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U5 UUR20177 R1D1

Dear Vaibhav

I know that it has been a few weeks since we exchanged emails and I wish to see you in person
as soon as travelling is safe again. As you already know that I was accepted into CEPT
University almost a month ago and we have started are classes. We were told that our first year
at the university will be conducted entirely online and the well-known disappointment associated
with online classes engulfed me, but I am pleased to tell you that our online classes are quite the
opposite of what I thought, as in our classes we learn by doing, and receiving our tutor’s
feedback. The last two weeks have been quite engaging as we have been sketching around 10-15
sketches on every working day. In spite the jampacked schedule we have been following, the
classes are surprisingly fun as we learn and discover new techniques, we are comfortable
sketching with.
Our first day at CEPT University started with orientation where are teaching faculty explained
the process that we will be going through for the first year, and we were also familiarized with
the apps that we would be using. This made following the syllabus easier, which started from the
subsequent weekend. On the first day we drew on sketchbooks different types of objects from
plants to everyday household items, from our hands and feet, all these were live sketching. I
think it was done to give us an idea about how shadows and proportions work in real life. We
were only allowed to use pencils of different lead weights for the sketches so it is fair to those
including myself who do not know how to use other mediums such as charcoal or micro pens.
In the second week we debuted in the digital field with digital pens. When we began with the
second week, I was completely unaware on how easy it is to learn the basics of SketchBook - the
application we used for digital sketching. In this application we were only allowed to use four
different brushes as the library of brushes in Sketchbook is quite vast and finding the perfect
brush for a job would be very hard.

In this plethora of new experiences, the thing that I am most excited about is how much I have
improved in the period of just two weeks. Take a look at few of the sketches I made in the first
U5 UUR20177 R1D1

week. And some of the sketches I made in a medium I was not at all experienced with.

To sum up, the last two weeks have been a rollercoaster of new learnings, I hope we will remain
in touch and keep sharing our experiences in the same manner.

Waiting to hear from you.


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