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Cheat Sheet

Techniques of differentiation
1. Power rule
=6 x

To differentiate using the power rule:

● Bring the power down and multiply it by the coefficient of x.
● Then reduce the power by one.
Hence in the example, the square brought down and multiplied by the 3 which is the
coefficient of x becomes 6, while the power is reduced by one leaving the square with a power
of one.

2. Product rule
y=f(x) g(x)
du dv du
=u + v
dv du dv
u=f (x )
v=g( x )
To differentiate using the product rule: The functions must be multiplied by each other (as
shown in the first line).
● The equation above is used to differentiate the functions, where the first function is
represented by u and the second function is represented by v.
● Using this rule, you must write the first function, differentiate the second function;
write the second function and differentiate the first function.
● Writing the first and differentiating the second is bounded by the multiplication
● Likewise for the second part of the equation, writing the second and differentiating the
first is bounded by the multiplication function.
● They are both bounded by the addition function.
● Basically: Write first, diff the second and write the second, diff the first.

3. Roots rule
y= √❑ y= √3 x
1 1
y=x y=x
2 3
When differentiating the root, it will be represented with a fractional power.
● The root number will be the denominator. For example, if it’s square root, the
denominator is a 2; while if it’s a cubic root, the denominator will be a 3…and so on.
● The power of the x-term will be the numerator. Hence the numerator for both
examples is one since the power of x is one. Had x been raised to the power of two,
then the numerator would have been two.

4. Negative power rule

dy 1
dx 2
dy 1 1
= x −1
dx 2 2
dy 1 −1
= x
dx 2 2
dy 1 1
= ∙
dx 2 1
dy 1
dx 2 √❑
● After using the root rule, the power rule comes into play. However it’s different when it
comes to a negative power.
● To represent the power as a positive power, put the expression under 1 to represent it
as a fraction.

5. Complex root rule

y= √ ❑
y= √❑
dy 1
=√❑ (root rule)
dx 2
dy 1 1
= ∙ √ ❑ −1 (power rule)
dx 2 2
dy √ ❑
= (negative power rule)
dx ❑
● When dealing with a complex root rule, several rules are involved. The complex root
rule is only used when terms under the root are being multiplied. That way the terms
can be under separate roots.
● Separate terms under different roots.
● Use the root rule and change the root to a fractional power of the x term.
● Use the power rule.
● Use the negative power rule and work out the equation.
● Change the positive power of the x term back into its root form.
6. Quotient rule


du dv
f ( x )=u dy V −U
g (x)=v dx = dx

To differentiate using the quotient rule:
● Write the second function (v), then differentiate the first function (u).
● Write the first function (u), then differentiate the second function (v).
● The two are combined by a subtraction operation and is the numerator to the equation.
● The denominator is the second function (v) squared. This part is never simplified in
the equation (unless otherwise stated).
● The numerator is worked out by removing brackets, and/or eliminating like terms, etc.
● This rule is used when the function is represented as a fraction.

7. Chain rule (U Substitution)

y= (Ax + B)n

y=(2x2 + 5)3

Let U= (2x2 + 5) y= U3
=4 x dy= 3U2

dy dy du
= ×
dx du dx
dy = 3U2 ✕ 4x ===== 3(2x2 + 5) (4x)

dy= 12x(2x2 + 5)

When using the chain rule or U substitution method:
● There must be a power governing an entire expression, as seen in the standard where ‘n’ governs
the expression.
● The first thing is to let whatever the expression is (that is governed by the power) to be equal to U.
● Then you must differentiate U, that is that particular expression.
● After that, you substitute U in the entire equation.
● You should have U to some power and if the expression had it, a coefficient to the U.
● Differentiate it using the power rule, then write the differentiation of U (multiplied to that
● If the coefficient and differentiation of U can be worked out then do so.

Evaluating Limits

● If you are given a limit with a function with instructions to “find”, then you are
expected to evaluate it by simplifying it, either by factoring or using hopital’s rule,
where you differentiate both the numerator and denominator.
● After simplifying, you are expected to substitute the limit given into your new
expression to obtain a value, which is your final answer.
● If you are given two limits each with their own functions, and one that’s given a value
equivalent to it, you are expected to:
○ Substitute the limit into the function with the given value equivalent.
○ Then transpose to make f (x), in this case x is the value that was substituted
earlier, the subject.
○ Substitute the limit of the second function into the second function.
○ This works out to give f(x) which was found earlier. Substitute that value and
work out.
Differentiating by first priciples of a function
If you are given a function to be differentiated by first principle:
● Write the formula necessary.
● Substitute where necessary:
○ The first f is the coefficient of the first term.
○ X+h is substituted to be x, hence wherever x is in the function, you substitute that
in the formula.
● Work out the numerator, ensuring to clear all brackets, especially those with negative
signs infront of them.
● In order to eliminate h, with only one h remaining, put each expression over an h to
eliminate them.
● Substitute the limit (0) into h, to get your resulting expression.
Differentiating parametric equations
● When differentiating paramentrics equations, it is usually in terms of θ.
● You need to differentiate x in terms of θ.
○ Use U substitution to represent the trigonometric function.
○ Differentiate U in terms of θ.
○ Substitute the U for whaterver trig function was used.
○ Differentiate X in terms of U.
○ Put the differentiation of U and X to get the differentiation of X in terms of θ.
● You need to differentiate y in terms of θ.
○ Use U substitution to represent the trigonometric function.
○ Differentiate U in terms of θ.
○ Substitute the U for whatever trig function was used.
○ Differentiate Y in terms of U.
○ Put the differentiation of U and Y to get the differentiation of Y in terms of θ.
● Combine the two and work out.

Finding coordinates of stationary points

For stationary points, dy/dx=0. Hence f‘=0.
● Use the first differentiation of the original function to find the x coordinates by
factorizing, all the while the equation equaling to 0.
● Once the points are found for x, substitute them in the original function to obtain the y
● Your coordinates have been found and it is time to determine their nature.
● Using the second differentiation, substitute the x values.
● The value obtained will determine whether they are maximum or minimum points.

Integration of a function
Use U substitution.
Differentiate U. Make dx the subject of differentiation.
Substitute the dx expression into the function.
Work out as much as possible, leaving U and dx.
Integrate the function by increasing the power of U by 1, and dividing it by the increase in
Du becomes + c.
Workout any fractions for the expression to be a whole.
Replace U with whatever it was substituted for.

Rates of change
To find the rate of increase of a surface area: dA/dt = dA/dr x dr/dt
● You must find or diff all variables necessary.
● Put them into the required equation.
● Solve for whatever variable is given with a value.

Sketching a graph
● You must find the roots where y=0.
● Hence the equation is = 0.
● Factorize the equation to obtain 2 values for x. Those are the roots of the curve.
● Then find the turning point by completing the square.
○ Find half of the x variable.
○ Bracket it (the half value) with the x square (without the square).
○ Then subtract the half value squared from the coefficient.
○ The half-value is taken as the opposite sign. That value with the coefficient value
is the turning point.

Finding the area bounded by the curve

● The lines given for the bounded area are the limits of the function.
● After diffing the function previously given, substitute the limits.
● Subtract the upper limit from the lower limit.
● That value is the area in units squared.
du dv
dy V −U
Quotient Rules: = dx dx Product Rule: y = f(x) g(x) u = f(x) v = g(x)
f ( x )=u du dv du
=U +V
g ( x)=v dv dx dx

dy dy du
Chain Rule: =
dx du
• dx

Differentiation of trigonometric functions Differentiation of parametric equations:

d dy dy dt dt
dx = dt • dx
➢ dx Sin𝒙 = Cos𝒙 → dx
dx = t is the parameter
➢ Cos𝒙 = –Sin𝒙
➢ Tan𝒙 = Sec2𝒙 Stationary point:
➢ Cot𝒙 = –Cosec2𝒙 dy/dx=0 , f ‘=0 (factorize to find coordinates)
➢ Sec𝒙 = Sec𝒙 Tan𝒙 use f ‘’ and sub x coordinates to determine nature.
➢ Cosec𝒙 = –Cosec𝒙 Cot𝒙 d2y/dx2 > 0 ; min point
d2y/dx2 < 0 ; max point

Q 2. Differentiation by first principle Formulas for rate of change

dy lim ¿ f ( x +h)−f (x )
= ¿ Sphere: V= 4/3 πr3 A= 4 πr2 Cylinder: V= πr2h A= 2πrh + 2
dx h →0 h
πr 2
dy dy dθ
(c) =
dx d θ
• dx
Cube: V= a3 A= 6a2 Cone: V= πr2 h/3 A= πr(r+√h2+r2)
1. Find: Let u = cosθ Let u = sinθ −2−3+12+ 3=10 (-1,10)
lim ¿ n −25 lim ¿ (n – 5)(n+5)
¿ = ¿ ¿
n →5 n−5 n →5 n–5 du du Use f (x ) and sub both x values inside
= – sinθ = cosθ
dθ dθ Min = positive or greater than 0
lim ¿ Max = negative or less than 0
= ¿ (5+5) = 10 ❑
n →5 dx
= au2 y = au2 3. (a) ∫ x ¿¿ let u = x 2+ 6

sin 4 x 4 cos 4 x ❑ 1
(ii) lim ¿ 1
x →0 3x
(b) 4(f(-2)) = 5
= 2au = 2au ∫xu 2

=2 x

lim ¿ 4 cos 4 (0) = 4 (1) = 4 5 ❑ 1
x →0 3 3 3
f (-2) =
4 dx dx du
= ×
dx dx du
= × ∫ 12 u 2 du du=2 xdx
lim ¿ {f(x) + 2x} d θ du d θ d θ du d θ ❑
❑ 1
1 1
X →−2
lim ¿{f(-2) + 2(-2)} = 2 aux−sin θ = 2 au ×cos θ 2❑
∫ u 2 du 2x

( ) ()
X →−2
= −2 acos θsinθ = 2 a sinθcos θ 1 1
5 −11 2
+1 1
-4= 1 u 1 u
4 4 + c= +c
dx dx du 2 1 2 1
2. (a) f(x) = 2x2 – x + 5 = × +1 1
2 2
d θ du d θ 2 2
dy lim ¿ 2(x+ h) −(x +h)+5−(2 x −x +5) 1

() ( )
= = 2 a sinθcosθ × 3
dx h→ 0 h −2 acosθsinθ 2 3
1 u 1 2 2
= –1
+ c= ∙u +c
2 3 2 3
dy lim ¿ ( x 2+2 hx +h ¿ ¿ 2)−x−h+ 5−2 x 2+ x −5 2
= 2 ¿
dx h→ 0 h dy
(d) iii)=0 , f 1 ( x )=0 1(
dx √❑)
dy lim ¿ 2 x 2 +4 hx+2 h2 −x−h+5−2 x 2 + x−5 2
6 x −6 x−12=0 x−2=0 x +1=0
dx h→ 0 h 2
x −x−2=0 x=2 x=−1 dV 3 dV dV dr
(b) =10 cm /s → = ×
(x−2)(x +1)=0 dt d t dr d t
dy lim ¿ 4 hx +2 h2−h When x = 2 dr 10
dx h→ 0 h 3 2 10=4 π r ×
→ =¿ dr
2 x −3 x −12 x +3 dt 4πr
dy 2(2)3−3(2)2−12(2)+3
= 4 x 4(0)−1=4 x−1 5 dr
dx =¿
2(8)−3(4 )−24+3 2π r 2
(c) x=a cos 2 θ y=a sin θ
When x = -1 (c) (i) roots: y=0 , x 2 + x=0
3 2
dy 2 x −3 x −12 x +3 x (x+ 1)=0
¿ a(cosθ)2 y ¿ a(sinθ )2 3 2
2(−1) −3(−1) −12(−1)+3 x=0 , x +1=0 → x=−1
2(−1)−3(1)+12+3 S.P = (2, -17)
2( ) () ( )
1 2 1 2
x + x= x + −
1 2 1
= x+ −
2 4

−1 1
2 (
4 ) 1
x + =0→ x=

[ ]
x 3 x2
(ii) ∫ x 2+ x dx →
3 2

[ ] [ ]
3 2
3 3 32 (−1) (−1)
+ - +
3 2 3 2

[ ] [ ]

27 9 (−1) 1 ❑ 27 9 1 1
+ - + + + −
3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2
27 1 9 1 28 8 28
+ + − → + → +4
3 3 2 2 3 2 3
1 1
9 + 4 → 13
3 3


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