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Assessing Learning

Date: 09-10-2022
Course/Year/Section: BEED-1C
Quiz 1.1.1

DIRECTION: In your own words, state what is the meaning of self for each of the following
philosophers. After doing so, explain how your concept of self is compatible with how they
conceived of the self. (2points each)

1. Socrates- Our self is the essence of the soul based on Socrates stated. Sauce essence is
our core being. We all have a unique talents, gifts and interest that define as at our core

2. Plato- he introduced the concept of the tripartite itself. It is talks about our emotions we
experience anger, empathy and love. These are all part of the spirit our passion that play
to stated about self.

3. St. Agustin- the body is the spouse of the soul hey san the body is the spouse of the soul
based on Augustine stated. It reflects to our self when it comes to reasoning and making
moral decision.

4. Rene Descartes- so stinking entity and the self as a physical body. Because Descartes
‘believe in the body-mind dualism. The self is a simple considered as a mind, whereas the
self is composite considered as a human being.

5. John Locke- for him, the self is a most delineated by the idea. Our self awareness of our
existence, therefore our existence itself. Is based solely on our consciousness of our past
and presents.

6. David Hume- he suggests that the self is just a bundle of perceptions, like in a chain. Our
impressions are the product of our experience while our ideas are copying as of our

7. Immanuel Kant- according to Kant, we all have an inner and an outer self which
together form our consciousness. The in yourself is comprised of our ecological state in
our rational intellect. The outer self includes our sense and the physical world.
8. Sigmund Freud- Sigmund believe that if you have a strong sense of self that if you have
a strong sense of self (ego), you're capable of understanding your own needs and also
introducing the limits the society puts on you. If you have a strong sense of self, you can
move freely through life.

9. Gilbert Ryle- Ryle believed that self comes from behavior. The self is the way people
behave. The self is basically our behavior. This concept provide the philosophical
principle. I act therefore I am”. In short, the cell is the same as a bodily behavior.

10. Merleau- Ponty- inside and outside are inseparable. The world is hole in side and I’m
holy outside myself. To sum it up, this work as search that self and perception are in
compass in physical body. Therefore, the physical body is a part of self.

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