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a) What is the Master’s first duty before leaving port?
b) What is meant by a seaworthy ship?
c) What documents must the Master have at hand?
d) What is meant by the transport conditions?
e) What information must the Master transmit to the agent and receivers?
f) What must the Master do if the port is congested?
II. Give the antonyms of: 2P
a) Performance of a contract f) Sure
b) Purchase g) Valuable
c) Loading h) To discharge
d) Responsible i) To purchase
e) Possible j) To raise
III. Give the word (words) answering the following definitions: 2P
a) The company of seamen manning a ship.
b) An allowance by the charterer of a vessel to the owner for delay in loading and unloading
beyond the time named in the Charter Party.
c) Fitness (of a ship) to go to sea.
d) A written agreement to carry goods.
e) One who travels in a public conveyance by land, water or air.
f) The act of saving (a ship, goods, etc.).
IV. Translate into English: 3P
a. V-ati asigurat ca nava este in buna stare de navigabilitate?
b. Ati aflat (to learn) cine sunt incarcatorii?
c. Nava a parasit deja portul?
d. Marfurile nu au fost inca descarcate?
e. Nava a ajuns deja in portul de destinatie?
f. Agentul a fost informat de sosirea navei?
g. S-au procurat mijloacele de transport necesare?
h. Au fost trimise conosamentele?
i. Marfurile au fost pregatite pentru incarcare?
j. Comandantul va parasi nava dupa ce va fi organizat salvarea pasagerilor.

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