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Dear Paul,

I’m really sorry you had to go through this experience. I would like to express my solidarity
with you, because in middle school I experienced the same occurrent. It’s good to hear, that
after you had talked to your tutor, the bullying stopped.
First of all your teacher should have been looking after all of you in the class however, I’m
certain that it is impractical to give you attention equally. Your school could have arranged
sensitising lectures both about bullying and the possible ways of curing the problem. In
general a bullied kid is recognizable so maybe if they had concentrated on this they would
have identified the bullying and could have treated it.
Second, mostly those people are bullied who are different from others in a way. I believe,
there were psychological researches on bully’s backgrounds and it turned out that in most of
the cases they had to endure family problems at home, so they were looking for situations
where they were controlling. Others are in a favoured position for example during elementary
school the girls who bullied me were the schoolmistress’s favourite students this way they
thought they could do everything. Sometimes the bullies just look down on the bullied ones.
I don’t think you could do anything now with the situation. Maybe you should talk to them
about it, but only if you’ll be ready.
I hope my advice is going to help you!

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