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PMG 320- Module 4 Assignment

Morgan Shannon
Megan’s Party Decorations Party Deliverables Party Organization
Requirements Work Tasks
October event Coordinating linens Shower games Send out/ receive
Afternoon brunch Renting furniture Gift event Organize food
Woodsy Theme Table decorations Diaper raffle Prepare decorations
Masculine colors Décor for café Book collection Coordinate games


OCTOBER EVENT | 1.0 October 14th, 10a
AFTERNOON BRUNCH | 1.01 Description for food planning
WOODSY THEME | 1.02 forest animals in decor
MASCULINE COLORS | 1.03 Forest green, navy blue, charcoal
COORDINATING LINENS | 1.04 Ordering from rental company
RENTING FURNITURE | 1.05 Chairs, tables, gift table, food tables
TABLE DECORATIONS | 1.06 Simple center pieces/ signs
DÉCOR FOR CAFÉ | 1.07 Signage for tables with woodland animals
SHOWER GAMES | 1.08 Baby jeopardy, word games
GIFT EVENT | 1.09 Small scale, not too much attention on
DIAPER RAFFLE | 1.10 Determine structure or raffle
BOOK COLLECTION | 1.11 Determine place for collection to take place
SEND OUT / RECEIVE RSVPS | 1.12 Alvin will print, Paula to send and collect
ORGANIZE FOOD | 1.13 Bonnie making aps, Morgan making entre,
Norah making desserts
PREPARE DECORATIONS | 1.14 Organization decorations into spaces as they
are purchased
COORDINATE GAMES | 1.15 Execute order and structure of game play
PMG 320- Module 4 Assignment
Morgan Shannon
Bonnie Megan Paula Morgan
1.01 N A R N
1.02 A R
1.03 R
1.04 R
1.05 R
1.06 R
1.07 R
1.08 A R
1.09 R
1.10 R
1.11 R
1.12 A R
1.13 R
1.14 R
1.15 R

Key: R = Responsible, C= must be consulted, N= must be notified, A= approval needed


1. Send out invitations | 9/18- 9/22
2. Order stationary | 9/22- 9/24
3. Receive RSVPs and ensure final count | 10/01- 10/05 0
4. Order linens and furniture | 9/20-9/24
5. Order decorations | 9/20-9/25
6. Organize decorations as they arrive | 10/05- 10/10
7. Secure menu | 10/01
8. Arrive at recast to set up event | 10/14 @ 9a
9. Event begins at recast | 10/14 @1030a

This project in full of start to FtS dependencies. For example, we cannot order invitations until
we have solidified a time and place for the event. Another example of FtS in this event is
ordering ingredients until we’ve received all RSVPs back to ensure we have enough food to for
each person attending this event. Decoration and coordinating colors for the event would be an
example of FtF. This project does not feel any effects of StF dependence.

Receiving RSVPs would be placed on the critical path. Because we are unable to plan for food or
seating for the event before all RSVPs are returned, the bulk of the event cannot be planned
until this task is complete. Because of the success of the party relying on this small task, it’s
crucial that it is monitored. To ensure this strict timeline is met, we will need to ensure that all
invites are followed up on if they are not received by the dated agreed.

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