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Use of Hypnotherapy and Hypnomeditative Reprocessing Therapy (HYT) in Family Doctor

Practice: Anxiety Disorder Treatment



Case Report

A 21 year old male patient applied to family doctor with complaints of nausea and
abdominal pain. In his anamnesis, he explained that his complaints were under stress,
especially in communication and contact with women. On the same day, instead of
prescribing medication, I explained that I could treat this problem with the Hypnotic
meditative Reprocessing Therapy (HYT) method, and the patient accepted this treatment.
The patient was treated with 2 sessions of HYT. When his history was taken during the first
interview with the patient, he said that his complaints started in his secondary school years
and that he had a gag reflex, nausea, and abdominal pain when he was under stress,
especially when there was a possibility of coming into contact with a woman the same age.
When the patient was asked about the degree of discomfort(Subjective Unit of Disturbance
= SUD) and which moment this symptom bothered him the most, he answered 10 out of 10.
When asked about Negative Self Hypnosis (NSH), he replied “I am helpless”. He responded
to the emotion of the moment as sadness. When asked about Positive Self-Hypnosis (PSH)
he replied “I want to be comfortable”. The patient felt this problem in the abdominal region
of his body. When the patient was asked about a picture or symbol of his worst memory, he
described it as "an earthquake place". After the patient was hypnotized with hypnotic
meditative methods, a 5-round shelter treatment was performed with bidirectional
stimulation. After the shelter treatment, the V cycle of HYT was applied in 10 rounds. After
the first round patient's SUD was described as 7. Regressive HYT was applied to the patient,
and when asked to find the moment when he first felt these symptoms, he explained that
he had a friend with whom he liked during his secondary school years and that he had
nausea due to the toys they were riding in the amusement park. When asked whether he
experienced these feelings for the first time at that moment, he answered “Yes”. With the
picture of this memory, the V cycle was treated again. The picture turned into a fun, flat
picture. The patient determined the level of discomfort as SUD = 0. For the purpose of
providing, an imagination of a situation in which the patient will be stressed in the future
was made.
It was reported that he was able to control his nausea and abdominal pain and he was not
feeling disturbed by those feelings, he felt just excitement. Ego strengthening was applied to
the patient with the Single Screen method. The patient was given auto-hypnosis and taught
how to use it. The session has been terminated. After the session, it was explained how and
in which situations to use auto-hypnosis. A second session was performed 1 month later. In
the pre-trans interview with the patient, he said that the severity of his symptom had
decreased to 4 out of 10 compared to 1 month ago. In the second interview with the
patient, when asked about the picture or symbol of the moment, he said that it was a "stuck
stone". When asked about Negative Self Hypnosis (NSH), he replied “I am flawed”. He
responded to his emotion "anger" for that moment. When asked about Positive Self
Hypnosis (PSH), he responded “I am not flawed.” The patient felt this problem in the
abdominal region of his body. When asked about his discomfort with the situation (SUD), he
said it was 10 out of 10. After the patient was hypnotized with hypnotic meditative
methods, a 5-round shelter treatment was performed with bidirectional stimulation. After
the shelter treatment, the V cycle of HYT was applied in 10 rounds. After the first round
patient's SUD was described as 3. He said that the stuck stone in the picture was shattered.
1 more round of V-cycle done. He said his discomfort level (SUD) decreased to 0 out of 10.
He said that the painting had disintegrated and completely disappeared. When the patient
was asked about his current level of Positive Self-Hypnosis, he answered “70” and said, “I
am as flawed as anyone else.” The session was ended by giving the patient self-hypnosis and
ego strengthening. 2 weeks after the session contacted with him, and when asked about his
symptoms, he said that he did not have any nausea. He conveyed that his excitement and
stress level decreased from 100 percent to 25 percent when he experienced a similar
situation. He conveyed that this level of stress did not bother him.



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