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Ms. Sandy Gallagher establish the interest by saying this, “You can create your own
economy.” Personally, I was wondering on how can I create my own economy? The word
economy is such a huge term that needs to have a careful understanding about it. According to
the Merriam Webster’s Dictionary, economy is the structure or conditions of economic life in a
country, area, or period. Hence, it needs a whole country to make an economy. That’s why my
attention arises by the sentence given by Ms. Gallagher (You can create your own economy). In
this video, the speaker discussed about the topic “setting a goal” and she called it the ABC’s of
goal setting. The setting of goals will guide us to focus and help sustain the momentum in life.
Basically, the first thing that you need to do in every step we are in is to set goals. In this
process, you will stretch yourself and introduce to a part that you didn’t even know what was
there. Setting a right goal to a specific situation will become definitely a successful one.
Therefore, if you are setting the right goal, you are going to do things you didn’t even know you
could do. You can explore and stretch more of yourself deeper of what you wanted to expect.
But, don’t ever set your goals so high, because you will be encountering obstacles and criticisms.
Yes, it’s normal that we face some problems in getting our goals, but you need also to suit your
goals depending on the situation. You don’t need to have very high goals in order for you to
achieve it.

In the video I watched, the speaker discussed about the A-type goals and the B-type goals. These
goals have big help to us in setting our own goals. According to the speaker, most of the time
when we set goal, we typically set A-type goals. A-type goals is when you do what you already
know how to do it. She gave an example about buying a Chevrolet truck. This is the scene; 4
years ago, you bought a Chevrolet truck and now you want to buy another Chevrolet truck. That
is what we called A-type goal. According to the speaker, there is no growth in this kind of goal.
Why? It’s because A-type goal is a goal that you know how to do. Meaning, you are already
aware of what will happen when you set this goal. The result will always be the same. Just like
the situation of buying a car. If you have a goal to buy a new car, but you have experience in the
past of buying a new car. It doesn’t challenge you or help you to grow because it’s something
you already know how to do. That’s what A-type goal means. While B-type goal implies what
you think you can do. It is more a realistic goal. Why? Because you want to achieve something
by planning. For example, when my husband and I bought our flat in Barcelona back in 2011, we
kept track of our expenses over a few months, looked at our savings, planned our spending, and
etc. to be sure that we could make the payments. It was a challenge, and we definitely grew a
little bit, but there wasn’t much inspiration in the goal.

A quote was presented by the speaker saying, “In absence of clearly-defined Goals, we
become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia, until we ultimately become enslaved by it.” –
Robert Heinlein. Sometimes, we are so enslaved by what we are doing, by the path we are on.
Hence, those things will be the cause of why we aren’t moving towards with our goals. And we
will find out that we are living in a life that we don’t really want to live. There are a lot of
reasons that you wan to stay where you are. But it’s not the truth and you are not living in an
authentic life. So, we have to come up with the goal and can’t just be a goal that others things
you can do or what you think is the right thing for you. There is a saying, “To be able to shape
you’re your future, you have to be willing and able to change your paradigm.” – Joel Barker.
Don’t just stick to one paradigm only. We know that change is the only thing that is constant in
this world. Change is within us.
In the video, the leading questions mentioned are; “What is the definition of learning
organization?” And “How can leaders build learning organization and what type of resources do
you need?”. A learning organization as defined by Peter Senge, is a group of people who are
continually enhancing their capabilities to create what they want to create has been deeply
influential. It is a way of developing your personal and professional aspects. According to Senge,
there are two mind sets that could infiltrate of organization, these are control and learning. But,
Senge emphasizes the question, “which one is dominant?” he said that if learning dominates,
you can create all the different aspects that we call learning organization.
How can leaders build learning organization? There are many ways or tools in building
personal mastery, shared vision and of course learning organization. Creative tension is the very
basic tool that individuals learn how to work with. According to Senge, the latter of inference is
one of the tool used that when we found out that once people learn they never stop using it which
is enormously powerful. We can distinguish what actually happened from our interpretation and
attributions about what happened. Becoming disciplined in distinguishing fact from assumption
is very important. Also, assumptions are really significant. We can’t live without assumption.
The question is, are we disciplined enough on relating to what’s actually happening. Senge said
that the “systems understanding” look in larger systems, there is a whole set of tools (System
Architypes). You are looking at the whole, not by parts.
A pattern when there is a problem, it will only focus on a quick fix. But they know that
there is a deeper source of a problem and if they can have caught up in the quick fix, they never
get to the deeper source. So, understanding those systemic patterns, we call them architypo
patterns (System architypes). These tools are all over the place and you need to have tools to
work with. For you to have guiding ideas, you have to commit yourself in doing this.
Organization explicitly stands for their philosophy, actions and day to day progress which are
dedicated to the continually development of their people.
In general, there are three things always matter in guiding philosophy (guiding ideas) that
help people. Having also a time for internal learning infrastructure or time to reflect. Without
time to reflect, it doesn’t matter how skillful you are. If you don’t organize of what you have
learned in different places. You need to help each other to learn.

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