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The Effect of School Libraries on Quality Education in Schools

P R E F A C E 

Praise be to God who has helped his servant finish this paper with great ease. Without help
she may not be able to complete the author well. 
The paper is organized so that readers can find out how much influence the school library
for the quality of education that we provide based on observations from various
sources. This paper set up by the compiler with various obstacles. Whether it came from self
constituent or who come from outside. But with patience and especially the help of God
finally this paper can be resolved.
This paper includes on "The Effect of School Libraries on Quality Education in Schools" and
deliberately chosen because the authors draw attention to scrutiny and need support from
all parties who care about education. 
Authors also thank the teachers / lecturers who have helped making up for Facebook to
finish this paper. 
Hopefully this paper can provide a broader insight to the reader. Although this paper has
advantages and disadvantages. Authors beg for advice and criticism. Thank you. 



A. Issue Background 
B. Problem Identification 
C. Limitation Of Problems. 
D. Problem Formulation. 

A. School Library Purpose. 
B. School Library Functions. 
C. Library Donations To The Implementation Of Educational Programs In Schools 


A. Knot 
B. Advice 


A.   Issue Background 
Science and technology is always evolving and progressing, in accordance with the times
and the development of human thinking.The Indonesian nation as one of the developing
countries will not be able to advance as long as not improve the quality of human resources
of our nation. Quality of life of the nation can be increased if supported by an established
educational system. With an established education system, allows us to think critically,
creatively, and productively. 
In the 1945 Constitution stated that the country we want to create a society yangcerdas. To
achieve an intelligent nation, have formed learning communities. Learning communities can
form if you have the ability and listening skills and a great interest in reading. If reading is a
habit and entrenched in society, then obviously the book can not be separated from
everyday life and is a basic requirement that must be met. 
In the world of education, the book proved efficient and bertepat order as one means of
education and means of communication. In this regard the library and library services
should be developed as one installation to realize the objectives of the intellectual life of the
nation. Libraries are a vital part and the greatest effect on the quality of education. 
The title of this paper is deliberately chosen because the authors draw attention to scrutiny
and need support from all parties who care about education. 

B.   Identification Problems (Background) 

In accordance with the title of this paper "The Effect of School Libraries on Quality Education
in Schools", in relation to the implementation of education programs at schools, functions
and contribution to the implementation of the program library. In connection with that title,
then the problem can be identified as follows: 
1.  How does the role of libraries on the implementation of education programs in schools 
2.  How can the school library can truly improve the quality of education in school? 

C.   Limitation Of Problems. 
To clarify the scope of discussion, the issues discussed is limited to the problem: 
a.  The role of the library towards the implementation of education programs in schools; 
b.  The ways for the school library can really improve the quality of education in schools.
D.   Problem Formulation. 
Based on the background and the limitation issue, the problems discussed can
be formulated as follows: 
1.  How does the description of the role of libraries on the implementation of education
programs in schools? 
2.  How the description of the way for the school library can truly improve the quality of
education in school? 

Library is an integral part of educational institutions as a collection of library materials,

either the book or not book. In accordance with the title of this paper, the discussion
includes the purpose of libraries, function libraries and library donations towards the
implementation of educational programs. 

A.   School Library Purpose. 

The main objective of organizing the school library is to improve the quality of education
together with elements of other schools.While other purpose is support, support, and
complete all activities both curricular, co-curricular and extra curricular activities, in addition
is also intended to help foster student interest and develop talent and strengthen teaching
and learning strategies. 
However, in the school library when operational goals associated with the implementation
of programs in schools, including: 
1.    Foster a sense of love, awareness, and reading habits. 
2.    Guiding and directing techniques to understand the content of reading. 
3.    Expanding knowledge of the students. 
4.    Help develop language skills and thinking power of students by providing quality reading
5.    Guiding students to use and maintain library materials properly. 
6.    Provide the basics to the independent study. 
7.    Provide opportunities for students to learn how to use the library with a good, effective
and efficient, especially in the use of reference materials. 
8.    Providing library materials that support the implementation of curriculum programs in
schools both curricular, kokurikuler, as well as extra curricular. 

B.   School Library Functions. 

Based on the school library purposes, it can be formulated some library functions, as
1.    Educative function. 
The meaning of educative library function is provide library materials in accordance with the
curriculum that is able to arouse students' interest in reading, developing power of
expression, develop language skills, developing a style that is rational and critical thought
and able to guide and nurture the students in terms of how to use and maintain library
materials properly. 
2.    Informative functions. 
The meaning of the informative function is a library providing library materials which
contain information about the various branches of science quality and uptodate arranged
regularly and systematically, so as to facilitate the officers and users in finding needed
3.    Administrative Functions
What is meant by administrative function is a library should do the recording, completion
and processing of library materials and organizing the circulation of a practical, effective,
and efficient. 
4.    Recreational functions. 
What is meant by recreational function library books in addition to providing knowledge
also needs to provide the books that are recreational (entertainment) and quality, so that
readers can use to fill free time, either by students or by teachers.
5.    Research Function 
What is meant by the function of research libraries is to provide a reading which can be
used as source / object simple research in various fields of study. 

C.   Library Donations To The Implementation Of Educational Programs In Schools. 

When observed in jenih, then the school library actually contribute to the implementation
of education programs in schools.Donations / role of the library include:
1.    Library is a source of knowledge and learning centers. 
2.    Libraries are a source of new ideas that could encourage the willingness of students to
be able to think rationally and critically, and provide instructions to create. 
3.    Library will provide satisfactory answers for the students, as the demands of a sense of
curiosity about something, have actually been built. 
4.    A collection of library materials (collections) in the library to provide
reading opportunities for students who have the time and diverse capabilities. 
5.    Libraries provide the opportunity for students to learn how to use the library efficiently
and effectively. 
6.    Library will help students improve in reading skills and expand vocabulary. 
7.    Libraries can cause love to read, so it can direct the taste and appreciation of students in
the selection of readings. 
8.    Library to give satisfaction to knowledge outside the classroom. 
9.    Library is a recreation center that can provide a healthy entertainment. 
10.  Libraries provide opportunities to students and teachers to conduct research. 
11.  Library is a stepping stone for students to continue their reading habits at school is
12.  Excitement / interest in reading of students who have developed through the library
very positive effect on academic achievement. 
13.  If your reading interests have grown and developed in self-esteem, then the library can
also reduce a child snacks, which are usually negatively affect the health of children. 
14.  Even the library is also for children to stay away from delinquency measures, which
could lead to less healthy atmosphere in the friendly relations between them. 

A. Knot 
Based on the description of the discussion "The Role of School Libraries on
Quality Education in Schools" can be concluded that: 
1.  The role of libraries is to support educational achievement at school. 
2.  Libraries are very important and should exist in every school in all levels of education. 
3.  Library management must be implemented in accordance with the purposes and

B. Advice 
Based on the role of the library so much contribution in the implementation of education
programs in schools, authors provide suggestions as follows: 
1.  Should the library be managed in accordance with the purposes and functions. 
2.  The role of the library/librarian professional should get enough stock to become a
reliable and professional librarians. 

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