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3rd grade of secondary "Gloriosa 329" school

conducts an interview with the deputy principal as an

input for the school magazine
In an exclusive interview, the deputy director Tinoco told us more details related to the
“More than an impression, it has
been a delusion to celebrate the
anniversary, because we are coming
out of a pandemic that has isolated
us for 2 years, and I think we are all
lucky continue ephemeral”

After the celebration…What things have you identified that we would have to
improve as a educational community?
In this year, there have been few activities, that has been tried to do
everything posible so waste school classes,you know,that we are at
recovery process and that why we have tried to schedule few activities.
During the celebration of theanniversary …Have you noticed the
identification of students and the teaching staff as gloriosinos?
Yes, even though there have been few activities the participation of students
has been observed.
Yes you had to hishlit three values practiced during the anniversary…What
were them?
I think that one would be and the respect that there was among all is
important, also the camaraderie that at all times have been supporting their
partners, be it at the festival, in the storytelling and also in the sports
afternoon where they have supported and also brotherhood, those are the
three important ountis
What emotions did you feel to celebrate the anniversary in a face to face
way after two years of virtual celebration?
As I had mentioned at the beginning, I think that I have been very happy
because we have been able to share face to face.
To end, as the leader of this prestigious School, what are your expectations
for the celebration of the 70th anniversary?
I think we should improve some activities giving greater emphasis to the
participation of parents, that has been achieved but there was almost little
participation of parents, previously almost the entire population of Chimbote
Thank you Mr. R Tinoco! for making us understand what are the three most
important points in our Educational Institution "Gloriosa 329" which would
be, the respect that there was among all, also the camaraderie that at all
times we were supporting our partners, maybe, in the storytelling and also in
the sports afternoon where the fraternity that existed between us as an
educational community has been supported and seen.

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