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Owned and operated by the City Government of Urdaneta COLLEGE OF TEACHER EDUCATION

Subject: Technology for Teaching and Learning 1 (E256) – 1st Semester, A.Y. 2022-2023
Title of Report: Unit 5 – Innovative Technologies for Assessment Tasks in Teaching and Learning

Activity 4 (If I were an Inventor)

Performance Task/To-Do (Individual Assignment)

In our recent discussion, we tackled about Innovative Technologies for Assessment Tasks
in Teaching and Learning. Now, we want you to showcase your innovativeness by introducing us
your very own application that can benefit both teaching and learning. Draw/Create/Visualize your
application logo and discuss its features and how can it benefit both teaching and learning.
Remember to give it a creative name.

 Instructions: In this lesson, you learned the role of ICT in assessment in learning, the
designing and creating electronic assessment portfolio, and about exploring various digital
online and offline assessment alternatives available. Also, described the current trends in
technology-based assessment practices in schools and to select appropriate assessment
tools. With that, you will address these questions…

1. What is your invention? What does it do?

2. How is your invention similar to or different from existing tools or technologies in terms
of function?

3. Why is there a need for this invention? How will this invention make our class a conducive
space to be educated in?



1. The invention must portray, interpret, and emphasize the vision: “ASSESSMENT is the
process of identifying, gathering, and interpreting information about students’ learning”.

2. The output will be scored according to the following criteria:

Content (innovativeness and relevance) - 40%

Style (originality and creativity) - 30%
Essence (concept and design) - 20%
Visual (neatness and harmony) - 10%
Total (overall impact and appeal) - 100%

3. It may be done in a drawing or digital way.

4. Any type of illustration and artistic materials may be utilized.

5. Submission link:

Prepared by Group 4 (BSEFIL-2-1):

Albutra, Marvin Rex U., Cabiles, Mark Winston S.,
Cabrera, Mark J., Fernandez, Marc Nelson E.,
Luzano, Mercy B., Requizo, Rhiamea D.,
Serdeñola, Norie Grace G., Sibayan, Maria Anastacia M.,
Ugay, Maryjoy C., and Vila, Rochelle C..

(075) 600 - 1507

San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan
Bright future starts here |

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