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S.Y. 2022-2023

Name: ________________________________ Score: ______________________________

Grade/Section: _________________________ Date: _______________________________
Part I. Multiple Choice
Direction: Write the letter of your answer on the line provided before each number
_____1. It is a quantitative research method used to establish a cause-and-effect relationship between two variables or among a group of variables.
A. Quasi-experimental design research C. Experimental design research
B. Correlational design research D. Descriptive design research
_____2. It refers to a method or process of selecting respondents or people to answer questions meant to yield to data for a research study.
A. Sampling B. Census
C. Data D. Representatives
_____3. It pertains that all the respondents in the sample frame participating in the research.
A. Sampling C. Census
B. Data D. Representatives
_____4. A technique used to select the sample.
A. Sample Method C. Sample Frame
B. Sample D. Representatives
_____5. It pertains to smaller group selected from the sample frame to participate in the research.
A. Sample Method C. Sample Frame
B. Sample D. Representatives
_____6. It is the target population you wish to research.
A. Sample Method C. Sample Frame
B. Sample D. Representatives
_____7. The main purpose of this research design is to explore the problem introduced in the paper.
A. Exploratory Research C. Descriptive Research
B. Explanatory Research D. Evaluation Research
_____8. It is a type of research which primary goal is to measure the effectiveness of the program discussed in the paper.
A. Exploratory Research C. Descriptive Research
B. Explanatory Research D. Evaluation Research
_____9. This design is intended to describe the present status of the study.
A. Exploratory Research C. Descriptive Research
B. Explanatory Research D. Evaluation Research
_____10. This seeks to discover If two variables are associated or related in some way, using statistical analysis, while observing the variable.
A. Quasi-experimental design research C. Experimental design research
B. Correlational design research D. Descriptive design research
_____11. Which of the following is CORRECT in creating a research design?
A. Try to pose a question that you want to discuss C. Do not use analysis technique
B. Do not discussion of the topic D. Do not select sample
______12. For this kind of probability sampling, chance and system are the ones to determine who should compose the sample.
A. Availability C. Simple random
B. Systematic D. Snowball
______13. You choose people whom you are sure could correspond to the objectives of your study, like selecting those with rich experience or interest in your study.
A. Quota Sampling C. Voluntary Sampling
B. Purposive or Judgmental Sampling D. Snowball Sampling
_____14. This is a probability sampling that isolate a set of persons instead of individual members to serve as sample members.
A. Simple Random Sampling C. Systematic Sampling B. Stratified
Sampling D. Cluster Sampling
_____15. It is a type of Non-Probability Sampling in which the researcher tends to choose sample members possessing or indicating the characteristics of the target
A. Quota Sampling C. Voluntary Sampling
B. Purposive or Judgmental Sampling D. Snowball Sampling
_____16. It is the process of gathering of data from the participants of the research by getting their responses to questions.
A. Interview C. Survey
B. Observation D. Caucus
_____17. It is the process of collecting data through a conversation.
A. Interview C. Survey
B. Observation D. Caucus
_____ 18. It is the information regarding a particular variable and can be obtained through observations, interviews, or surveys.
A. Data C. Method
B. Data Collection Procedure D. Methodology
_____19. It is the activity in which the researchers collect and measure data about the variables.
A. Data C. Method
B. Data Collection Procedure D. Methodology
_____20. It is the series of steps in using statistical tools and logical techniques to describe, draw, summarize and review, and evaluate information.
A. Data Analysis C. Research Method
B. Data Gathering Procedure D. Research Findings
_____21. It is written as H0.
A. Alternative hypothesis C. Hypothesis testing B. Null hypothesis
D. Variables
_____22. It is written as HA or H1.
A. Alternative hypothesis C. Hypothesis testing B. Null hypothesis
D. Variables
_____23. Which of the following is NOT correct in writing research methodology?
A. Explain the methodological approach C. Describe the methods of data collection
B. Describe the methods of analysis D. Do not justify your methodological choice

______24. Which of the following is CORRECT in formulating research question?

A. Do not use clear and simple language.
B. Use acronyms, abbreviations, jargons, and highfalutin terms.
C. Express your point in exact, specific, bias-free, and gender-free language.
D. Use figurative language.

Part II
Solve the following using the Slovin’s formula.
25-26 N=4300
27-28 N=1800
29-30 N=2500

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