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SPEAK YOUR MIND Rn ea ace tes fe Rome] ae ERC lee le) LCi s Be Kidnapped! OU 7 aes Quest — ADVANCE 1 INSTITUTO DE IDIOMAS YAZIGI S/C Presidéncia: Fernando H. Silva Me. we | CENTRO DE LINGUISTICA APLICADA Direglo: Lynn Mario T. Menezes de Souza AUTORES DO QUEST 1 j Lynn Mario T. Menezes de Souza Maria da Gléria Costa Cunha Gil Mario Utimati tela Ore Cats Geant Se Die rar 1 Reclsteme ae Poder: Ent Marine revere ' Beare ee era wesc alps nam Si 1 mecaetecoronpearine . Rei leae ice nace iro *ESTE VOLUME E PARTE INTEGRANTE DO LIVRO QUEST 1 ; zs Editado e publicado pela / DIFUSAO NACIONAL DO LIVRO, EDITORA E IMPORTADORA LTDA. ‘ Av. 9 de Julho, 3166 - CEP 01406 - Sao Paulo - SP mar¢o/88, The Jet-Set Travel Agency has organized an exclusive round-the-world tour for a group of seven people. The price of the tour is an exorbitant fifty thousand dollars, but the advertising campaign promises excitement, adventure and visits to places off-the-beaten-track. L two months later. {The tour departs from Rio de Janeiro returning to Rio The Agency has been approached by nine people who want fo join the tour. As there are only seven places, a selection has to be made of the prospective tourists. 2 WF the prospective tourists below and, in groups, decide which two 1. stuay the description personalities you will eliminate from the tour. Give reasons for your choices in terms of character, Motive, compatibility with the objectives of the tour, etc. ° Viviane Santos Mattarazzo, 48, 2 former Swedish fashion model, married to/a Brazilian industrialist. A frustrated poet, Mrs. Mattarazzq wants to gst. away-for a while from the constant infidelities of her husband and from the five problematic children shed rather not have given birth to Verénica, 38, a former second- rate movie actress from Ipanema. Verdnica is looking for “some peace and quiet” after filming her latest movie called “Tonight's the night”. Jorge Simonelli, 44, a private detective. Jorge is on a mission which he will not disclose. QUEST 1 (a0) Sir Walter Whitehouse, 68, a tetired English politician. Sir Walter is on a honeymoon with his latest girlfriend, Chantal de Beaugolipe, and wants to show her “a bit of the real world”, as he puts it. Chantal de Beaugollpe, 27, a former French shop-assistant at an exclusive Parisian jeweller's. Chantal has never left France, or, for that matter, Paris, and is excited at the prospect of seeing the world with her boyfriend of 3 weeks, Sir Walter Whitehouse. Luis Carlos Brandéo, 29, from Salvador, Bahia. Luis Carlos has never left the country before and “wants to go somewhere outside Brazil’ Grace Pogos de Azevedo, 55, | ‘owner of the well-known Academy of Social Etiquette in $30 Paulo. Madame Azevedo wants “a change and new experiences”. She claims to be tired of the kind of people she deals with professionally and privately. ‘Assunta Bulh6es, 28, 2 professional photographer. Assunta is looking for a chance to take some spectacular photographs she can sell to the nation's top magazines. Joao Cabral de Melo, 32, a successful writer of adventure stories for adolescents. Joao claims to be looking for fresh material for his books. YAZIGI Useful words: cheracter Motives ne a PACION HL, 5E reasonable 10 i sexi bes admirable . ent priv: ‘worthwhile wed 7k, heap professional pal han fee emotions supe I au she! foundes inguis uni severe oo dist " touchy ee entrous nant k scemertustc |. assy | syouthiul ambitious - snobbish oe X's motives are nothing bul —— recluse, 2 Xs motives are hardy ex: son. ind of Per bea — a my liking: chile /reasoneble) Jadmirable, worthsshile/reasorcble) 0 it 00 ——" 2. select one of the following roles and act out the situation below. Roles: Tour Guide and tourists selected : This is the first time all the tourists meet each other. The tour guide introduces the tourists to each other. Each character tries to find out as much as possible about the others. Some characters like to talk about themselves, others are more reticent and secretive, After the tourists get to know each other, the guide calls an end to the meeting, apne te ) ' Vyas ‘ = Use the following language: t * To interrupt a conversation and leave: If you'll excuse me a moment I have to (get myself a drink/talk to X/make a phone call) * To continue a conversation which has been interrupted: ‘As I was saying... * To ask a personal question: Where did you say you lived?/Where exactly is it that you live?/ ‘You don't live in + do you? YAZIGI QUEST 1 -) postin wpe 3. As 0 group, you have to decide the itinerary of the excursion. Bearing in mind the nature of the excursion, examine the items below and decide which you will include and which you will exclude. Your list must include, 10 items. Give reasons for your choles Cross the Sahara Desert by jeep from Algeria to Timbuktu in Mall: "Take a Safari to Serengeti National Park-in Tanzania.- Cross the Khyber Pass, in the Himalayan Mountains. Take a flight from Tahiti to the Pacific Islands. Visit the Empire State Building in New York. Hike across Patagonia to Tierra del Fuego. Take a trip across Siberia by train. ‘Take_a boat trip up the River Nil Visit the Prado Museum, Madrid. < Visit Buckingham Palace, London. Visit the island of Bali, Indonesia. Visit the Great Wall of China. Visit the Eiffel Tower, Paris. Visit the Kremlin, Moscow. Visit the Taj Mahal, India. ¢ Use the following expressions: A visit to the ___is too dull. run-of-the-mill. common place. A trip across _____ sounds ex z- attractive, thrilling. egy ¢ A hike across ___ would be memorable. tanwuacg unique. unforgettable, exhilarating. breathtaking, 4. Now add five other items to your itinerary. Give reasons for your choices, QUEST 1 3 YAZIGI 5. Three weeks later, on one leg of the tour, a train voyage from Venice to Istanbul, the group is in crisis. Examine the problems below and decide which character(s) is (are) having which problem: ‘Two of the characters have fallen in love with each-other. One character is smuggling goods in his/her baggage (Decide what is being smuggled). One character has had something stolen. (Decide what and who could have stolen it) One character is extremely homesick and wants to return home " ‘One character is having a nervous breakdown caused by exhaustion and is extremely aggressive to the others. ‘One character has taken to drinking heavily and becomes boisterous in public places. * It could only be X who would do a thing like that. * This sounds like X. * X seems to be likely to do a thing like that. ‘+ I'm convinced that it is X (and Y). 6. imagine you are the tour guide. How would you attempt to solve these problems? of the characters on the tour is not who heishe claims to be. Discuss which character is masquerading and why. YAZIGI 4 QUEST 1 SPEAK YOUR MIND A TALE TO TELL 1. imagine yourself in the situations below. How do you start @ conversation in these situations? * @ colleague Is daydreaming staring at nothing * a colleague is in a bad mood BaD humo * 2 friend is sitting alone smiling at himself ‘* your teacher is taking some medicine * a friend comes in with a thoughtful look on his face Use the following expressions:.©§ (= * You look worried. What’s bothering you? * You know who I met yesterday? + You'll never believe what I saw yesterday. ‘+ A penny for your thoughts. ‘+ How was your (weekend/meeting /class/trip/ete)? SSS QUEST 1 5 YAZIGI 2. How would you react in abnormal circumstances like those below? Imagine yourself in these delicate situations trying to say something without sounding offensive or aggresive: * You are an employee at an office. You are asking your boss for a raise. * You are twenty years old. You are telling your father you want to leave home. * You are a professional translator. A friend is asking you to do a translation for him and thinks you'll do it for free. * You are having lunch in @ restaurant with a friend you haven't seen for a long time. You have been given the bill and you suddenly discover that you left your wallet at home and have no money to pay the bill. Ly canter * You are being invited to have dinner with a friend in a Japanese restaurant and you can't stand Japanese food. Use the following expressions where po: le to introduce what you have to say -——— without being offensive or aggressive: You're not going to believe this but. It'll probably seem ridiculous but... I'm sorry to have to say this but... T'm sorry about this but... YAZIGI 6 QUEST 1 3. Now you are going to tell tale to your colleague. Have a look at the topics below, and then bagin to tel a tale based on each topic: A family was run over by a tank in the center of S. Paulo A millionaire died and left his fortune to his two poodles Two penguins were found on a beach in the south of Bahia redo, capo, bobs, Use the following expressions to help you to begin your narrative and to describe the <#— sequence of events you decide to include in it: To begin a narrative: * Did you ever hear about...? * Do you know anything about...? + You've probably heard about...? ‘* You remember the case of th To describe the sequence of events: '* X (shouted) while Y (called for help) * After some time... After that... QUEST 1 F YAZIGI 4. Now, with 2 colleague do the following activity: One of you is going to tell a tale to the other, but the one who is istening becomes impatient and tries to cut the tale short by interrupting and guessing the end the story. The one who is telling the tale, however, introduces an unexpected ending to the story. _——————————__ Use the expressions below. § (<=> To interrupt and anticipate the end of a story: * I think I know how the story ends... Am I right? , ‘* I heard this kind of story before... Is that # Tean guess what happened... To react to an anticipation and introduce an unexpected ending © You're right. But you'll never believe what happened afterwards..”" © Right. But that’s not the end of the story... Lane. © Yes but wait a minute. Listen to this. Base your tale on these topics: '* A group of fishermen claimed to have seen a sea monster. * A traveling salesman in the interior was married to four women at the same time in different places. YAZIGI QUEST 1 © LS ‘SPEAK YOUR MIND A Tall Story Do this acti ity in two groups: The objectives for each group are: * to change the course of events of the narrative proposed by the other group by introducing another course of events. * to maintain the control of the narrative as long as possible not giving an Opportunity to the other group to change the course of events. TOPIC: two spinsters, fiftyish, were seen walking around town for several days carrying » a heavy suitcase... Instructions: 1. The members of each group agree on a general course of events to be given to the topic. 2. The group establishes the order of speaking for each of its members. 3. The Ist member of the group chosen to begin introduces the topic and begins to narrate the course of events. 4. The ist member of the other group tries to butt in and change the course of events trying to bring the narrative towards the course of events established by his group, making the necessary changes. 5. The second member of the 1st group tries to butt in when possible once again bringing the narrative towards the course of events established by his ‘own group, making the necessary changes. QUEST 1 9 YAZIGI EXAMPLE: Topic: A housewife claimed to have spoken to the occupants of a UFO. GENERAL washing on the line. ‘* UFO appears above her. ‘* 2 characters appear in the UFO and ask her the time. * she invites them to watch the “novela” yAzIGI 10 QUEST 1 OUTLINE 1 GROUP 2 | * housewife driving along with children, * sees a UFO parked in the middle of the road. * occupants ask for help to fix 2 the machine, * she refuses to believe what | she sees, ; * children wander off into the - machine. QUEST 1 YAZIGI EXAMPLE: Group 1: Group 2: Group 1: Group 2: “You have probably heard about the housewife who claimed 10 have spoken to the occupants of a UFO. Well, she was hanging out her washing in her back garden when she saw a strange object above her. After a while, the object flashed a strong light at her and suddenly 2 creatures looked down at her and..." “T-can guess what happened: they were having problems with the machine and so they decided to ask her for help to fix it. She refused to believe in what she was seeing and tried to ignore them. But then her children who were playing in the garden asked the creatures for a ride in the machine. “I know how the story continues. The woman was afraid that they might take her children away and quickly invited them for some coffee and to watch her favorite “novela.” “But that’s not the end of the story...” YAzIGI 12 QUEST 1 SPEAK YOUR MIND q ‘ HOW EMBA: SSING! 1. Have you ever been in situations similar to these? If 80, describe them. If not, how would you have reacted? * You're dining with some business colleagues at a restaurant which has background music. You hear a song that you hate and make negative comments about it. One of the colleagues turns to you and says he has all the records of that singer. * You and a colleague notice that your teacher forgot to button her blouse or left his zipper open. * You open the door of the toilet and find that it's occupied by somebody of the opposite sex. '* You're at @ party. Someone comes up to you, greets you by your name and begins @ 4X conversation which demonstrates Aes that he/she knows you. You try Qo 2 your best but you can't remember ge who the person is. ce Use: “I remember having.. “Fortunately, I've never been in any of these situations. But if I had..” “Hard to say but I think I would have... “L'l never forget the time I...” “T don't think I've ever been so embarrassed as the time I...” QUEST 1 13 YAZIGI 2. choose one or two of the situations below and act out a dialogue with a colleague: * You're at a party and accidentally drop a glass of wine on the hostess’s silk dress. * You're standing on a crowded bus and accidentally fall into someone's lap. * You're in a shoe shop. You accidentally sit on someone's glasses and break them. Use the following language items where possible. to apologize: * Excuse me. * I beg your pardon, I didn't realize... © I'm terribly sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. © OharSorry about that... © to accept an apology: That's ok. Don't worry about it. © L know you didn't mean it. ‘It was my fault, I should’ve been more careful. * There's no need to apologize. In which situations in 1 could you use some or all of these expressions? 3. choose a role and do the following dialogue with a colleague: Situation: At a friend's party. Comment negatively on something the hostess is wearing, React to Friend 2's reaction. Disagree with the comment and say you have something just like what the hostess is wearing. Friend 1 Friend 2 Use the following expressions: ‘to comment negatively on something: * Those.) are horrible. I wouldn’t be seen dead in them! # Is that what they call (music/a dress)? * That's no (car). That's a (bath tub). } * That (book/record/ete) is not my cup of tea. ° * I wouldn't give a penny for that (book/dress/record). } to disagree politely with a negative comment: * Do you think so? Actually____is/are quite (pretty/attractive/ete). # I wouldn't say so. I think is/are quite (pretty/etc) myself. to react to a disagreement with your comments: * I suppose it depends on who's wearing one. * You're probably right. I’m just too (conservative/old-fashioned).. ‘ + Now that you mention it, T suppose it isn’t that bad really. =Which situation in 1 is similar to this situation? Which of these expressions could you use in that situation? YAZIGI 14 QUEST 1 ame fee 4. Examine the situation below. With a colleague act out the conversation following the instructions: Situation: at your office YOU Your boss has asked you to entertain a visitor while he finishes attending to another visitor. Try to maintain a conversation playing for time wherever possible. COLLEAGUE You have come on a business visit and do not appreciate the fact that you have to wait fo be attended to. You're not in the mood “°* o> for socializing. Give short answers and politely show that you're not interested in maintaining the conversation. Use the following expressions to play for time if the conversation begins to drop: + Are you still (working for X/doing Y)? 're (doing Y/working for X), * So you’ * And (is it worthwhile/do you these things take time/That’s life/I don’t know where they're going to end up/Things are looking up/Things are going from bad to worse/This country is going to the dogs. =Which situation in 1 does this situation resemble? Which of the expressions above could be used in that situation? QUEST 1 15 YAZIGI 5. How would you react in situations where people are rude to you? Have a look at these situations and discuss how you will react if... a shop assistant attends to you rudely. the caretaker of your building answers you rudely. © * a policeman speaks to you rudely in the dl traffic. a child in the street speaks to you rudely. How will your reactions be similar or different in these situations? Why will you act differently in some of these situations? 6. Have @ look at the following expressions: Keep out of this! Mind your manners! ~ Watch your step! Mind your own business! ‘= How dare you talk to me like that! wee Watch what you say! sre Who do you think you are! Don't you raise your voice at me! { What on earth is all this about? e I'm sorry, did you say something? 7 Do you know who you're talking to? Is it me you're talking to? Is that what you call (politeness/respect for the publicletc.)? ‘Which of these expressions could be used in the situations in 5? 9 "= Which of these expressions would you call: rude ironic aggressive calm detached vvvvy TS Wiemann, , 7.. Now with a colleague play out the situations in 5 using these expressions where possible. YAZIGI 16 QUEST 1 oe ay HUMANITY ? Which of the following adjectives do you associate with humanity and the human race? Why? (4 rational () destructive arrogant () selfish 56% creative () humble >» () greedy (1 intelligent () pacific () just () short-sighted () gullible () charitable () aggressive 2. which of the following do you think have been the greatest problems or achievernents created by humanity? Why? () education #) cities &) death i) ( love () wealth (history Q language () politics (1) religion () the atom bomb ©) poverty ) war &) democracy 3. Read the three poems and discuss which poem's} * has a negative image of humanity shows how children are indoctrinated in the dominant ideology claims that politics generally disregards humanity criticizes education criticizes politicians criticizes man’s weaknesses is concerned with the future QUEST 1 7 YAZIGI YAZIGI Russians (a poem by Sting) In Europe and America, there's a growing feeling of hysteria, Conditioned to respond to all the threats. In the rhetorical speeches of the Soviets, ‘Mr. Kruschev said “We will bury you!” I don’t subscribe to this point of view. It would be such an ignorant thing to do, If the Russians love their children too. How can I save my little boy from Oppenheimer's deadly toy? There is no monopoly of common sense On either side of the political fence; We share the same biology, Regardless of ideology. Believe me when I say to you: “[ hope the Russians love their children too”. There is no historical precedent To put the words in the mouth of the President. There’s no such thing as a winnable war. It’s a lie we don’t believe anymore. Mr. Reagan says “We will protect yo I don't subscribe to this point of view. Believe me when I say to you: “| hope the Russians love their children too”. We share the same Biology, Regardless of Ideology. What might save us - me and you, Is that the Russians love their children too. QUEST 1 ‘What did you learn in school today? What did you learn in school today, Dear little boy of mine? What did you learn in school today, Dear little boy of mine? I learned that Washington never told a lie, I learned that soldiers seldom die, 1 learned that everybody's free, That’s what the teacher said to me, And that’s what I learned in school today, That's what I learned in school. What did you learn in school today, Dear little boy of mine? What did you learn in school today, Dear little boy of mine? I learned that policemen are my friends, I learned that justice never ends, 1 learned that murderers die for their crimes, Even if we make a mistake sometimes, And that's what I learned in school today, That's what I learned in school. (2 poem by Tom Paxton) What did you learn in school today, Dear little boy of mine? What did you learn in school today, Dear little boy of mine? I learned our government must be strong, It’s always right and never wrong, Our leaders are the finest men, And we elect them again and again, And that’s what I learned in school today, That's what I learned in school. What did you learn in school today, Dear little boy of mine? What did you learn in school today, Dear little boy of mine? I learned that war is not so bad, I learned about the great ones we have had, We fought in Germany and in France, And some day I might get my chance, And that’s what I learned in school today, That's what I learned in school. oe The Beasts (@ poem by Walt Whitman) | think | could turn and live with animals, they are so placid and self-contain‘d; 1 stand and look at them long and long. They do not sweat and whine about their condition. They do not lie awake in the dark and weep for their sins; They do not make me sick discussing their duty to G Not one is dissatisfied - not one is demented with the ‘mania of owning things; Not one kneels to another, nor to his kind that lived thousands of years ago; Not one is respectable or industrious over the whole earth. ——mresrs — 4. tow are education and politics portrayed in the poems? 0 oO oO Oo destructive () moralistic irrational (edifying altruistic 9.03. ws. () difamatory just () provocative = Do you agree with the views expressed? NP 5. in the contexts of each poem what do you think the following expressions or lines mean? ‘What might save us - me and you is that the Russians love their children too”. (Russians) b. “I learned that everybody's free. © 4. e £ That's what the teacher said to me” (What did you learn...) “Not one kneels to another, nor to his kind that lived thousands of years ago”. (Beasts) (What did you learn...) “There is no monopoly of common sense on either side of the political fence”. (Russians) “Not one is respectable or industriqus, over the whole earth”. (Beasts) SnoliMia 6. Do you know of other foreign or Brazilian poets/musicians who discuss the positive or nes gative sides of humanity? Who are they and what are the views expressed? learned that murderers die for their crimes, even if we make a mistake sometimes”. 7. imagine an interview with one of the writers of one of the poems. Think of questions you would like to ask. Select someone from your group to play out the part of the poet and ask im/her the questions and discuss his/her answers, 20 QUEST 1 aye SPEAK YOUR MIND Y t } 1. what priority do you give to the following aspects of modern life (1 = highest priority; 4 lowest priority): © social pr © power © financial security © professional stability tige "Give reasons for your choices. 2.. whet kinds of pressures (social, emotional, financial) affect working people nowadays in their roles as —= Use the following wordsiexpressions where necessary. * husband/wife * father/mother * professional/empioyee stress : {0 put pressure on someone 2-1 to be pressed to low/high expectations emotionally deprived to establish priorities to keep up with the Joneses (ie. to feel the necessity of competing in life-styles ith friends, colleagues or neighbours) to be under stress > {o suffer all kinds of pressures household chores) J~ w professional perspectives unbalanced to give in to (someone's) demands QUEST 1 at YAZIGI 3. what advice would you give to a friend who can no longer put up wit 1 professional pressures (his/her job demands too much). © psychological pressures of urban life (violence, pollution, overpopulation etc). = emotional/family pressures (his/her family’s expectations are very high). 4. Now read the short story “The Anniversary” and decide: '= what led to the husband's disappearance? = where do you think the husband is and what do you think he is doing? The Anniversary tonight — you know how crowded these places get at this time of year? — “I won't, dear, don't worry. Isabel and Dick said they'll come by around 8 so they can go with us in our car. You know how Dick is after a couple of whiskeys. And as you don't drink, they prefer you to drive. ty ‘Oh well... Bye then! And don't forget to phone the restaurants and reserve a table for t; 4 tS The elevator groaned and made its way clumsily down the five storeys to the garage. This morning it seemed to groan louder and take longer than usual. The car would take a few minutes to warm up so he turned on the radio to get the end of the 8 o'clock news. The same news items he seemed to héar every morning drifted vaguely to his now immune ears accompanied by the shrill tunes of the commercials. The latest figures of the famine in Africa punctuated by a toothpaste commercial for whiter teeth and fresher breath and that one-in-a-million smile. Didn't look like the car would get started this morning. He tried the choke. Tried again, No luck, Just ‘one more of those terrible coincidences: trouble with the car right on the day of the meeting of the Board of Directors when his promotion to Chief Executive would be ratified in his presence. Wouldn't it be funny — not arriving on time exactly on the day he was to accept his new promotion! His rivals would of course maliciously hint to the President of the firm that this was just his usual informal self: — “Never on time, but nothing to worry. If he doesn't turn up in two hours, then we can begin to start worrying! Ha! ha! hal.” It looked like he'd have to take a taxi and be quick at it, After all the difference in salary that came with the promotion was too big to be waived aside — it wasn't the prestige or the power that he was interested in. It would mean being able to buy a second house down at the coast big enough for the whole family. He couldn’t stand the pressure of his children comparing themselves with their friends who seemed to have everythin; The first taxi promptly halted at the curb. and be quick please; I'm in one heck of a hurry? ‘The incipient heat of the spring day slowly took hold of him, forcing him to loosen his tie YAZIGI 22 QUEST 1 — “Hey, look fellow, can’t you speed it up a bit? Listen, there’s a short cut just there, take the first on the..” He suddenly realized that this was the first time he had even looked at the taxi driver and it was a woman, This brought him back to reality with a shock. — “Sorry miss — you know how it is, one doesn’t see many women taxi-drivers around town!” — “It’s okay, sir. 1 know that life in this city isn’t exactly favorable to women taxi-drivers. I’ve often thought of taking up something else”” — “And why don’t you? Aren't you afraid of being mugged or attacked or something? Driving a taxi in this city can be dangerous:” — “Of course I'm afraid, but necessity is stronger. 1 can't afford to be afraid. I have three little girls at home to think of. It's not easy for a woman like me to find a job that can support a family nowadays? — “How does your husband feel about you taking such risks in this city?” — “Husband? The bastard went off with my cousin three weeks before my last little girl was born. I'll kill him if he shows up ever again! I can do without the likes of him, thank you!” — “You mean you live off your earnings as a taxi-driver? And who takes care of the children?” — “Don’t worry about them, sir. The eldest is seven already, She looks after the other two. You know something? Sometimes | think she’s more of an adult than I am” The heat now forced him to open the second and third button of his shirt. He thought of his own daughter who was also seven — so delicate and fragile so much in need of protection. — “Here we are, sir. This is the address you gave me, isn’t it?” He made it. In spite of everything he was still five minutes early. But his initial relief gave way to sudden hesitation: — “No,’m sorry. Look, uh, I got the address wrong — it’s four blocks further on... And, uh, please, don’t forget I'm in a hurry” — ‘The lady sitting opposite the Inspector looked flushed and impatient. — “Yes, Ma’am. I do understand how you feel... but we have to be patient. There must be some perfectly logical explanation for allthis?” The lady leaned over the inspector's desk nervously: = “Logical? What logical explanation could there possibly be? No one just vanishes into thin air on the day of his fifteenth wedding anniversary. And do you know that it was on the same day that he was going to receive an excellent promotion! Is that what you call logical! Look, Inspector, my husband has never gone anywhere on his own before. He’s such a family man, Inspector, he'd never go off for a whole week and not tell anyone. And he knew how much I was looking forward to our anniversary dinner” — “I’m sorry ma'am, but we've done all the routine checks - the hospitals, the morgue, police stations all over the city — the works! And nothing has come up anywhere?” Menezes de Souza Se ‘Twenty minutes to go to the beginning of the meeting. And the President insists on punctuality. 5g w QUEST 1 23 YAZIGI 5..iscuss the following questions in relation to the story “The Anniversary’: ‘= What kind of person do you think these people are: the wife the taxi-driver the Inspector = Would you do what the husband did? Give reasons. = How would you react if you were the wife? 1= If you could add another ending to the story, what would you add? Give reasons. ma COCECOF CEOO4 SOG SG hbebbGd CPE PLDEPPBE ABLE G GM DOTE EBB Bh YAZIGI 24 QUEST 1 SPEAK YOUR MIND 1. Analyse the expressions below and discuss with your teacher those expressions that you find unfamiliar. What topic are the expressions above related to: ROBBERY KIDNAPPING RAPE <57v) MUGGING === BURGLARY 5 yar O0000 * Can you think of any recent cases of kidnapping? Tell your colleagues about them. Use the expressions in no. 1 to help you with your discussion. QUEST 1 25 YAZIGI 2. peAo: fashionable disco Paulo, 25, is missing. — downtown, and left at He has recently 3.00 am. finished a course of This morning his father, treatment for drug _the industrialist Olavo and alcohol de Almeida Campos, addiction and has. ,, was notified by the habit of wandering “sopolice that his sons car off alone in his car was found abandoned for a couple of days, on the other side of but he has never town. This confirms the been away for more —_ family’s suspicions that ‘ than 2 days. Paulo has not just Four nights ago he wandered off, as he. went fo meet some never goes anywhere friends at a without his car, uuRoE Aw > In groups of 4 or 5, imagine yourselves directly involved in the disappearance of Paulo. Give yourselves a role (eg. Olavo, Paulo's mother, friends etc.) Decide what course of action you're going to take. [— Use the following expressions: to make @ suggestion “The obvious thing to do is t0..” “We have no choice but to..”_ 3 to disagree “I don’t think I'd do th “Yes, perhaps, but don't you think.” Write down what course of action you have decided to take ) 4 5; 5 ey Alacaiciioig laws an te Wadesemalnie ct eee tere to Sharse mo dheotee , x Jrose Jo melinpe i at . Thin Kiclmopyern cold (man Or} 6 3 mo LM Duy Eagles Zhe jnice oly rerio Wis Sho pasties, YAZIGI 26 QUEST 1 3. You have just received the following note. KIDNAPPED! ri } ME Wat good for Nothing Boll # YD wan 1 see him GREE no: a Egg x OME HE are Keeping SD we a do 2% = Sl Ao, hengy vee ome fig Bin stay put # Jo) await f,-ther ™ Try to decide how to react. Use the following expressions. —) to show lack of ideas don’t have a clue what should be done” i'm stuck for ideas, I must admit.” to reassure “I don't think we should jump to conclusions” “I don't think we should get het up about this.” oe “There must be some simple explanation for all this.” c Write down your decision. QUEST 1 or YAZIGI .. You have just received a second note from the kidnappe hours and 127 Caly balIs 6, UW end 20 colars *urther contact, 3 a. First you want to ask for proof that the victim is safe and sound. Decide what kind of proof you will ask for. [—————— Use the following expressions: §_. <=} to make a suggestion “The obvious thing to do is “I'm convinced that we should. to show approval “Yes, that seems plausible.” “But don’t you see, Paulo’s life may be at stake!” to show Write down your decision. \ Wed We shale ack Jor juse ° oe YAZIGI 28 QUEST 1 b. Now, assuming you have the proof, decide how to raise the money demanded in the ransom note. bo ah He [= _ Use the following expressions: to make a suggestion “I'm convinced that we should...” “We have no choice but...” to show approval “That's just what I had i “Yes, that seems plausible? mind.” Write down your decision QUEST 1 29 YAZIGI = This is the last note you have received: Decide what to do and write down your decision. YAZIGI 30 QUEST 1 6. piscussion ‘@. Go back to 2 and read all the decisions you took throughout the kidnapping. Discuss the advantages and risks of each decision. Try to classify each decision as: cold pondered emotional erratic rational spontaneous panicky controlled hurried . confident obvious desperate = As an individual, if you could go back and change your decisions which ones would you change? Why? b. How should one react if one is on @ street and being robbed at gunpoint? How would you react? Discuss the advantages and risks of your reactions. ¢. Which do you think most stimulates urban violence? Why? How? * socio-economic inequality * lack of education * unemployment ° greed * * racial differences QUEST 1 31 YAZIGI eA tise a Bien Sacan Bae bak ub. BATH tus aan ong, | BvevaTE BRE | sxasn vorevo pom as ae r ow pore 8 PY asmiov DES GUERS HET THERE HOU. SHOU Ore 4 seulin’, apanttn ood tfeoo sass salir geben Tacky 0 Bees Latest Hasmon » whine meade bieeies aed [nde yan be Sudher abod Kaaping fe Wh 2. thee Lane dn sa Arcciah cocbion Sh piople ab Desge ow Jo bltan wanda snl Qe yet Mod Mor one hen Damp de Beat ae 6 Wo Weomim follolL gadhion ae gles DNgtaaliny ethan © scgnnom CLONE + BL PCH 4 Faswioas Hole = TACKY 15 tceerpie (Po es PROS EG PL soda Temroued qnapin | yopawonanu HOMELESS -> rom cove »Seuallrgacle vil EYE -> ARMY > 2 BLACK Asis AIDDLE-EAST-5 Onate - nmcdis . ee Sey ~ mbka de wid Onpode we) YAZIGI 32 QUEST 1

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