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If you don't have a dishwasher, try to wash your dishes after

each meal and use a dish rack to keep them neatly and improve
visual comfort.If you have a dishwasher, use it by loading it
after each meal and unloading it before you begin cooking. To
sanitize dishes, immerse them in a tub of water with 9:1
vinegar mixture for 30 minutes. and also never allow dishes to
pile up.

Spray the worktops with white vinegar from a tiny spray bottle
that you keep nearby before wiping them off with a fresh
microfiber. You can use a small amount of baking soda and a
drop of dish soap or black soap if they are really dirty. But in
this case, it is necessary to rinse well to remove all traces of
detergent. Vinegar helps to sanitize the worktop.

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