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Students’ Epistemological Beliefs on Problem Solving in Mathematics

Galia, Fatima Jane T.

1.0 Introduction

Students’ ability or willingness to engage with mathematical problem solving is shaped

by students’ epistemological beliefs. Problem solving being a scientific process that evolves
from understanding the problem to evaluating the solution is affected by several factors like
beliefs, attitudes, self-confidence and motivation (Furinghetti & Pehkonen, 2000; Leder,
Pehkonen, & Törner, 2002; Pehkonen, 2003; Schoenfeld, 1992; Thompson, 1992). Oh &
Jonassen (2007) state that one of the most substantial factor of problem solving is students’
epistemological belief which affect the ways that learners naturally tend to approach problems.

Epistemological beliefs refer to beliefs about the nature of knowledge (including its
structure and certainty) and knowledge acquisition (including sources and justification of math
knowledge). Students’ epistemological beliefs have become one of the critical components of
understanding student learning, deeply influencing and mediating the learning process and the
learning outcome. (Kardash & Sinatra, 2003; Roberts, Busk, & Comerford, 2001; Davis, 1997).

In particular, epistemological beliefs have been investigated regarding their influence on

text comprehension and meta-comprehension (Mori, 1997; Kardash & Scholes, 1997; Kardash &
Howell, 2000; Schommer, 1990), and conceptual change (Mason, 2000; Qian, 1995; Qian &
Alvermann, 1995; Windschitl & Andre, 1998; Windschitl, 1998). Significantly, students’ beliefs
in their ability to solve time consuming mathematics problems, the importance of increasing their
mathematics ability and usefulness of mathematics in everyday life, were all assumed to be
related to the motivation to learn to solve mathematical problems (Mason, 2003; Kloosterman,
1988; Malmivouri & Pehkonen, 1997). Furthermore, students’ epistemological beliefs have been
investigated not only as general convictions, but also as convictions about knowing and learning
in specific domains, including mathematical problem solving (Schommer, Duell, & Hutter, 2005;
Op’t, De Corte & Verschaffel, 2003; Schraw, Dunkle, & Bendixen, 1995).

King and Magun-Jackson (2009) studies show that epistemological beliefs are influenced
by gender, high school grade point average, and ethnicity. Multiple studies have investigated
students’ personal epistemologies across disciplines and how these beliefs influence aspects of
learning (Carmichael & Taylor, 2005; Mason & Scrivani, 2004; De Corte & Op’t Eynde, 2003,
Mason, 2003; Schullo & Alperson, 1998). However, little work has investigated the connections
between students’ epistemological beliefs and the processes they utilize during problem solving.

In this study, secondary school students’ epistemological beliefs about mathematical

problem solving were examined to provide a contribution to the learning process. This study also
provides opportunity to determine whether sex among Filipino secondary students affect their
epistemological belief towards Mathematical problem-solving and if students’ performance in
Math is affected by their epistemological beliefs. The results that will be obtained from this study
may be used to enhance students’ learning process and in developing new teaching methods.
Also, this study can be used as reference for future researches.

2.0 Objective of the Study

The aim of this study is to determine the relationship of sex and performance via secondary
students’ level of epistemological beliefs in mathematics.

3.0 Review of Literature


In 1982, Cockroft described problem solving as lying at the 'heart' of mathematics. His
report highlighted the value that solving problems has on mathematical education and made it
clear that students should be given opportunities to apply their knowledge to a range of
situations. Allowing students to engage in practical experience and discussion was recommended
in order to lead to useful mathematical knowledge. These values have been echoed many times
over in the National Curriculum for Mathematics (2000), the National Numeracy Strategy (1999)
and, more recently, the Renewed Strategy (2006) all of which have the theme of problem solving
threaded through them.

As each new generation encounters more complex problems than the former generations,
finding solutions to all the problems students may encounter is becoming increasingly difficult.
Therefore, problem solving skills have an important place among the primary objectives of a
contemporary curriculum. In this regard, one of the aims of mathematics education is to educate
students to become good problem solvers (Baki, 2008). Being good at problem solving in
mathematics requires a sufficient level of mathematics knowledge, as well as the ability to put
this knowledge to practical use (Tertemiz & Çakmak, 2003). As Karataş (2002) notes, both
understanding mathematics knowledge and awareness of the relationships between different
aspects of mathematics are part of the problem solving process; in this respect, the problem
solving process requires establishing a connection between the problem solver and his/her
knowledge, efforts and thoughts (Schoenfeld, 1982).

Polya (1981) asserts that “solving a problem means finding a way out of difficulty, a way
round an obstacle, attaining an aim which was not immediately attainable. Polya (1945) outlines
four phases in problem solving: understanding the problem, devising a plan, carrying out the
plan, looking back.
The study of Mason, Burton and Stacey (Mason et al, 1985) analyze three phases of
process of tackling a problem: Entry, Attack, and Review. Entry begins when the student faced
with a question. Thinking according to Mason et al (1985) enters in Attack phase when the
student feels that the question has moved inside her/him and become her/his own. Here several
different approaches may be taken and several plans may be formulated and tried out. When the
student has reached reasonably satisfactory solution or when he/she is about to give up, it is
essential to review the work made.

Studies in almost every domain of mathematics have demonstrated that problem solving
provides an important context in which students can learn about number and other mathematical
topics. Problem-solving ability is enhanced when students have opportunities to solve problems
themselves and to see problems being solved. Further, problem solving can provide the site for
learning new concepts and for practicing learned skills (Kilpatrick et al. 2001, p. 420).

Epistemological Belief

Previous researches showed that students tend to believe that mathematics knowledge is
static, the goal of problem solving is to produce the right answer, and mathematics skill is either
something you have or do not have. Muis (2007) stated that the student’s epistemological beliefs
about mathematics were concepts in the personal epistemological area, which refers to naive
views or opinions about the nature and acquisition of mathematics knowledge. The components
of students’ epistemological beliefs about mathematics may include the nature of mathematics
knowledge, justifications of mathematics knowledge, and sources of mathematics knowledge.

Students at all levels hold non availing beliefs. For example, students believe mathematics
knowledge is passively handed to them by some authority figure, typically the teacher or
textbook author, and they believe those who are capable of doing mathematics were born with a
“mathematics gene” (a belief in innate ability). Students who held sophisticated epistemological
beliefs about the nature of mathematics knowledge scored higher on a mathematics performance
test than did those who held simpler or more naïve beliefs. Beliefs about mathematics were an
underrepresented theme in research on how students learn mathematical problem solving.

Epistemological beliefs have become a common area of research because they might
explain gender differences in mathematics achievement. Stage and Kloosterman (2002) found
that men and women did not differ significantly in their beliefs, but that beliefs were more
strongly related to course grade for women than for men. Mau’s study found that many of the
students believed that simply memorizing formulas and algorithms was the best way to master
course content. In brief, students held “invalid” beliefs about what they should do to master
mathematical concepts; those beliefs appeared to be a major reason for difficulty with the course.
Garofalo (1989) indicated different kinds of students’ beliefs about mathematical problem
solving influenced mathematical achievement, for instance: (1) the level of problem difficulty is
due to the size and quantity of numbers, (2) mathematical problems can be solved by performing
one or two computational operations, (3) the operations to be performed usually is determined by
problem keywords, (4) students’ decisions to revise and to check what has been done depends on
how much time is available.

Kloosterman and Stage (1992) described five beliefs appropriate for the types of
mathematics taught in secondary mathematics curricula. The first belief (Difficult Problems)
involves confidence in solving time-consuming mathematics problems. The second belief (Steps)
concerns whether word problems must be solved conceptually as opposed to employing step by-
step algorithms and is a belief about mathematics itself. The third belief (Word Problems) deals
with the discipline of mathematics and the notion that word problems and other non-
computational problems are an essential element of mathematics. The fourth belief
(Understanding) is a belief about the self as a learner of mathematics through either
understanding or simple memorization of mathematical procedures. The fifth belief (Effort)
measures the belief about oneself that effort will result in improved mathematical ability and thus
long-term success in mathematics.

In the present study, the Kloosterman and Stage model of students’ beliefs about
mathematical problem solving was validated and used to assess Malaysian students’ beliefs
about mathematical problem solving. The learning outcomes of students are strongly related to
their beliefs and attitudes towards mathematics (Andreassen, 2005; Furinghetti & Pehkonen,
2000; Leder, Pehkonen, & Törner, 2002; Pehkonen, 2003; Schoenfeld, 1992; Thompson, 1992).
Previous studies (Pekhonen, 2003, Mason, 2003 Kloosterman & Stage, 1992) mentioned the
existence of a system of beliefs that affects students’ behaviour which impede rather than
facilitate understanding when students solve mathematical problems.

4.0 Framework of the Study

Epistemological beliefs about Mathematical Problem-solving
(Kloosterman and Stage, 1992)

Male Female

Difficult Problems
Word Problems
Difficult Problems

In this study, the researcher will likely to establish the relationship of sex and performance
via secondary students’ level of epistemological beliefs in mathematics through investigating
Kloosterman and Stage five beliefs about mathematical problem-solving. Specifically, the study
focused on the following belief scales: students’ belief in their ability to solve time consuming
mathematics problems (Difficult Problem), belief that there are word problems that cannot be
solved using simple step by step procedures (Steps), belief in the importance of word problems
(Word Problem), belief that understanding concepts is important in mathematics
(Understanding), belief in the importance of effort in increasing their mathematics ability

5.0 Hypotheses of the Study

The following hypotheses were formulated and tested at 5% level of significance:

Ho1: There is no significant relationship between the sex and secondary students’ level of
epistemological beliefs on problem solving in mathematics.

Ho2: There is no significant relationship between the students’ performance in Math and
secondary students’ level of epistemological beliefs on problem solving in mathematics.

6.0 Methodology

Research Design

This study uses descriptive correlational design. In this type of research, the researcher
attempts to determine the relationship between phenomena or things which tend to vary, be
associated, or occur together in a way not expected on the basis of a chance alone (Conant, nd).
The design best fit for the study since this aims to determine the relationship of sex and students’
performance in Math via secondary students’ level of epistemological beliefs in mathematics.

Research Locale and Respondents

This study will be conducted at Esperanza National High School, Esperanza, Matalom,
Leyte. Esperanza NHS is composed of a school head, 14 teachers and 319 students. It is 7km.
away from the proper town of Matalom. The target respondents of the study are all Grade 10
students, composed of 23 males and 27 females.

Research Instrument

The Indiana Mathematics Belief Scale (IMBS) developed by Kloosterman and Stage
(1992) was adopted to assess students’ beliefs towards mathematical problem solving. The scale
consists of thirty Likert- type statements representing epistemological beliefs towards problem
solving (Difficult problems, Steps, Understanding, Word problems, and Efforts). Participants
responded to the IMBS using a four-point scale of strongly disagree (1), disagree (2), agree (3),
and strongly agree (4).

The questionnaire is divided into two parts. Part I is on the socio-demographic profile and
part II are the statements defining students’ epistemological beliefs on mathematical problem

Data Collection Procedure

The researcher will send a letter of request to the head teacher of Esperanza National High
school for the authorization and approval of the study. Once the request will be approved, the
researcher will start the conduction of study to the respondents. They will be instructed on how
to fill up the questionnaire, its purpose and objective. The researcher will also guide in
accomplishing the questionnaire. After all the questionnaire has been answered, the results will
be collected and tabulated for analysis and theory generation.

Data Collection Analysis

This study utilizes descriptive statistics which includes the computation of mean,
standard deviation and frequency count as a tool used to evaluate the respondent’s sex and the
respective epistemological beliefs. It is followed by the analysis of the relationship between sex
by age and their epistemological beliefs by means of using Pearson R correlation as the statistical

7.0 Results and Discussions

Table 1:
Respondents Distribution by Sex
Sex f
Mean Stdev

Male 23 16.52 0.846

Female 27 16.04 0.518

The table shows the distribution of respondents in accordance to sex and their
corresponding mean of their ages. It reveals that males (M=16.52, SD=0.846) are older than
the females (M=16.04, SD=0.518). However the two groups are still under the school age

Table 2
Epistemological Beliefs according to Sex

Note: 1-1.75 showed very low level, the 1.76-2.5 interval showed low level, the 2.51-3.25 interval showed high level and the
3.26-4.00 interval showed very high level of agreement with the statement on the survey

Overall profile of the participants’ epistemological beliefs about mathematical problem

solving were measured in terms of the Difficult problems, Steps, Understanding, Word problem,
Effort, and Overall beliefs.

For the Difficult problems belief, both male and female students believe they are not
confident in solving time-consuming mathematics problems (M=2.39, 2.25; sd=0.3, 0.29).
Students tend to believe that if they cannot solve a problem in 5 to 10 minutes, the problem is
beyond their range of knowledge or ability (Schoenfeld, A. H., 1989). It implies that students
who have lesser self-confidence has greater chance of not solving the given word problem. So it
is important to consider students’ beliefs about their ability to solve problems which take more
than a minute or two to complete (Kloosterman, P., & Stage, F., 1992).

For the Steps belief, students believe that word problems must be solved conceptually not
only by applying rules or algorithms. This denotes that students can solve mathematical problem
not only by using steps but also theoretically. Students became more and more convinced that
not all problems can be solved by applying routine procedures; this led to the progressive
increase in their beliefs that it is possible to solve difficult word problems without using
algorithms (Muis, 2004).

For the Word problems belief, students believed that word problems are essential element
of mathematics. This suggests that students believe that any word problem presented by the
teacher or in a textbook is important and makes sense in learning mathematics. Individuals learn
to put forward their thoughts, critical, creative and reflective thinking, which develop when they
are solving word problems (Soylu & Soylu, 2006).

For the Understanding belief, students do not considered themselves as learners of

mathematics through understanding mathematical procedures. This implies that students tend to
memorize the given procedures than to understand them. Students who do not feel the
importance of understanding why a particular procedure works and rely on memorizing
procedures in solving mathematical problems will be less motivated to try to learn mathematics,
whereas students who take the time to understand why a particular procedure works will know
they have an ability for learning and understanding mathematics; thus they will be motivated to
try and learn mathematics (DeCorte, E., Op’tEynde, P., & Verschaffel, L., 2002).

For Effort belief, it reveals students’ belief, either male or female, that exerting effort to
solve the problem is most important in solving mathematical word problems. It suggests that to
arrive the right answer in solving mathematical problem, students must give extra efforts. In
connection, it is important to exert effort in increasing their mathematical ability to achieve long
term success in mathematics (Mason, 2003; Kloosterman, 1988; Malmivouri & Pehkonen,


r= - 0.24
r= -0.30*

r= 0.12
r= - 0.03

r= - 0.14 r= 0.06 Performance

Sex Word Problem

r= - 0.09 r= - 0.13

r= 0.53**
r= 0.47 Understanding

Fig. 1. Correlational Matrix between Sex, Performance and Epistemological Beliefs

The Pearson correlation coefficients were used to represent the relationship between the
sex and students’ math performance via epistemological beliefs: (a) Difficult problems, (b)
Steps, (c) Understanding, (d) Word problem, and (e) Efforts.

Figure 1 shows that there is weak and negative relationship between sex and Difficult
problem (r=-0.24); Steps (r=-0.03); Word Problem (r=-0.14) and Understanding (r=-0.09). Yet,
there is moderate and positive relationship between sex and Effort (r=0.47).

Further, the result reveals that there is no significant relationship between the sex and
secondary students’ level of epistemological beliefs on problem solving in mathematics. This
simply implies that the femininity or masculinity of a student don’t have something to do with
their epistemological beliefs.

Stage and Kloosterman (1991) found that men and women do not significantly related in
their epistemological beliefs, but that beliefs were more strongly related to course grade of
women and men.

On the other hand, the study also reveals that there is weak and negative relationship
between performance and Difficult problem (r=-0.30); Understanding (r=-0.13). This simply
implies that the more students believe that they’re not confident in solving time-consuming
mathematics problems, and the more they understand the mathematical procedure instead of
memorizing them, the decrease in their performance.

In mathematics, a consequent lack of confidence, effort and understanding, are seen as

learners’ greatest barrier to achievement (Aschraf & Kirk, 2002, p.2; Thijsse, 2002, p.18).

Moreover, the study also tells that there is positive but weak relationship between
performance and Steps (r=0.12); Word Problem (r= 0.06). This denotes that the more students
believe that word problems must be solved conceptually not only by applying rules or algorithms
and they are essential element of mathematics, the increase in their performance.

Using world problems shows the students why they will need the concepts being taught
in math class. Students who believe word problems are important tend to be more interested in
the problem solving process (Winograd, 1995).
Whereas, Effort belief and performance are moderate and positively related which
indicates that the more the students believe that exerting effort to solve problem is important in
solving mathematical word problems, the increase in their performance.

Findings on effort also concurs with that of previous study (Huang & Waxman, 1997)
that Eastern students tent to value effort, perseverance and hard work as contributing factors to
perform better in word problems and for success in mathematics.

Furthermore, the study also reveals that Difficult Problem (r=-0.30) and Effort (r=0.53)
are significantly correlated with students’ performance in Math. This only implies that these
dimensions of epistemological belief affect students’ performance in Math. In mathematics, a
consequent lack of confidence, effort and understanding, are seen as learners’ greatest barrier to
achievement (Aschraf & Kirk, 2002, p.2; Thijsse, 2002, p.18).

However, Steps (r=0.12), Word Problem (r=-0.06) and Understanding (r=-0.13) are not
significantly related to students’ performance in Math. This implies that these three dimensions
of epistemological belief don’t have something to do with their performance in Math. In contrast,
the previous study made by Abedalaziz & Akmar (2012) revealed that all dimensions of
epistemological beliefs are significantly related to Malaysian students’ mathematical
achievement. This only implies that there are varied factors affecting the impact of the
epistemological belief of Filipino students towards problem solving thus there is a need for more
intensified studies.

8.0 Conclusion

Not all dimensions of epistemological beliefs about mathematical problem solving

(Kloosterman and Stage, 1992) are significantly related with Filipino secondary students’
performance in Math. However, epistemological beliefs predict mathematics achievement very
well. Muis (2004) pointed out that epistemological beliefs about mathematical problem solving
could strongly predict mathematics achievement.

Hence, adequate educational interventions should be developed and implemented in

mathematics instruction to gradually change representations about the nature and acquisition of
knowledge in mathematics. Finally, in order to modify students’ epistemological beliefs about
mathematical problem solving, mathematics teachers should emphasize students’ understanding
of concepts, effort that increase mathematical ability, and control over learning process and
problem solving skills (Muis, 2004).

9.0 References
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10.0 Curriculum Vitae

The researcher is baptized with the name of Fatima Jane T. Galia, by her parents; Renato
G. Galia and Juliet T. Galia, confidently beautiful with the heart, twenty-three years of young
and live at Brgy. Agbanga, Matalom, Leyte. She studied elementary education at Agbanga
Elementary School, secondary education at Matalom National High School and tertiary
education at Visayas State University, Visca, Baybay City, Leyte of Bachelor in Secondary
Education major in Mathematics last 2014. She passed the Licensure Examination for teachers
last August 2014. She is currently working as a classroom teacher at Esperanza National High
School, Matalom, Leyte while studying at Southern Leyte State University- Tomas, Oppus
taking MAEd major in Mathematics.
Statements Mean Stdev Description
Math problems that take a long time don’t bother me.
2.22 0.74 low level of agreement
I feel I can do math problems that take a long time to complete.
2.86 0.57 high level of agreement

I find I can do a math problem if I just hang in there. 2.00 0.76 low level of agreement
Difficult Problems
If I can't do a math problems in a few minutes. I probably can't do it all
1.98 0.89 low level of agreement
If I can’t solve a math problem quickly, I quit trying.
2.02 0.87 low level of agreement
I’m not very good at solving math problems that take a while to figure out
2.80 0.61 high level of agreement
AVERAGE 2.31 0.74 low level of agreement
There are words problems that just can't be solved by following steps.
2.54 0.73 high level of agreement
Word problems can be solves without remembering formulas.
1.74 0.80 very low level of agreement
Memorizing steps is not that useful for learning to solve word problems.
1.48 0.58 very low level of agreement
Any word problems can be solved if you know the right steps to follow.
3.70 0.51 very high level of agreement
Most problems can be solved by using the correct step-by-step procedure
3.48 0.76 very high level of agreement
Learning word problems is mostly a matter of memorizing the right steps 3.06 0.68 high level of agreement
AVERAGE 2.67 0.68 high level of agreement
To investigate why a solution to a math problem works is time well spent.
2.68 0.79 high level of agreement
A person who doesn’t understand why an answer to math problems is correct
hasn’t really solved the problem. 2.90 0.86 high level of agreement
In addition to getting a right answer in mathematics, it is important to
understand why the answer is correct 3.64 0.66 very high level of agreement

Word Problems It’s not important to understand why a mathematical procedure works as long
as it gives a correct answer. 1.84 0.79 low level of agreement

It doesn’t really matter if you understand a math problem if you can get the
right answer. 2.08 0.85 low level of agreement

Getting a right answer in math is more important than understanding why the
answer works. 2.22 1.00 low level of agreement
AVERAGE 2.56 0.83 high level of agreement
A person who can’t solve word problems really can’t do math
1.86 0.90 low level of agreement
Computational skills are of little value if you can’t use them to solve problem
2.92 0.70 high level of agreement
Computational skills are useless if you can’t apply them to real life.
2.78 1.15 high level of agreement
Learning computational skills is more important than learning to solve
problems 2.42 0.86 low level of agreement

Math classes should not emphasize word problems

1.84 0.79 low level of agreement
Word problems are not very important part of mathematics. 1.58 0.81 very low level of agreement
AVERAGE 2.23 0.87 low level of agreement
By trying hard, one can become smarter in mathematics. 3.28 0.81 very high level of agreement
Working can improve one's ability in mathematics. 3.16 0.79 high level of agreement
I can get smarter in math by trying hard 3.26 0.80 very high level of agreement
Ability in math increases when one studies hard. 3.56 0.70 very high level of agreement
Hard work can improve one's ability to do math. 3.62 0.64 very high level of agreement
I’m working hard to solve word problems. 3.28 0.86 very high level of agreement
AVERAGE 3.36 0.77 very high level of agreement
Southern Leyte State University
Graduate Studies
College of Teacher Education
Tomas Oppus, Southern Leyte

Students’ Epistemological Beliefs on Problem Solving in Mathematics

Dear Respondents,

The undersigned is currently conducting a research stated above as partial requirement of the subject EDF
602 “Method of Research”. The study aims to establish the relationship of sex and secondary students’ level of
epistemological beliefs in mathematics.

Relatively, you are chosen as respondent of the study because the researcher believes that as a student of
Esperanza NHS, you have the information needed for the completion of this study. Rest assured that information
provided are kept confidential and will be utilized only for the purpose of the study.

Fatima Jane T. Galia


Part I. Socio-demographic Profile

Directions: Fill out legibly the information being asked below.

Name (Optional): ________________________________________________

Age: _________ Sex: [ ] Male [ ] Female

Part II. Epistemological Beliefs Questionnaire

Directions: Below are statements defining your epistemological beliefs on mathematical problem solving. For each
statement, indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree using the scale below:
1 = Strongly Disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = Agree, 4= Strongly Agree

Statements Response
1 2 3 4
1. Math problems that take a long time don’t bother me.

2. I feel I can do math problems that take a long time to complete.

3. I find I can do a math problem if I just hang in there.

4. If I can't do a math problems in a few minutes. I probably can't do it all.

5. If I can’t solve a math problem quickly, I quit trying.

6. I’m not very good at solving math problems that take a while to figure out.

7. There are words problems that just can't be solved by following a

predetermined sequence of steps
8. Word problems can be solves without remembering formulas.
9. Memorizing steps is not that useful for learning to solve word problems.

10. Any word problems can be solved if you know the right steps to follow.

11. Most word problems can be solved by using the correct step-by-step
12. Learning to do word problems is mostly a matter of memorizing the right
steps to follow.
13. Time used to investigate why a solution to a math problem works is time
well spent.
14. A person who doesn’t understand why an answer to math problems is
correct hasn’t really solved the problem.
15. In addition to getting a right answer in mathematics, it is important to
understand why the answer is correct.
16. It’s not important to understand why a mathematical procedure works as
long as it gives a correct answer.
17. It doesn’t really matter if you understand a math problem if you can get the
right answer.
18. Getting a right answer in math is more important than understanding why
the answer works.
19. A person who can’t solve word problems really can’t do math.

20. Computational skills are of little value if you can’t use them to solve word
21. Computational skills are useless if you can’t apply them to real life.

22. Learning computational skills is more important than learning to solve word
23. Math classes should not emphasize word problems.

24. Word problems are not very important part of mathematics.

25. By trying hard, one can become smarter in mathematics.

26. Working can improve one's ability in mathematics.

27. I can get smarter in math by trying hard.

28. Ability in math increases when one studies hard.

29. Hard work can improve one's ability to do math.

30. I’m working hard to solve word problems.

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