the received signal will be
Chapter 3. Derivation of Transmitted-
Received Signal in Time Domain

Equation 3.11 shows the Received Signal. FMCW radar uses the received signal
multiplied by the transmitted signal to obtain the message signal. The beat frequency is
the difference between the received and transmitted signals. The beat frequency fb can
be used to determine the distance of an object.

xm(t) = xtx(t) × xrx(t) (3.12)

As transmitted and received signals are the cos signals. So, we have to apply the cos
multiplication trigonometric formula which is given below:


After the multiplication of the received and transmitted signal, we get a higher frequency
component that is filtered by the band pass filter. After filtering, we get the message
signal as follow:

AB αts2 α(ts − τ)2

xm(t) = cos(2π(fo(nT + ts) + − fo(nT + ts − τ) + ) (3.14)
2 2 2

After some simplifications in the Equation 3.14 we get the simplified form of the
massage signal.

Chapter 3. Derivation of Transmitted-
Chapter 4. Expressions for a Linear FMCW Radar System’s Parameters

Chapter 4

Expressions for a Linear FMCW

Radar System’s Parameters
4.1 Introduction
In this Chapter, we will determine the expressions of the linear FMCW radar system
parameters which is described in Chapter 2.

4.2 Expression of FMCW Radar System’s Parameters

There are many FMCW radar system parameters but we need to determine the Radar
equation, range, range resolution, and velocity of the moving target.

4.2.1 Radar Equation

The radar received power over radar transmitted power explain the radar equation
which is given below:

Pr GtGrσλ2
= (4.1)
Pt (4π)3r4

Here Pt is the radar transmitted power and Pr is the radar received power & Gr and Gt are
the gain of receiver and transmitter antenna and σ is the radar cross-sectional area in
(m2) and λ is the wavelength of the radar in (m).

4.2.2 Range
The range of the target is obtained from the beat frequency as shown in the Equation 4.2.


Here fb is the beat frequency which is the frequency difference of the transmitted and
received signal, and c is the speed of light and α is the Chirp rate. We can also get the

expression of the beat frequency which is given below:


4.2.3 Range Resolution

The Range Resolution provides information about the minimum range that can be
measured using radar. The range resolution expression is obtained by applying the value
of a chirp rate in Equation 4.3.


Here the ∆fb is the frequency resolution. In order to detect the two different object on
minimum range one condition is applied on the frequency resolution which is given


The beat frequency must be greater than the chirp frequency. So, we get the range
resolution in the given Equation:


Here B is the bandwidth of the chirp.

4.2.4 Velocity of the Moving Target


From the above Equation 4.8 we get the velocity equation of a moving target.

vr = (4.8)
It depends on the velocity resolution of the radar which is the minimum relative velocity
that can accurately be measured by the radar of a moving target. The relative velocity of
the moving target also depends on the Doppler frequency fd which is described below:
Chapter 4. Expressions for a Linear FMCW Radar System’s Parameters

Chapter 5

Simulation of FMCW Radar on

5.1 Introduction
This chapter will simulate the FMCW radar system using Matlab. We will simulate two
FMCW models. The first is the Saw-tooth Modulated FMCW Radar, and the second is the
Triangular Modulated FMCW Radar. All Matlab codes can be found in Appendix A.

5.2 Simulation of Saw tooth Modulated FMCW Radar

In Matlab, we have implemented a code to see the time-domain representation of the
sawtooth modulated FMCW radar transmitted signal which is shown in the Figure 5.1.

Figure 5.1: Time-Domain Representation of Saw-tooth Modulated FMCW Transmitted Signal.

Chapter 5. 16
Simulation of FMCW Radar on Matlab

We have also simulate the spectrogram on Matlab to see the saw-tooth wave on the
spectrogram which is shown in Figure 5.2.

Figure 5.2: Spectrogram of Saw-tooth Modulated FMCW Radar.

5.2.1 Range-Doppler Response Pattern

To generate the Range-Doppler response pattern, first we plot the dechriped signal
(Received Signal) of saw-tooth modulated FMCW radar on matlab which is shown in the
Figure 5.3.

Figure 5.3: Received Dechriped Signal of Saw-tooth Modulated FMCW Radar.

Chapter 5. 17

Simulation of FMCW Radar on Matlab

We also simulate the 2-D Range Doppler response pattern by simulating the FMCW
radar model on Matlab with a target car distance of 50m and speed of 150Km/h when
the radar speed is 172Km/h then we get the Range-speed response pattern with the
distance and the relative speed of the target with the radar which is shown in the Figure

Figure 5.4: Range-Doppler Response Pattern of Sawtooth Modulated FMCW Radar.

5.3 Simulation of Triangular Modulated FMCW Radar

In matlab, we have implemented a code to simulate the spectrogram on matlab to see
the triangular wave on spectrogram which is shown in Figure 5.5.
Chapter 5. 18
Simulation of FMCW Radar on Matlab

Figure 5.5: Spectrogram of Triangular Modulated FMCW Radar.

5.3.1 Range-Doppler Response Pattern

To generate the Range-Doppler response pattern, firstly we plot the dechriped signal
(Received Signal) of Triangular modulated FMCW radar on matlab which is shown in the
Figure 5.6.

Figure 5.6: Received Dechriped Signal of Triangular Modulated FMCW Radar.

We also simulate the 2-D Range Doppler response pattern by simulating the FMCW
radar model on matlab with target car distance of 50m and speed of 150Km/h when the
radar Simulation of FMCW Radar on Matlab
Chapter 5. 19

speed is 172Km/h the we get the Range-speed response pattern with the distance and
the relative speed of the target with the radar which is shown in the Figure 5.7.

Figure 5.7: Range-Doppler Response Pattern of Triangular Modulated FMCW Radar.

Chapter 6

Link Budget Calculation

6.1 Introduction
The link budget calculates the power gain or loss of a communication signal in
telecommunication, from the transmitter to the channel and back to the receiver. This
calculation is done by using the ADISimRF software for FMCW radar.

6.2 Link Budget for FMCW Radar

Our task in FMCW radar is to calculate the link budget for received paths for targets at
5m and 102m using ADIsimRF software for Analogue Devices for 5.8GHz FMCW radar.
To calculate the link budget for 5m and 102m, first we need to calculate the received
power Pr in dBm on the Receiver antenna, which can be calculated by using this given

Figure 6.1: Block Diagram of 5.8GHz FMCW System.

Chapter 6. Link Budget Calculation 21

The Figure 6.1 shows the total FMWC radar system block diagram in which the value of
Pt, Gt and Gr is given in dBm and dBi. First we have to convent these value into decimal
then calculate the Pr using Equation 6.1.


Now we’re going to find the received power Pr when r = 5m by using Equation 6.1.

Pr = 10log (34.266 × 10−6mW) = −44.651dBm (6.6)

Chapter 6. Link Budget Calculation 22
Now we will calculate the link budget on receiver side by using this Pr in dBm in ADISimRF

Figure 6.2: Link Budget on Receiver Side for 5m Range of 5.8GHz FMCW System.

By putting all the known values on ADISimRF as seen in Figure 6.2 and 6.4 it
automatically calculated the other parameters which are shown in the Figure Now we
will calculate the link budget for the range 102m for that we are again going to use
Equation 6.1

Figure 6.3: Input Parameters of Receiver Side for 5m Range of 5.8GHz FMCW System.

Figure 6.4: Link Budget for 5m Range of 5.8GHz FMCW System.

By applying the values of other parameters which is shown in the Equation 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4
we will get the value of Pr when r = 102m
Chapter 6. Link Budget Calculation 23

Pr = 10log (82 × 10−9mW) = −70.861dBm (6.8)

By putting the all the known values on ADISimRF as seen in Figure 6.5 and 6.7 it automatically
calculated the other parameters which are shown in the Figure Below.

Figure 6.5: Link Budget on Receiver Side for 102m Range of 5.8GHz FMCW System.

Figure 6.6: Input Parameters of Receiver Side for 102m Range of 5.8GHz FMCW System.
Chapter 6. Link Budget Calculation 24

Figure 6.7: Link Budget for 102m Range of 5.8GHz FMCW System.
Chapter 7

In this Complex Engineering Problem (CEP), we have designed a Frequency Modulated
Continuous Wave (FMCW) Radar for automotive applications especially for the
Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS). It can be used to implement autonomous
braking and radar cruise control. In this CEP we have simulated the two types of
modulated FMCW radar and compared its performance and the Pros and cons of each
type of modulated FMCW radar. We also drive the time domain expression of the
transmitted and the received signal of the FMCW radar system. With the help of the time
domain expression, this task can be implemented on the hardware, and circuit-level
implementation can be proposed on the given specification of the radar.

Appendix A

MATLAB Coding of Controlled

System’s Step Response
A.1 MATLAB Code of Spectrogram & Time-Domain Signal of
FMCW Radar.

fc = 77e9; c = 3e8; lambda

= c/fc; range_max = 102;
tm = 5.5*range2time(range_max,c); range_res = 1;
bw = range2bw(range_res,c); sweep_slope = bw/tm;
fr_max = range2beat(range_max,sweep_slope,c); v_max = 192*1000/3600; fd_max =
speed2dop(2*v_max,lambda); fb_max = fr_max+fd_max; fs = max(2*fb_max,bw); waveform =
’SampleRate’,fs); sig = waveform(); subplot(211);
plot(0:1/fs:tm-1/fs,real(sig)); xlabel(’Time (s)’); ylabel(’Amplitude
(v)’); title(’FMCW signal’); axis tight; subplot(212); spectrogram(sig,32,16,32,fs,’yaxis’);
title(’FMCW signal spectrogram’);

A.2 MATLAB Code of Range-Doppler Pattern of Sawtooth

FMCW Radar

car_dist = 50; car_speed = 150*1000/3600; car_rcs =

db2pow(min(10*log10(car_dist)+5,20)); cartarget =


’OperatingFrequency’,fc); carmotion = phased.Platform(’InitialPosition’,[car_dist;0;0.5],...


channel = phased.FreeSpace(’PropagationSpeed’,c,...
Appendix A. Win Spice Coding of MOSFET’s Schmitt Trigger 26

ant_aperture = 6.06e-4; % in square meter ant_gain =

aperture2gain(ant_aperture,lambda); % in dB

tx_ppower = db2pow(5)*1e-3; % in watts tx_gain = 9+ant_gain; % in dB

rx_gain = 15+ant_gain; % in dB rx_nf = 4.5; % in dB transmitter =

phased.Transmitter(’PeakPower’,tx_ppower,’Gain’,tx_gain); receiver =

phased.ReceiverPreamp(’Gain’,rx_gain,’NoiseFigure’,rx_nf,... ’SampleRate’,fs);

radar_speed = 172*1000/3600; radarmotion = phased.Platform(’InitialPosition’,[0;0;0.5],...


specanalyzer = dsp.SpectrumAnalyzer(’SampleRate’,fs,...
’Title’,’Spectrum for received and dechirped signal’,...
’ShowLegend’,true); rng(2012); Nsweep = 64; xr =

complex(zeros(waveform.SampleRate*waveform.SweepTime,Nsweep)); for

m = 1:Nsweep

[radar_pos,radar_vel] = radarmotion(waveform.SweepTime); [tgt_pos,tgt_vel]

= carmotion(waveform.SweepTime); sig = waveform(); txsig =


txsig = channel(txsig,radar_pos,tgt_pos,radar_vel,tgt_vel); txsig = cartarget(txsig);

% Dechirp the received radar return txsig

= receiver(txsig); dechirpsig = dechirp(txsig,sig);

% Visualize the spectrum specanalyzer([txsig dechirpsig]);

Appendix A. WinSpice Coding of MOSFET’s Schmitt Trigger 28
xr(:,m) = dechirpsig;
end rngdopresp = phased.RangeDopplerResponse(’PropagationSpeed’,c,...


plotResponse(rngdopresp,xr); % Plot range Doppler map axis([-v_max v_max 0 range_max]) clim = caxis;

Dn = fix(fs/(2*fb_max)); for m = size(xr,2):-1:1 xr_d(:,m) = decimate(xr(:,m),Dn,’FIR’);

end fs_d = fs/Dn; fb_rng =

rootmusic(pulsint(xr_d,’coherent’),1,fs_d); rng_est =


peak_loc = val2ind(rng_est,c/(fs_d*2)); fd =

rootmusic(xr_d(peak_loc,:),1,1/tm); v_est = dop2speed(fd,lambda)/2

deltaR = rdcoupling(fd,sweep_slope,c)

waveform_tr = clone(waveform);
release(waveform_tr); tm = 2e-3;
waveform_tr.SweepTime = tm; sweep_slope = bw/tm;

deltaR = rdcoupling(fd,sweep_slope,c)

Nsweep = 16; xr = helperFMCWSimulate(Nsweep,waveform_tr,radarmotion,carmotion,...

transmitter,channel,cartarget,receiver); fbu_rng =

rootmusic(pulsint(xr(:,1:2:end),’coherent’),1,fs); fbd_rng =

rootmusic(pulsint(xr(:,2:2:end),’coherent’),1,fs); rng_est =

beat2range([fbu_rng fbd_rng],sweep_slope,c) fd = -

(fbu_rng+fbd_rng)/2; v_est = dop2speed(fd,lambda)/2

txchannel = phased.TwoRayChannel(’PropagationSpeed’,c,...

’OperatingFrequency’,fc,’SampleRate’,fs); rxchannel =
phased.TwoRayChannel(’PropagationSpeed’,c,... ’OperatingFrequency’,fc,’SampleRate’,fs);
Nsweep = 64; xr = helperFMCWTwoRaySimulate(Nsweep,waveform,radarmotion,carmotion,...
plotResponse(rngdopresp,xr); % Plot range Doppler map axis([-v_max v_max 0 range_max]); caxis(clim);
Appendix A. WinSpice Coding of MOSFET’s Schmitt Trigger 29

A.3 MATLAB Code of Spectrogram of Triangular FMCW


fc = 77e9; c = 3e8; lambda

= c/fc; range_max = 102;
tm = 5.5*range2time(range_max,c); range_res = 1;
bw = range2bw(range_res,c); sweep_slope = bw/tm;
fr_max = range2beat(range_max,sweep_slope,c); v_max = 192*1000/3600; fd_max =
speed2dop(2*v_max,lambda); fb_max = fr_max+fd_max; fs = max(2*fb_max,bw); waveform =
’SampleRate’,fs); sig = waveform(); subplot(211);
plot(0:1/fs:tm-1/fs,real(sig)); xlabel(’Time (s)’); ylabel(’Amplitude
(v)’); title(’FMCW signal’); axis tight; subplot(212); spectrogram(sig,32,16,32,fs,’yaxis’);
title(’FMCW signal spectrogram’);

sFMCW = phased.FMCWWaveform(’SweepBandwidth’,bw,...
’NumSweeps’,4); sig =
step(sFMCW); windowlength
= 32; noverlap = 16; nfft =

spectrogram(sig,windowlength,noverlap,nfft,sFMCW.SampleRate,’yaxis’) title(’FMCW
Transmitted signal spectrogram’);

A.4 MATLAB Code of Dechriped Signal of Triangular FMCW


car_dist = 50; car_speed = 150*1000/3600; car_rcs =

db2pow(min(10*log10(car_dist)+5,20)); cartarget =
’OperatingFrequency’,fc); carmotion = phased.Platform(’InitialPosition’,[car_dist;0;0.5],...
’Velocity’,[car_speed;0;0]); channel = phased.FreeSpace(’PropagationSpeed’,c,...
ant_aperture = 6.06e-4; % in square meter ant_gain =

aperture2gain(ant_aperture,lambda); % in dB tx_ppower = db2pow(5)*1e-3; % in

watts tx_gain = 9+ant_gain; % in dB rx_gain = 15+ant_gain; % in dB rx_nf = 4.5; % in dB

transmitter = phased.Transmitter(’PeakPower’,tx_ppower,’Gain’,tx_gain); receiver =
’SampleRate’,fs); radar_speed = 172*1000/3600; radarmotion =
’Velocity’,[radar_speed;0;0]); specanalyzer = dsp.SpectrumAnalyzer(’SampleRate’,fs,...
’Title’,’Spectrum for Received and Dechirped signal with Signal Strength’,...
’ShowLegend’,true); rng(2012);
Nsweep = 64;
Appendix A. WinSpice Coding of MOSFET’s Schmitt Trigger 30
xr = complex(zeros(waveform.SampleRate*waveform.SweepTime,Nsweep)); for m = 1:Nsweep
% Update radar and target positions
[radar_pos,radar_vel] = radarmotion(waveform.SweepTime); [tgt_pos,tgt_vel] =
carmotion(waveform.SweepTime); sig = sFMCW(); txsig = transmitter(sig); txsig =
channel(txsig,radar_pos,tgt_pos,radar_vel,tgt_vel); txsig = cartarget(txsig); txsig =
dechirpsig = dechirp(txsig,sig); specanalyzer([txsig dechirpsig]) xr(:,m)
= dechirpsig; end
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