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Aponibolinayen and the Sun

Written Remake Story By; Lea Maxine A. Manaiz

In the day light their was a beautiful girl named Aponibolinayen whom every
talented and charming that even the most great Sun feel inlove with her . One day
Aponibolinayen and her sister in law went out to gather greens ,while their busy
walking finding some greens the two suddenly walked through the siksiklat grew, for
the tender leaves in this vine are very good to eat. Aponibolinayen was searching
underbush whe she started to pick the leaves and pulling harder as she would but
the leaves didn't even loose a little bit but the vine itself sorrounds her body and
started to lift her up far from the ground, not just a second she was shocked that she
was under the tree where the vine put her. She just sat and looked around till she
heard a rooster crow and got up to see what it was. A magnificent spring was not far
from where she had sat, surrounded by towering betel-nut trees with brilliant gold
tops. The spring sands were rare beads, and a wide golden plate served as a place
for the women to set their jars when they came to dip water. As Aponibolinayen
stood appreciating the spring's splendors, she noticed a small home close and was
terrified that the owner would discover her. She looked for a way out and eventually
climbed to the top of a betel-nut tree to hide.The Sun,or Ini-init, was the owner of
this house, but he was never at home during the day because it was his duty to shine
in the sky and provide light to the entire world. Ini-init returned to his residence at
the end of the day when the Big Star took his position in the sky to shine through the
night, but he was always off early the next morning. Aponibolinayen was waiting for
the opportunity to get in to Sun house and when he leave his house Aponibolinayen
immediately sneak out and cook some fish which Sun caught. Days past and
Aponibolinayen keep doing that and Sun actually suspect something that why he
decided to leave early at his work and ask big star to take his place. After that , Sun
arrived at his house and didn't hesitate to open it and there he saw a flaming fair
woman who had been off guard that Sun caught her, Aponibolinayen got angry at
that moment . By her beauty Sun fell in love with her.
He immediately astoud by her beauty that's why Sun decided to take her
in and be with her for the rest of his life .After some time Aponibolinayen
and Sun were married, every morning Sun went to shine in the sky, and
upon his return at night he found his supper ready for him and it's just a
rotation process. But one day Aponibolinayen ask Sun if she could come
with him in his work and Sun didn't agree but Aponibolinayen begged
him and Sun can't stand at his wife that's why in the end he agreed. In
the hot breeze coming from Sun Aponibolinayen slowly melting, that's
why Sun put Aponibolinayen in a bottle and wrapped her with blankets
and went down on earth to put her back where she belongs. And days
passed Aponibolinayen didn't form in to her beautiful human form to the
reason thay the only thing that could bring her is a true love's tear and by
that Aponibolinayen relatives invited everyone even Sun. In the other
hand Sun receives the invitation refuses it so the betel-nut jump on his
head and grew after a while Sun felt the heaviness on his head that why
he accepted the invitation afterwards. Sun look at the bottle and
imagining the time that the two of them are together and slowly some
tears on his eyes fell and with that a young beautiful woman appeard. "In
one moon , " said the Sun, " we will make a ceremony for the spirits , and
I will pay your father and mother the marriage price for you."
Aponibolinayen heart fluttered as she look at the man whom she's in
love with and a bonus they're going to have a Son and they will call it

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