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1. The three states of matter are solid, liquid and gas.

(a)  Substances can be changed from one state to another.

The box lists some words relating to changes of state.

Complete the table by giving the correct word from the box for each change of
Each word may be used once, more than once, or not at all.

(b)  The particles in a solid are closely packed, arranged in a regular pattern and
vibrate about a fixed position.
Describe the arrangement and movement of the particles in a gas.
(Total for question = 6 marks)

2. a Classify each of the following substances as an element, compound or

mixture (6mks)
Sea water ------- ---------------- copper (II)
Magnesium oxide -----------------------

Blood-------------------------------- Air------------------------

b. define the terms





c. the structure of an atom has-----------------subatomic particles

and-------------------------------- (4)

d. list 3 difference each differentiating metals and non-metals (6)

3. There are two samples of iron; A and B, Sample B is coated with a thin layer of
(a)  i) Name the process used to coat iron with zinc.
ii) Name 3 other methods used to prevent metals from rusting

(b)  The two samples of iron are left outside for several weeks.
A brown solid containing hydrated iron (III) oxide forms on sample A.
(i)  Give the common name for the brown solid.
ii) Name the process
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1)

(iii)  Give the names of the two substances that react with the iron to form
the brown solid.
1 ...............................................................................................................................
2 ...............................................................................................................................
c.) what conditions increases the rate of rusting (3mks)

d.) write the chemical formula for the brown solid formed (1)

4. Use the information on combustion of elements to write the word equation for
burning of metals and non-metals in air (3)
i) Magnesium +oxygen

ii) Sulfur +oxygen

iii) Hydrogen +oxygen

5. Many chemical reactions occur in the atmosphere.

(a) The pie chart shows the relative amounts of some gases in air.

(i) Label the pie chart with the name of the gas that makes up most of the air.
(ii) What is the approximate percentage of oxygen in air?
Place a cross ( ) in one box.

6. Some powdered calcium carbonate was heated strongly in a test tube.

The gas given off was bubbled through limewater.

The equation for the reaction taking place in the heated tube is
Calcium carbonate----------- calcium oxide + carbon dioxide
CaCO3(s) → CaO(s + CO2(g)
(a) What type of chemical reaction is taking place when calcium carbonate is
   A Dehydration
   B    oxidation
   C    reduction
   D    thermal decomposition
(b) State the appearance of the limewater before and after the gas was bubbled
through it.
c.)What observations would be made if copper (ii) carbonate was used instead of
calcium carbonate (3)

d.)Carbon dioxide is described as a greenhouse gas, which causes the surface of

the earth to warm up, give at least 3 consequences of the greenhouse effect (3)

7. a) fill in the table with correct description to distinguish between acidic and
alkaline solutions , the last one has been done for you
Indicator Acid base Neutral

Litmus paper


Methyl orange Red yellow Orange

b.) Classify each of the following substances as strongly acidic, weakly acidic,
neutral, weakly acidic or strongly alkaline, the pH for the substances has been
provided for you (7)
Sodium chloride pH 7

Sodium hydroxide PH 12

Ethanoic acid pH

Concentrated hydrochloric acid pH

Wood ash pH 11

Ammonia PH 9
c. acids react with metals to give a salt and hydrogen gas as products, complete
the word equations that follow
i magnesium + sulphuric acid

ii zinc + hydrochloric acid

iii metals that are higher in the reactivity series cannot be reacted with acids
because -------------------------------------------(2)

iv give two examples of such metals


8. A student produces this chromatogram for four dyes, A, B, C and D.

(a) Put a cross ( ) in a box to indicate your answer.
(i) Which one of the dyes contains three colors?
(ii) Which one of the dyes contains one color only?
(b) Each dye is made from one or more of the colours blue, red and yellow.
The student thinks that the result for one dye is incorrect.
Suggest which result is incorrect. Explain your answer.
The incorrect result is
(Total for Question = 4 marks)

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