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Lecturer : Taryatmo, SPd.,AKep., Mkes

Arranged by :


Nim : P1337420421107

Class/number : 2A/54



On the 3rd floor of the Orchid Room is a room dedicated to HIV patients. One of the patients in that
room is Mr. Y, Mr. Yhave been staying at this hospital since yesterday. After the assessment, nursing
problems were found, including acute pain related to biological injury agents, nutritional imbalance less
than body requirements related to biological factors and situational low self-esteem related to body image
disorders. In accordance with the promise contract yesterday, today 28 June 2022 at 08.00 I will visit Mr.

NURSE A : Hello, good morning how are you? does anyone have anything to complain about?

Mr. Y: Last night I could not sleep well because of pain in the right lower chest and right back.

NURSE A: If it is compared to lifting 1-10, how much pain do you feel? and is the pain you feel
continuous or gone?

Mr. M: Around number 6-7 and the pain comes and goes, nurse

NURSE A : Well for now I will measure your vital signs first and will take action to relieve pain.

The results of measuring vital signs showed blood pressure 110/80MmHg, temperature 37°C, respiration
19x/minute, pulse 83x/minute. After that, NURSE A gave non-pharmacological actions such as warm
compresses and deep breaths.

NURSE A : How do you feel after I give nursing action?

Mr. Y: Feels better nurse, thank you

NURSE A : Okay, later around 12.00 am I will visit again for further examination. See you later

Mr. Y: Of course, thank you NURSE A

From this morning's assessment, NURSE A collaborated with doctors, nutritionists and other nurses to
discuss the actions to be taken to address the nursing problems of Mr. Y

at 12.00

NURSE A : Good Afternoon Mr. M, according to the contract this morning I will return to visit to give
you medicine, measure vital signs and deal with the complaints you feel.
Mr. Y: Good afternoon, NURSE A. Of course, but after I took the medicine I felt nauseous and
vomited. Is this a side effect of the medicine?

NURSE A : yes, you are right. But you have to keep taking it in order to recover faster.

Mr. Y: I have something to ask you, nurse. Because I was diagnosed with HIV, I felt ostracized by the
people around me and my body shape changed to be less attractive, I was afraid that after leaving this
hospital I would be shunned by the people around me.

NURSE A: Suffering from HIV is not that bad, you can still socialize with the community because the
way HIV is transmitted is by direct body contact (having sex) with the sufferer. You also should not be
discouraged because of the changes in your body shape, I and other nurses will help to improve your
body image back to what you want, we can discuss together later.

Mr. M: Really? can it still be fixed?

NURSE A : Of course, as long as you are diligent and enthusiastic about complying with the treatment
and therapy recommended by the doctor

Mr. Y: okay I will obey all the advice that the nurses and doctors say, thank you for listening to my

NURSE A : Thank you again, I'm happy if you share your story with me.

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