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Summary of Debate

This speaker would summarize the points that justifies this side of government and explain why this side
won this debate. This house believes that there should be a creation of third restroom for the LGBTQ+I

1. A third restroom is needed to be created in order for the members of the LGBTQI+ community
to have the privacy and lessen the feeling of being uncomfortable in both sides of the
heterosexuals and LGBTQI+.
EXPLANATION: The problem of LGBTQI+ in having to use the public restroom is that there is an
alarming high rate of harassment experienced by the transgender individual while using public
restrooms that was presented by our prime minister. Also, while it is a fact that transgender people
are way more likely to get assaulted than cisgender people.
2. Sexual harassment affects every demographic and every community including the LGBTQI+

EXPLANATION: In terms of the argument, “what your sex organ is that’s where you should be” it
should be understood that there are transgenders who identifies themselves as the opposite of their
gender assignment or biological sex but that does not necessarily change their sexual organs but still
identifies as another so they feel the need to be considered to be their gender identity but the
problem is heterosexual feel uncomfortable around them using the same restroom so one solution
is to provide a third restroom for the benefit of both. In the argument that the LGBTQI+ chose to be
that way then, yes they have a different lifestyle but only encompasses what their sexual preference
is and nothing more, a special treatment isn’t asked but because people who are still used to only
accepting heterosexuals in the two bathrooms find it uncomfortable when members of LGBTQI+
community enters then a third bathroom should be created. Another concern that arises is the
opportunity of men, mostly, to cross dress and pretend to be trans are not the problem people who
leans on rape culture and committers of sexual assault are the problem and should be blamed on
transwomen the problem penetrated by men.

3. The need to create a third bathroom is a solution to the increasing rate of discrimination that
the LGBTQI+ community faces

EXPLANATION: Our President Rodrigo Duterte is in favor of a separate restroom/comfort room for
members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ+) community. Changing the
mind of everyone that there are people who identifies themselves as the opposite sex will not
always be accepted so better off give them their own bathroom to access to benefit both.

4. The world has changed and is changing and is more modern now and people are more
expressive of who they are, what their gender preference is, what gender they identity with.
That is why keeping the traditional male and female only restrooms restricts and invalidate the
choice, privacy and rights of the LGBTQI+ community. This government side justifies why is there
a need for a third gender restroom based by facts and statistics and Let’s admit it LGBTQI is
accepted but not fully understood and it’s not easy to change people’s belief. This side of the
government strongly believe that there should be a third gender comfort room for the LGBTQI

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