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Handout 1: Ernie’s Blueberry Cobbler

- For te filling
- 1 cup of sugar
- 2 cups of blueberries
- ¾ cups of water
- For te crust
- 6 tablespoons of butter
- ½ cup of sugar
- 1 cup of self rising flour
- ½ cup of milk

1) Place te filling ingredients into a pot and eat until boiling. Immediately remove from eat.
2) Meanwile, preeat te oven to 325 degrees Fareneit.
3) in a 9x9 casserole dis, melt te butter in te oven wile it preeats.
4) Combine te remaining ingredients for te crust into a batter.
5) Pour te batter into te casserole dis witout stirring.
6) Carefully pour te filling on top of te batter.
7) Cook in te oven at 325 degrees Fareneit for 30-40 minutes.
8) Allow to cool for a few minutes before eating. Best served wit vanilla ice cream.
Handout 2: Archway Glyphs
Handout 3: Escape Sequence
In order to escape the collapsing palace, the characters must succeed on a total of five ability
checks used as escape attempts before incurring a significant number of failures, described by
the table below. The base DC for these checks is 11. Possible checks may include Athletics
checks to remove debris, Acrobatics checks to squeeze into tight places, or Perception checks
to notice dangerous areas threatening to collapse further. You might also decide that magic or
other abilities could result in automatic successes. The skills and resources that can be used
here are limitless, as long as those involved agree that the way they are used is reasonable.

The characters may also choose to spend time attempting to gather treasure instead of making
progress towards escape. Doing so also requires a base DC 11 ability check, similar to above.
On a success, the character gathers treasure, determined by rolling on the Treasure Room
Table. A failure gathering treasure also counts towards the escape failure threshold.

Escape Success Tracker

Check one box for each successful DC 11 Effect

escape attempt check.

The characters escape the palace!

Escape Failure Tracker

Check one box for each failed check in the Effect

escape sequence.

All party members drop all treasure picked up

from the treasure room.

All party members take 4d6 bludgeoning

damage from the collapsing palace.

All party members are trapped in the palace,

killed by the collapse.

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