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Down For Me
Our film opens with a scene out of context. We are outside of a Route
66 motel. It’s dusk, the sky glows with a fading purple. Gerald is
sitting in the back of a police car. He is calm. The red and blue sirens
flashing on his face. Cut to black. A title over black. “Down for Me”.
Route 66. A desolate wasteland. The stagnant desert silence is pierced by the roar of a 67’ Black
Fastback Mustang. Behind the wheel is Gerald. Leather Jacket, hand resting at the 12’ o'clock
position. The open road is his. Suddenly. His attention is diverted to a something in the middle of
the road. The mustang comes to a screeching stop. A cloud of tire smoke drifts by, revealing a
girl. Beautiful. Brown hair & blue eyes. She stands staring carelessly towards the sky. Gerald honks,
breaking her trance. She walks to the window. They exchange a smile. Gerald leans over and opens
the door. Without hesitation… they are off.
…down for me is a take on the classic duo


The duo pull into a lonely route 66 gas station. Gerald jumps out to begin fueling the
fastback. Bonnie slips up behind him and pulls on his jacket. Gesturing him to follow. They work
their way into the dated gas station mart. Suddenly. Bonnie pulls out a revolver. She trains it on
the clerk. She looks over to Gerald. She gives him a wink, and tosses him a small duffle. Gerald
looks at the clerk, takes a beat. Their destructive path begins.
We see the Mustang tear down the highway. Spare bills flying out
of the windows. Bonnie is counting the money, strung out on the
exhilaration. Gerald is performing the lyrics to the song. Confident. He
tries to hold back a smile, stealing a glance at Bonnie when he can.
A montage begins. Gerald and Bonnie are at a roadside diner.
Adrenaline fueling their chaos. Several stacks of money are on the
table. Cut to -
Sunset. The desert landscape fades. A MOTEL neon sign
illuminates, their mustang just below. Gerald is sitting on the edge
the bed, taking off his leather jacket. Performing the lyrics of the song.
Gazing at Bonnie, wearing an oversized button up. She is holding the
revolver. Bonnie approaches and pins down Gerald. Almost
magnetic, the lose themselves in each other.
The fading sunset raking across the room is suddenly consumed by a
fervent flurry of red and blue lights. Sirens. Gerald jumps up, and
realizes in their lust, he was handcuffed to the bed. Gerald looks
defeated. Betrayed. Bonnie slips out the back door with the duffle, she
winks at him.
Our film has come to where it began. Gerald is in the back a cop
car. solemnly accepting his fate. He sings the last part of the song, to
himself. Suddenly gun fire. Bonnie swings up the back door, and
pulls Gerald out. They take a moment and smile at one another. They
hop into the front of the cop car, flick off the sirens and take off
into the horizon.

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