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Brewery business helps to revive local economies, craft beer also offers some important health
benefits because it contains antioxidants, protein, and vitamin B complex.
2. A. yes, our value proposition is offering our customers refreshness and enjoyment at reasonable
prices ensuring peace of both body and mind.
B. yes, styles and location help our brewery business identify with specific types of people with
varying psychographic characteristics.
3. yes, I think it’s good enough

MPB- Capital stock: We've established and maintained a strong
capital base
C/A- Marketing: Aggressive and
focused marketing campaign with clear goals and strategies.
C/B- Management team: We have
wide experience in product and business know-how.

MPB- Not tech-savvy: Establishing a
reputation on the internet will be challenging.
C/A- Quick expansion: There are a lot of new hires to train and organizational
structures to learn.
C/B- New: Don't have the reputation or
money of big breweries.

MPB- Packaging: New generation of consumers appreciate high end bottling and labeling.
C/A -Craft beer niche: There is a growing community of craft beer appreciators in urdaneta.
C/B- Government programs:
Promotions of and initiatives to support urdaneta exports.

MPB -Vertical integration: Major breweries have control
of supply and distribution channels to corner the market.
C/A- Price fluctuation: Fluctuations in prices of supplies may occur.
C/B- Competitive market: Expensive new marketing campaigns.

1 NO its not needed

2 YES mine is better because I put effort on how will I manage It uniquely than others.
3 YES because my business produce high quality products.

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