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Burgos Street, Bacolod City,
Negros Occidental, Philippines 6100
Tel. (034) 434 4561 local (140)



_______ Jerick M. Loresto BSTM 3-B/01-23-23 ____


What insights have I gained through this webinar? (30pts)

There are a lot of insights I gained during the webinar but one thing that hit me big time is the word aware. Me
as a tourism student I must aware that my local place has a lot to offer and I must be knowledgeable enough to
know its historical background, explore its history and promoting them before promoting others. In this, I am
able to share my own local tourist destination not only in my circle of influence but also to different tourist.
The next thing that I gain is we must aware for any disaster that may come not only in your respected place but
also in your working areas. If you are fully aware you can eradicate problems and accident that can cause
chaos to your daily routine.

What are the benefits of having diversity in the workplace? (20pts)

There are several benefits to having a varied and ethnic workplace. Since the world is becoming more linked
and globalized, organizations should benefit from the variety of abilities that people with varied backgrounds
and linguistic backgrounds may provide. More ideas and procedures are possible in a diversified workplace.
This diversity of talent translates into a wider range of talents, experiences, and viewpoints among employees,
increasing the possibility of greater productivity. Collaboration amongst people from different cultures and
origins offers the chance for greater innovation. Companies are better able to handle the various intricacies in a
global marketplace when there are a varied variety of cultures present in the workplace. Companies with
diverse workplaces are frequently seen as better employers. When potential customers or workers notice that a
firm has a varied workplace, they feel more at ease doing business with it. A favorable reputation is enhanced,
applications are encouraged, and sales are increased when advertisements feature adults, individuals with
disabilities, or people of varied ethnicities.
Burgos Street, Bacolod City,
Negros Occidental, Philippines 6100
Tel. (034) 434 4561 local (140)
Learnings from the entire subject (MULTICULTURAL DIVERSITY IN WORKPLACE) (50pts)

For the past months I learned in the subject Multicultural Diversity in Workplace is that people from various
cultures, religions, traditions, and lifestyles inhabit the world. We can find beauty in our differences, after all.
Both in educational and professional environments, cultural diversity benefit everyone. It paves the way to
better problem-solving, more empathy and compassion, deepened learning, and approaches the world from
various perspectives. Interacting with people who have diverse practices, beliefs, life experiences, and culture
promotes empathy. While you can never fully understand someone’s life without being them, you can learn,
listen, and understand. A culturally diverse workplace empowers people to develop their talents and skills. A
range of ideas and expertise enables those to learn from a more diverse collection of colleagues.

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