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1. Is it hard to get a job at the post office?

- Well, to my mind, it isn’t that hard. Because it doesn’t require any special skills or
qualifications. And yah it’s not a rocket science so everyone could do it as long as you’re
hard-working enough, you’re familiar with the workflow process and you’re addaptable.
However, as far as I’m concerned, the seats offered for this kind of jobs are not many
since postal workers often want a stable job, as a result, they’re wedded to their job and
hardly quit midway. Therefore, I feel that there won't be many opportunities for new
employees in this field although it’s not hard to get the job.
2. Do you think that a post office is helpful in the technologically developed
- I disagree, I’m afraid. In my opinion, just only about mail service, it’s getting more and
more inconvinient, if not out-dated. In the 4.0 era, everyone uses e-mail instead
because it is convenient, it’s easy to use and especially it’s free. You just simply click the
e-mail, select the documents and then send it within 3 seconds. Compared to the postal
service, you have to go to the post office, fill in the form, pay for the fee and even for
the stamps. Moreover, using the postal service is also depleting the environment. Every
day, we use a hundred pieces of paper so why do we use them even more when using
the postal service instead of e-mail. Everyone wants to opt for paperless billing and
convenience. Therefore, I realize that post office is no longer a necessity in the
technologically developed world as inevitability.
3. Do you think that adolescents nowadays know clearly how the post office
- To my mind, I don’t think so. It seems to me that young people today don't often use the
postal service since the growth of the Internet, they often send letters by e-mail or send
goods by technological apps such as grab or gojek so they don’t seem to have any notion
about how the post office work. And young people also tend to think that working in the
post office is quite boring, it’s monotonous and a low-wage job. Therefore, young people
have no interest and don’t want to learn more about this job.
4. If you were the head of the post office, what would you do in order to make
it become prevalent again?
- There are a ton of ways that we could encourage people to use the postal service and
make it prevalant again. First of all, there should be effective competition policies such as
offering preferential prices to attract users. Or we could advertise our services through
social media and simplify procedures so that people will realize that using postal services
is not as complicated as they once thought.
- Moreover, the application of digital technology is a must in this day and age. The post
office should create an app or a website for users to easily search for services, fill in the
form and have staff come to their door-steps to collect goods without making their way to
the post office. In addition, online payment should also be available to improve user’s
experience. In short, post office need to put digital tools to good use in order to grab
user’s attention and try to make postal service as simple and convenient as possible.

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