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Day 1.

Useful Classroom Language:

* Please repeat.
* Open your books
* Turn to page…
* Listen and Practice.
* Work with a partner
* For homework please…
*Give me your paper.
* Excuse me, could you repeat that?
* May I go to the …, please?
* How do you say…?


* Hello, my name is…

* How do you do?
* How are you?
* What’s your name?
* It’s nice to meet you / Nice to meet you too.
* How do you spell…?
* Good afternoon / morning /evening
* How about you?

Saying Goodbye.

* OK, see you later.

* Nice to see you again.
*Take care
* Have a nice day
* Bye, have a good evening.
* Well, have a good day.

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