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I have recently read your blog and i feel really sorry that you have been suffering from
bullying for a long time.
I think bullying is an invidual problem what you have to solve not your school. I think first
you should change about the thing they are bullying. For example if the bully you because of
your clothes then try to dress better. But if they still offend you after that, you should speak
with your tutor. I firmly belive that the teacher will tell the parents this problem in a parent’s
meeting. The parents hopefully speak with their children and it may get solved.
Another option i can mention is to talk with the psychologist of the school because he or she
can give you a lot of advice and help to overcome anxiety.
I think why people bully others is because they want meet their friends or want to show status.
Another cause can be is their upbringing. They may have a very strict parents and try to
deduce stress on others. Maybe they just imitates their father’s behaviour as he treats with
I think now you should help to others as if you see somebody is getting bullied tell them what
to do to come over from it.
I hope these ideas are useful!

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