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Açúcares / sacáridos  glucose

Proteínas  aminoácidos
Gorduras/lípidos  ácidos gordos

Transit Times

*Assuming 24
hour Transit
The current Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) recommendation is composed of:

 Estimated Average Requirements (EAR), expected to satisfy the needs of 50% of the people in
that age group based on a review of the scientific literature.

 Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA), the daily dietary intake level of a nutrient considered
sufficient by the Food and Nutrition Board to meet the requirements of 97.5% of healthy individuals
in each life-stage and gender group. It is calculated based on the EAR and is usually approximately
20% higher than the EAR…. the RDA is used to determine the Recommended Daily Value (RDV)
which is printed on food labels in the U.S. and Canada.

 Adequate Intake (AI), where no RDA has been established, but the amount established is
somewhat less firmly believed to be adequate for everyone in the demographic group.

 Tolerable upper intake levels (UL), to caution against excessive intake of nutrients (like vitamin A)
that can be harmful in large amounts. This is the highest level of daily consumption that current
data have shown to cause no side effects in humans when used indefinitely without medical

AMDR in Nutrition  Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges.
…It can also be understood as the calorie composition of a diet that gives adequate energy as
required and other nutrients. For example AMDR for carbohydrate is 45%-65%, fat is 20%-35% and of
protein is 10%-35% of your total Kcal intake.

- CHOs devem constituir pelo menos 25% do aporte calórico para evitar gluconeogénese (a
partir de aa...)
(min. 147g/dia)

- AMDR (Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges): CHs 45-65% do aporte calórico

- AI fibra total 25g/dia (F)
38g/dia(M), menos para 3ª idade

- Adulto médio necessita pelo menos 200g/dia de glucose (140g/dia para cérebro)

Digestão & Absorção

α amilases salivar e pancreática  Maltose, isomaltose, (glucose)
Dissacaridases específicas ligadas à membrana  monossacáridos (tb no lumen, por desligamento da mucosa)

Glucose tem absorção imediata

Outros com transportadores específicos Na+-dependent
Saturação dos transportadores  cólon  (….) overload de lactose

- Hormonal: insulina/glucagon
- Metabólico: glicólise vs. gluconeogénes; glicólise vs. glicogénese

Sacarose com papel essencial
Lactose no leite
Maltose irrelevante nos alimentos mas resulta da hidrólise de polissacáridos

Amido reserva de energia nas plantas – poliglucose com ligação glicosídica α
Muito hidrofílicos

Pectinas – frutas; solúveis em meio aquoso neutro (fibra solúvel)
Hemicelulose, celulose – paredes células vegetais; solúvel em meio ácido
Lenhina – não é sacárido
(recentemente: “amido resistente” (grãos pouco moídos ou amido retrogradado),
substitutos indigeríveis de gordura….

Sugar alcohols – polióis:

 Redução enzimática de sacáridos (sorbitol, galactitol)
(acumulação nos tecidos pode ser nefasta!)

Aporte na alimentação (xilitol, arabitol, galactitol, outros incluindo sintéticos)


Xilitol Isomalte Eritriol

Lactitol Sorbitol
Maltitol Manitol

Absorção  transporte para o fígado  homeostase (glucagon, insulina…)
Capacidade de armazenamento (como glicogénio) é limitada….

 conversão em gordura via AcCoA

 conversão em gordura mais “consumidora de energia” que a derivada dos

(Frutose, galactose)
Metabolizados. Não influenciam a secreção de insulina!

Glicolização não enzimática de proteínas ocorre quando o nível de glucose no sangue é
elevado  diabetes melitus TEMA!!

- Hormonal: insulina/glucagon
- Metabólico: glicólise vs. gluconeogénes; glicólise vs. glicogénese
(característico da pessoa)
glucose não tem processo digestivo
50-100g glucose +0.5l H2O
Medida de teor de glucose no sangue ao longo do tempo até 120min.

 Teor máximo no sangue atingido 30 min após ingestão

 Antes de atingir o teor máximo, despoleta-se libertação de insulina (celular

takeover de glucose)

 Teor final de equilíbrio atingido após 120min

 (glucose profile)
Post-absortive blood glucose levels: Glucose profile
Variação do teor de glucose no sangue ao longo do tempo após ingestão de
Glucose (…alimentos)
(característico do material alimentar)

Quantidades idênticas de carbohidrato em diferentes materiais alimentares originam

diferentes glucose profiles

Índice glicémico (Glycemic index, GI)

 área sob a curva de variação da glucose no sangue após ingestão de um
…a dividir por…
área sob a curva da variação de glucose no sangue se a ingestão de uma quantidade
equivcalente de glucose (ou de pão branco)
…x 100
Medida do tempo de recuperação dos níveis de glucose no sangue após ingerir um dado alimento.

Carga glicémica (Glycemic load)

Combina o GI com a quantidade de carbohidrato que existe num dado alimento…
CG = GI * g(CHs em 1g de alimento)
Medida do efeito da ingestão da glucose presente num dado alimento

FOOD Glycemic index Serving size (grams) Glycemic load per

(glucose = 100) serving

Sponge cake, plain 46 63 17

Apple, made without sugar 48 60 9

Bagel, white, frozen 72 70 25

Baguette, white, plain 95 30 15

Coarse barley bread, 75-80% kernels, 34 30 7


Hamburger bun 61 30 9
50% cracked wheat kernel bread 58 30 12

White wheat flour bread 71 30 10

Whole wheat bread, average 71 30 9


FOOD Glycemic index (glucose = Serving size (grams) Glycemic load per serving
Coca Cola®, average 63 250 mL 16
Fanta®, orange soft 68 250 mL 23
Apple juice, 44 250 mL 30
unsweetened, average
Orange juice, 50 250 mL 12
Tomato juice, canned 38 250 mL 4


All-Branâ¢, average 55 30 12
Cornflakesâ¢, average 93 30 23
Muesli, average 66 30 16
FOOD Glycemic index Serving size Glycemic load
(glucose = 100) (grams) per serving

Ice cream, regular 57 50 6

Ice cream, premium 38 50 3
Milk, full fat 41 250mL 5
Milk, skim 32 250 mL 4
Reduced-fat yogurt with fruit, average 33 200 11
Apple, average 39 120 6
Banana, ripe 62 120 16
Dates, dried 42 60 18
Grapefruit 25 120 3
Grapes, average 59 120 11
Orange, average 40 120 4
Peach, average 42 120 5
Peach, canned in light syrup 40 120 5
Pear, average 38 120 4
Pear, canned in pear juice 43 120 5
Prunes, pitted 29 60 10
Raisins 64 60 28
MACRONUTRIENTE – LÍPIDOS [(tri)glicéridos!!] (Recordar ou outros…)

Nutrição: 20–35% of
- AMDR: Lípidos devem constituir pelo menos 20%-35% do calories
Linoleic acid,
aporte calórico an omega-6 fatty
17 12
g/day g/day
- RDA – 65g/dia acid(polyunsaturated
alpha-Linolenic acid,
- Alimentos com mais MUFA do que PUFA (vd. Infra) an omega-3 fatty
1.6 1.1
g/day g/day
Digestão Cholesterol
Lipase lingual & lipase gástrica resistente à proteólise, actua em Trans fatty acids As low as
10-30% dos TAG (triacilgliceróis) Saturated fatty acids 20 gs
Lipase pancreática: digestão final dos TAG . Produtos: FA (fatty
acids); monoacil- e diacilgliceróis
Cholesterol esterase: digestão de ésteres de colestrol. Produtos:
Cholesterol + FA
Fosfolipase A2: digestão de fosfolípidos. Produtos: lysophospholipid
+ FA

FAs livres de cadeia curta e média: difusão (minoritário)
FAs de cadeia longa, colestrol livre, monoacilglicerois,
lisofosfolípido: Inserção prévia em micelas mistas com sais biliares

Chylomycrons densidade <0.95g/cm3, diâmetro ca. 600nm

 carry triglycerides (fat) from the intestines to the liver, to skeletal muscle, and to adipose tissue.

VLDL – very low density lipoproteins

 carry (newly synthesised) triglycerides from the liver to adipose tissue.

IDL – intermediate density lipoproteins

 are intermediate between VLDL and LDL. They are not usually detectable in the blood.

LDL – low-density lipoproteins

 carry cholesterol from the liver to cells of the body. LDLs are sometimes referred to as the "bad cholesterol" lipoprotein

HDL – hight-density lpoproteins densidade >1.05, diâmetro ca. 10nm

collect cholesterol from the body's tissues, and take it back to the liver. HDLs are sometimes referred to as the "good cholesterol"

Density (g/mL) Class Diameter (nm) % protein % cholesterol % phospholipid & cholesterol
>1.063 HDL 5–15 33 30 29 4
1.019–1.063 LDL 18–28 25 50 21 8
1.006–1.019 IDL 25–50 18 29 22 31
0.95–1.006 VLDL 30–80 10 22 18 50
<0.95 Chylomicrons 100-1000 <2 8 7 84

Armazenamento /
mobilização de AGs
nos adipócitos.
MUFA – monounsaturated fatty acid
PUFA – polyunsaturated fatty acid
EFA – essential fatty

 Poliinsaturados de cadeia (relativamente…) curta

short chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (SC-PUFA):
(impossíveis de sintetizar por falta das enzimas desaturase)

ω-3 ácido α-Linolenico ou ALA (18:3)

ω-6 ácido Linoleico ou LA (18:2)

…percursores de síntese de outros FAs mais poliinsaturados

 Poliinsaturados de cadeia longa

long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA):

ω-3 ácido eicosapentaenoico ou EPA (20:5; 5,8,11,14,17)

ácido docosahexaenoico ou DHA (22:6; 4,7,10,13,17,19)
ω-6 ácido gama-linolenico ou GLA (18:3),
ácido dihomo-gamma-linolenico ou DGLA (20:3)
ácido araquidonico ou ARA (20:4; 5,8,11,14, w6)
Dietary sources of

• Linoleic acid: Sunflower oil, Corn oil, Soya bean oil,

Sesame oil, Groundnut oil, Mustard oil, Palm oil,
Coconut oil
• Arachidonic acid: Meat, eggs, milk
• Linolenic acid: Soya bean oil, Leafy greens


- Percursores de eicosanoids
(envolvidos em processos inflamatórios & outras funções)
prostaglandinas, tromboxanos, leucotrienos…
lipoxins (ω-6 EFAs), resolvins ( ω-3 EFAS)
isoprostane, hepoxilin, ácido epoxyeicosatrienoic , neuroprotectin D

- Constituintes das lipid rafts TEMA!!

- Moduladores de factores de transcrição

Ácido Linoleico
SC-PUFA omega-6

Nomeado: 18:2(n-6)

18-carbon chain and two cis double bonds; the first double bond is located at the
sixth carbon from the methyl end.
Ácido α-Linolénico
SC-PUFA omega-3

all-cis-9,12,15-octadecatrienoic acid.

Nomeado: 18:3 (n−3).


Ácido araquidónico

Ácido eicosa_penta_enoico

Ácido docosahexaenoico

Arachidonic acid
Inflammatory Enzymes: PLA2 & COX

3. Zileuton
1. Steroids 2.NSAIDS (including
Phospholipase A2
Arachidonic acid (AA)
Lipoxygenase Cyclooxygenase (COX)
Lipoxygenase products Prostaglandins & thromboxanes

Inflammatory effects Homeostatic

Inflammatory effects (inducible) Functions
(esp. in asthma)
(stomach mucus)
Notable NSAIDS
(non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs)

naproxen (Naprosyn, Aleve)


ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil)

cox 2 >cox1
ketorolac (Toradol)
- parenteral (IM)

celecoxib (Celebrex)
EFAs não têm RDA…nem UL!! TEMA!

…For optimal cardiovascular protection, the American Heart Association recommends that you consume from 0.5
to 1.8 g of EPA plus DHA, and from 1.5 to 3 g of ALA daily. You should also consume around 15 g of LA daily,
according to a 2010 review in "Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care.“…

Bla Bla Bla….

- The requirement for men may be higher than that for women.

- Conditions of stress or disease modify the Essential Fatty Acid requirement. So how much bad fats
you eat determines how much of the essential fatty acids you need to eat. Bad fats and other
substances in the food supply increase the essential fatty acid requirements. As mentioned earlier,
the needed balance of the Essential Fatty Acids is 5 (five) Omega-6 to 1 (one) Omega-3. This is the
Omega-6 to Omega-3 balance.

- But, what is needed to counteract all the negative effects of eating the normal Western diet is
about 1:2. For every one portion of Omega-6 you eat, you will need 2 portions of Omega-3
An optimum amount of essential fatty acid has been suggested as 3 to 6% of our daily calorie
intake. Each of us must find out optimum level by careful observation and experimentation. Your
exact optimum level is something you must determine for yourself through practical experience….


Triglicéridos(TAC), adipócitos de tecido animal, sementes/frutos tecido vegetal

Lipoproteínas, leite e gema de ovo

Fosfolípidos, membranas
colesterol e ésteres, tecido animal
(vitaminas lipossolúveis)

- AMDR ( Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges): 10-35% do aporte calórico
- RDA: 46g-56g/dia
- Reccomended Intake: 0.8g/kg.dia

Digestão & Absorção

- homogeneização por mastigação, desnaturação por ácido gástrico, digestão parcial no
estômago por pepsina, digestão “final” por proteases pancreáticas.
- aminopeptidase N – cliva AA do N-terminal do peptídeo  AA
- sistemas vários de transporte AA, dependentes de Na+
Mamíferos recém-nascidos absorvem proteínas intactas – imunidade conferida por anticorpos no leite materno

Metabolismo/ Homeostase
TCA, Ciclo da ureia, transaminases (MetReg)
Visão geral do metabolismo dos aminoácidos H
- -

- -
Bio- O NH3

Ingested synthesis Protein

2 3
c c
Degradation Purines
(required) Porphyrins
(ketogenic) (glucogenic)
Urea Used for
energy pyruvate
acetoacetate α-ketoglutarate
acetyl CoA succinyl-CoA
Aminoácidos essenciais ou indispensáveis: EAAs Recommended Daily Value (RDV)
AA que não são sintetizados de novo pelo Doses diárias recomendadas dos
nosso organismo aminoácidos essenciais
Têm que ser disponibilizados na dieta,
Amino acido mg por kg peso
Essencial Não-essencial
Essencial (EAA) corporal
Histidina Alanina
H Histidina 10
Isoleucina Arginina
I Isoleucina 20
Leucina Ác. Aspartico
L Leucina 39
Lisina Cisteina
K Lisina 30
Metionina Ác. Glutamico
M Metionina+ C 10.4 + 4.1 (15
Fenilalanina Glutamina
Cisteina total)
Treonina Glicina
F Fenilalanina+ Y
Triptofano Prolina 25 (total)
Valina Serina
T Treonina 15
W Triptofano 4
V Valina 26
Proteínas completas
Conjunto equilibrado de AAs para nutrição humana
Origem animal

Outras Proteínas - Há aminoácido essencial LIMITANTE

Nitrogen balance is the measure of nitrogen output subtracted from

nitrogen input…
Parâmetros usados para expressar a qualidade
da proteína na dieta TEMA!!

 Biological value (BV)

Proporção da proteína ingerida que é incorporada na proteína do organismo.

Apresentado como percentagem:

BV = ( Nr / Na ) * 100
Na = azoto ingerido nas proteínas da dieta pelo indivíduo
Nr = azoto incorporado no corpo do indivíduo consumidor da dieta

Apresentado como valor relativo:

BV = ( BV(test) / BV(egg) )
BV(test) = percentagem BV da proteína da dieta para um indivíduo
BV(egg) = percentagem BV da proteína de referência (ovo) para o mesmo indivíduo

BV afectado por:
- Composição em aminoácidos (factor dominante)
- Aminoácido limitante (em geral lisina)
- Preparação (cozinha, etc.)
- Conteúdo em Vitaminas e minerais
…For accurate determination of BV:

1. the test organism must only consume the protein or mixture of proteins of interest (the test

2. the test diet must contain no non-protein sources of nitrogen.

3. the test diet must be of suitable content and quantity to avoid use of the protein primarily as an
energy source.

These conditions mean the tests are typically carried out over the course of over one week with
strict diet control. Fasting prior to testing helps produce consistency between subjects (it removes
recent diet as a variable).

A BV of 100% indicates complete utilization of a dietary protein, i.e. 100% of the protein ingested
and absorbed is incorporated into proteins into the body.

BV is designed to ignore variation in digestibility of a food — which in turn largely depends on the
food preparation. For example compare raw soy beans and extracted soy bean protein. The raw soy
beans, with tough cell walls protecting the protein, have a far lower digestibility than the purified,
unprotected, soy bean protein extract.
Typical values for BV (%) Typical values for BV (relativo)
Common foodstuffs and their
values Common foodstuffs and their values
Note: this scale uses 100 as 100% of the nitrogen Note: These values use "whole egg" as a value of 100, so
incorporated. foodstuffs that provide even more nitrogen than whole eggs,
can have a value of more than 100. 100, does not mean that
100% of the nitrogen in the food is incorporated into the body,
Whey Protein: 96 and not excreted, as in other charts.
Whole Soy Bean: 96
Human milk: 95 Whey protein concentrate: 104
Chicken egg: 94 Whole egg: 100
Soybean milk: 91 Cow milk: 91
Cow milk: 90 Beef: 80
Cheese: 84 Casein: 77
Rice: 83 Soy: 74
Defatted soy flour: 81 Wheat gluten: 64
Fish: 76
Beef: 74.3
Immature bean: 65
Full-fat soy flour: 64
Soybean curd (tofu) 64
Whole wheat: 64
White flour: 41
 Net protein utilization (NPU) (ovos/leite têm NPU = 1)

Razão entre (a massa d)os aminoácidos convertida em proteína e (a massa d)os

aminoácidos ingerida num dado indivíduo.

Afectado (pouco) pelo teor de aminoácidos essenciais no indivíduo

Afectado (muito) pelo teor de aminoácidos limitantes no material alimentar.

Determinação experimental: medição da proteína ingerida na dieta/medição do

azoto excretado

[(0.16 × (24 hour protein intake in grams) –
((24 hour urinary urea nitrogen) + 2) –
(0.1 × (ideal body weight in kilograms))]
Tudo a dividir por:
(0.16 × (24 hour protein intake in grams))
 Protein efficiency ratio (PER)

Razão do ganho em peso de um indivíduo dividido pelo peso de proteína

ingerida pelo mesmo indivíduo durante o período de teste.

Alimentação animal

PER- A biological assay of the quality of a particular protein, measured as the gain in weight of an animal per gram
of the protein eaten. The ratio is not used so much now, but until 1991 the PER was the legally required way of
expressing protein quality for nutrition labelling in the USA.

PER is the measurement of the body's biological absorption of a protein from native protein (in a food product) to
usable protein. Included in milk protein are casein and the protein in whey (provided commercially as whey
protein concentrate). They have the highest PER at 3.2, indicating that the body most easily absorbs them. For this
reason, whey proteins make excellent sources for protein for infant foods, and amino acid supplements…

PER - A calculation designed to assess an individual protein’s ability to sustain growth.

 Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS)
1993 onwards
Qualidade da proteína depende do teor relativo de aminoácidos e da capacidade de


PDCAAS = (massa em mg do AA limitante em 1 g de proteína-teste)

A dividir por:
((massa em mg de mesmo AA em 1g de proteína de referência) x fecal true digestibility

What is true fecal digestibility? How does this differ from apparent?
True fecal digestibility is the amount of nutrients absorbed from the small intestine; TFD=(nutrients in-nutrients out-
nutrients from endogenous sources)/intake. Unlike apparent, true fecal digestibility accounts for nutrient sources in
the hindgut that are not used by the animal.
Protein Assessment – PER, BV, NPU
Humans can produce 10 of the 20 amino acids. The others must be found in the diet. Failure to obtain enough of even 1 of the
10 essential amino acids will result in wasting of the bodies reserves. Some of the past methods for protein assessment
included Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER), Biological Value (BV), and Net Protein Utilization (NPU). All these methods sought to
rate the utilization and digestibility of protein and amino acids.

The Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS)

In 1991, the Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization proposed a new system called the Protein
Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS). This is determined by comparing the amino acid profile of the food in
question against a standard amino acid profile, with 100 as the highest possible score. The PDCAAS is a method of evaluating
the protein quality based on both the amino acid requirements of humans and their ability to digest it. The method was
adopted by the US Food and Drug Administration in 1993 as the standard to determine protein quality.

The formula for calculating the PDCAAS percentage is:

(Mg of limiting amino acid in 1 g of test protein / Mg of same amino acid in 1 g of reference protein) x fecal true digestibility

The first part of the formula (in parenthesis) is called the Amino Score. It determines the effectiveness with which dietary
amino acids can meet the indispensable requirement of the organism at a minimal level of intake. Digestibility represents the
proportion of food protein which is absorbed, which is measured by comparing the nitrogen levels of food in faeces.

The PDCAAS value is different from other methods in many ways. The PER was based upon the amino acid requirements of
growing rats. The PDCAAS allows evaluation of food protein quality based on the needs of humans. The Biological Value (BV)
method uses nitrogen absorption as a basis; however it does not take into account certain factors influencing the digestion of
Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS)
1.00 casein (milk protein)
Casein 1.00 1.00 egg white
Egg white 1.00 1.00 soy protein
Soy protein concentrate 0.99
1.00 whey (milk protein)
Isolated soy protein 0.92
Beef 0.92 0.99 mycoprotein
Pea flour 0.69 0.92 beef
Kidney beans (canned) 0.68 0.91 soybeans
Rolled oats 0.57
Lentils (canned) 0.52 0.78 chickpeas
Peanut meal 0.52 0.76 fruits
Whole wheat 0.42 0.75 black beans
Wheat gluten 0.25
0.73 vegetables
0.70 Other legumes
0.59 Cereals and derivatives
0.52 peanuts
0.42 whole wheat
Problemas PDCAAS

 AAs que ultrapassam o ileum têm menos probabilidade de ser absorvidos para
biossíntese proteica; podem ser absorvidos por bactérias no intestino grosso.
AUMENTA erradamente PDCAAS

 AAs perdidos devido a factores antinutricionais:

AUMENTA erradamente PDCAAS

 PDCAAS de dieta real não pode ser calculada a partir dos PDCAAS dos componentes
da dieta

Proteína de cereais: PDCAAS = 0.4 a 0.5

AA limitante - Lisina
AA com fartura - Metionina
Proteína de fabaceae (feijão branco): PDCAAS = 0.6 a 0.7
AA limitante – Metionina
AA com fartura – Lisina

Proteína de refeição (feijão com arroz) – o BIFE VEGETAL!


(Tem que ser ingeridos em (aporte) simultâneo!)

Falha no APORTE / INGESTÃO de alimentos
Carência TOTAL – marasmus
Carência PROTEICA – kwashikor

Falhas na DIGESTÃO
- Insuficiência enzimática &
Intolerância à lactose
Intolerância à sacarose
Intolerância à estaquiose &
incompletely absorbed (malabsorbed) fructose, fructo-oligosaccharides (chains of fructose molecules), including fructans and inulin,
and galacto-olicosaccharides (chains containing galactose, glucose and often fructose molecules), such as raffinose or stachyose, are
fermented by the flora in the lower bowel resulting in the formation of gas and chemical substances, such as short-chain fatty acids…
Acidez no estômago
(não confundir com alergias nem com insuficiências metabólicas!!)

Falhas na ABSORÇÃO
- inflamação no intestino delgado
Macro- e micronutrientes
(alimentação a soro)
Disability-adjusted life year for protein-
energy malnutrition per
100,000 inhabitants in 2002.
no data
less than 10
more than 1350

Marasmus is a form of severe Kwashiorkor is an acute form of

malnutrition characterized by energy childhood protein-energy malnutrition
deficiency. A child with marasmus characterized by edema, irritability, anorexia,
looks emaciated. Body weight is ulcerating dermatoses, and an enlarged liver
reduced to less than 60% of the with fatty infiltrates. The defining sign of
normal (expected) body weight for the kwashiorkor in a malnourished child is pedal
age. Marasmus occurrence increases edema (swelling under the skin).
prior to age 1, whereas kwashiorkor Insufficient protein consumption, but with
occurrence increases after 18 months. sufficient calorie intake, distinguishes it
It can be distinguished from from marasmus. Kwashiorkor cases occur in
kwashiorkor in that kwashiorkor is areas of famine or poor food supply. Cases in
protein deficiency with adequate the developed world are rare. The name is
energy intake whereas marasmus is derived from the Ga language of coastal Ghana,
inadequate energy intake in all forms, translated as "the sickness the baby gets when
including protein. the new baby comes”.
Dairy product Serving size Lactose content Percentage
Milk, regular 250 ml 12 g 4.80%
Milk, reduced fat 250 ml 13 g 5.20%
Yogurt, plain, regular 200 g 9g 4.50%
Yogurt, plain, low-fat 200 g 12 g 6.00%
Cheddar cheese 30 g 0.02 g 0.07%
Cottage cheese 30 g 0.1 g 0.33%
Butter 1 tsp (5.9ml) 0.03 g 0.51%
Ice cream 50 g 3g 6.00%

Prevalence of lactose
malabsorption (%)
Asians in the United States 100
American Indians (Oklahoma) 95
Ibo and Yoruba (Nigeria) 89
Black Americans 81
Italians 71
Aborigines (Australia) 67
Mexican Americans 56
Greeks 53
White Americans 24
Danes 3
Dutch 0
(From Buller HA, Grand RJ.Lactose Intolerance.Annu
Rev Med. 1990;41:141-148.)

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