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Nabunturan, Compostela Valley Province

Senior High School
S.Y. 2019-2020/ 1st Semester
3rd Quarter Examination
NAME: ______________________________________________________________ GRADE & SECTION:
STRAND:____________________________________________________________ DATE:
GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Read the questions/statements carefully. You will be given 1 hour and 15 minutes to finish
the examination. Further, you should always uphold “HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY” during your exam. Lastly,
avoid ERASURES nor ALTERATIONS. Failure to follow all the instructions will result to the deduction of your scores.

TEST I- MULTIPLE CHOICE. Characteristics of Qualitative research. Sampling Techniques. What is Research. Write
your answer on the space provided. CAPITAL LETTER
1 . It refers that the researchers tend to collect data in the field at the site where participants’ experience the issue or
problem under study.
1. _____
A . Inductive Data Analysis B. Multiple Sources of Data C. Nature Setting D. Key
2. Researchers will be the one to collect data through themselves through examining documents, observing behavior, and
interviewing participants. 2. _____
A . Inductive Data Analysis B. Multiple Sources of Data C. Nature Setting D. Key
3. Researchers build their patters, involves researchers working back and forth between the themes and the database until
they establish a comprehensive set of themes. 3.
A. Multiple Sources of Data B. Inductive Data Analysis C. Key Instrument D. Nature
4. This refers to the triangulation, where the researchers do some interviews, observations, and documents, rather than rely
on a single data source. 4. _____
A. Multiple Sources of Data B. Inductive Data Analysis C. Key Instrument D. Nature
5. This involves reporting multiple perspectives, identifying the many factors involved in a situation, and generally
sketching the larger picture that emerges.
5. _____
A. Participant’s Meaning B. Emergent Design C. Interpretive Inquiry D, Holistic
6. It refers in a form of inquiry in which researchers make an interpretation of what they see, hear, and understand. 6.
A. Holistic Account B. Interpretive Inquiry C. Emergent Design D. Theoretical Lens
7. The researchers keep a focus on learning the meaning that the participants hold about the problem or issue, not the
meaning that the researchers bring to the research or writers from the literatures.
7. ______
A. Emergent Design B. Participant’s Meaning C. Theoretical Design D. Interpretive
8. It refers to the means that the initial plan for research cannot be tightly prescribed, and that all phases of the process
may change or shift.
8. ______
A. Participant’s Meaning B. Emergent Design C. Interpretive Inquiry D, Holistic
9. The researchers often use lens to view their studies, such as the concept of culture. Sometimes, the study may be
organized around identifying the social, political, or historical context of the problem under study.
9. ______
A. Emergent Design B. Participant’s Meaning C. Theoretical Design D. Interpretive
10. A smaller collection of units from population used to determine truths about population. 10.
A. Sampling Frame B. Population C. Sample D. Selecting
11. A list of all elements or other units containing the elements in population. 11.
A. Selecting B. Sampling Frame C. Population D. Sample
12. It refers to the larger group from which individuals are selected to participate in a study. 12.
A. Sampling Frame B. Population C. Sample D. Selecting
13. It is used after data collection begins, when you may find that you need to collect new information to answer your
research questions. 13.
A. Opportunistic Sampling B. Snowball Sampling C. Random Sampling D. Quota Sampling
14. It is when you study an exceptional case represents the central phenomenon in dramatic terms. 14.
A. Snowball Sampling B. Critical Sampling C. Stratified Sampling D. Random Sampling
15. It is when you select certain sites or people because they possess similar characteristics. 15.
A. Random Sample B. Stratified Sample C. Critical Sample D. Homogeneous
16. It is when you select individuals or sites because they can help you to generate a theory or specific concepts within the
16. ______
A. Opportunistic Sampling B. Concept Sampling C. Random Sampling D. Quota Sampling
17. It is when the researcher chooses persons or sites which provide specific knowledge about the topic of the study. 17
A. Quota Sampling B. Opportunistic Sampling C. Purposeful Sampling D. Concept Sampling
18. It is the process of including whoever happens to be available at the time called accidental or haphazard sampling.18.
A. Concepts Sampling B. Convenience Sampling C. Concept Sampling D, Quota
19. A type of random sampling that selects every Kth subject from a list of the members of the population. 19. ______
A. Systematic Sampling B. Random Sampling C. Stratified Sampling D. Quota Sampling
20. The process of randomly selecting intact groups, not individuals, within the defined population sharing similar
20. _____
A. Concepts Sampling B. Cluster Sampling C. Concept Sampling D, Quota Sampling
21. In creating a research a person should have ____________ of a certain phenomenon. 21.
A. Answer B. Conclusions C. Curiosity D. Plan
22. This is not subjected to established principles and to a systematic inquiry, it may just be an initial step to test a theory
in a systematic investigation. 22.
A. Common Sense B. Science C. Reasonable D. Conscious
23. This can be a methodical extension of common sense but involves a thorough and objective study of observable
events.23. ______
A. Conscience B. Reasonable C. Science D. Common Sense
24. Which of the following best describes the purpose of conducting a qualitative research? 24.
A. to explore the meaning of people’s experience, culture, etc. B. to test hypotheses of the study
C. to examine relationships variables D. to prove a particular theory
25. What is the thing that you use in gathering data? 25.
A. RRL B. Instrument C. Conclusion D. Materials
26. What is the first step in doing a research? 26. _____
A. Define a research problem B. Interpret a report C. Formulate hypothesisD. Design a research
27. It is the quality of research which tells that something is based on direct experience or observation by the researcher.
27. _____
A. Critical B. Methodological C. Empirical D. Analytical
28. Research is _______________ if it exhibits careful and precise judgment. 28.
A. Methodological B. Empirical C. Critical D. Replicability
29. ________________ is the hearts of the study. 29.
A. Significance of the study B. Related Literature C. Objectives D. Findings
30. Using someone else’s work to help you without their permission is CALLED 30.
A. Cite B. Plagiarism C, Periodical D. Research
31. Asking participants to recommend others to take part in the research 31. _____
A. Systematical Sampling B. Stratified Sampling C. Snowball Sampling D. Random
32. This refers to a particular procedure or set of procedures applied in conducting a research or study. 32.
A. Introduction B. Methodology C. RRL D, Findings and
33. This refers to the information or content from different sources related to the topic. 33.
A. Sources B. Literature C. Methodology D. References
34. The sources you used on your research CALLED 34.
A. Results B. Sources C. Literature D, References
35. It establishes the scope, context and significance of the research to be conducted. This also states the purpose why the
study will be conducted. 35. _____
A. Results and Discussion B. Introduction C. Methodology D. RRL
36. Which of the following describes the purpose of qualitative research? 36. _____
A. It describes and answers questions about participants and contexts
B. It answers question and illuminates’ issues that cannot be answered by a quantitative research
C. It explore a phenomenon to better understand it
d. All of them
37. A qualitative study research design seeking to describe and analyze all or the part of the culture of a community is
known as a/an 37.
A. Grounded Theory B. Historical Study C. Ethnographic Study D. Action Research
38 . A qualitative research design in which data related to past events is systematically collected and evaluated to describe
potential causes, effects, or trends related to those events is known as 38. ______
A. Grounded Theory B. Historical Study C. Ethnographic Study D. Action Research
39. Which of the following must be accomplished first when conducting a research study? 39.
A. analyze narrative data for underlying themes B. collect data
C. negotiate entry into the research site D. interpret the data analysis
40. Which of the following is/are research misconduct? 40. ______
A. Falsification B. Plagiarism C, Fabrication D. All of the above.
41. The following are the main themes in framing or formulating your questions, EXCEPT 41.
A. Insights B. Coping mechanisms C. Experiences D. Reactions
42. The researcher seeks meaning and developing explanations through feedback and repeated process. What approach in
qualitative research is emphasized? 42. _____
A. Enumerative B. Subjective C, Iterative D. Investigative
43. The researcher tends to understand the signs and symbols within cultural context. What approach in qualitative
research is emphasized? 43.
A. Investigative B. Iterative C. Subjective D. Enumerative
44. It has been emphasized that conclusions are not based on investigation but on common sense. What type of sources
stressed out in obtaining knowledge in research? 44.
A. Empirical Knowledge B. Knowledge as Authority C. Prior Knowledge D, Knowledge
as Belief
45. In this type of source of obtaining knowledge in research that getting the data must goes through observation and
45. ______
A. Knowledge as Belief B, Knowledge as Authority C. Prior Knowledge D. Empirical knowledge
46. This type of research studies is an ongoing practice of a school, organization, community, or institution for the
purpose of obtaining results that will bring improvements in the system. 46.
A. Action Research B. Descriptive Research C. Correlational Research D. Pure
47. This type of research shows relationship or connectedness of two factors, circumstances, or agents called variables
that affect research. 47.
A. Action Research B. Descriptive Research C. Correlational Research D. Pure
48. This type of research aims at defining or giving a verbal portrayal or picture of a person, thing, event, group, situation,
48. _____
A. Action Research B. Descriptive Research C. Correlational Research D. Pure

TEST II. SUPPLY. Write your answer on the space provided. Based your answer in the box.



49-50.Exploring the life of an individual 49-50.

51-52. Developing an in-depth description and analysis of a situation or multiple circumstances 51-52.
53-54. Understanding the essence of the experience 53-54.
55-56. Developing a principle grounded in data from the field 55-56,
57-58. Describing and interpreting a tradition-sharing group 57-58.


59. It is restrictive only to human behavior 59.
60. Very holistic when it comes to subject matter 60.
61. Researcher is a participant 61.
62. Subjective by nature 62.
63. Apply triangulation 63.
64. Establish validity and compute reliability 64.
65. Exhaustible when it comes to study 65.
66. Is generalizable 66.
67.Participants is examined uniquely 67.
68. Numerical values data 68.
69. Inferential or descriptive 69.
70. Textual/verbal 70.

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