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2: Explain the ways an infective agent might enter the body


There are four main routes of infection, or ways in which infections enter our bodies:

i. The respiratory tract (nose, windpipe, lungs). Airborne pathogens such as those
causing coughs and colds can be inhaled.

ii. Broken skin. One of the functions of the skin is to provide protection against
infection. This includes the mucous membrane of the nose and mouth. If skin is
broken by bites, scratches, puncture wounds or dry chapped skin that breaks down,
this provides a route for infection to enter the body.

iii. The digestive tract. Infected products such as food and drink can be swallowed, often
affecting the bowels or stomach.

iv. The urinary tract and reproductive system. Infections may remain localised or enter
the bloodstream. One of the problems with catheterisation is the possibility of
bacteria being carried into the urinary tract during the catheterisation procedure.

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