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1. Name the 3 biogeochemical cycles you learned about:
______________________ ________________________ ___________________

2. Name the cycle described:

a) Cycle that involves precipitation………….......________________________
b) Cycle in which photosynthesis participates….________________________
c) Cycle which is dependent on bacteria for ammonification. ______________
d) Another name for the water cycle ………………………..…______________
e) Only cycle which does not pass through the atmosphere. ______________

3. Combine the step in a Process in which sunlight is used to

biogeochemical cycle with a change atmospheric carbon into
definition: energy……….. ( )
Process in which condensed water
in clouds falls to the Earth’s
a) FIXATION surface…… ( )
b)DECOMPOSITION Process in which water vapor
changes in liquid form (eg. dew,
c) EVAPORATION droplets)……………( )
d) PRECIPITATION Process in which liquid water
changes into gas
e)PHOTOSYNTHESIS form………………………………
……………….. ( )
Process in which nitrogen gas from
the atmosphere is converted into
ammonia( )

4. Complete the phrase: Process in which bacteria

transforms N2 into N3 (e.g
“Earth´s most abundant fertilizers)
gas is ________________ ………………………………. (
with ___%; the second most abundant gas is ______________
with ___%, while ______________ is about 0.04%”


5. Name the following diagrams and their stages:

(evaporation, water, precipitation, condensation, collection)

(ammonia, nitrogen cycle, bacteria, molecular nitrogen)

(combustion, animal respiration, fossil fuels, sunlight, decomposition, carbon cycle, plant respiration, photosynthesis, carbon cycle, carbon fixation

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