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Friends palace

➡️ZI WEI : You will have powerful, influential friends in high places. You assist
them and, in turn, they are in a position to grant you many favors. This placement
also indicates strong and competent employees or partners.
It is not good to have the Emperor Star in the Friends Palace. If the structure is
good, then it indicates that friends and subordinates will overshadow the person.
If there are evil stars, then it indicates that the person will be betrayed by his
+Emperor and Peach Blossom Stars: This indicates that the person will be involved
complicated affairs leading to bad endings. The minor stars will tell the details.
+Emperor and Troublesome: This indicates bad relationship with friends. It will be
worse if it meets the Fiery or Siren Stars. The person will be betrayed by his
+Emperor with Worrisome: This indicates getting into trouble because of a friend’s
+Emperor with Misfortune/Calamity: This indicates to have friends who are artistic
or philosophical. If the Ruinous Star is also there, it indicates loss of wealth
due to a friend.
➡️Tian Ji : There will be many changes in your friendships, some occurring very
rapidly. You will have numerous friends from many different backgrounds, but these
associations will tend to be short-lived. Traveling, socializing, and meeting new
people appeals to you, as does any change in routine. The fortunate stars will
stabilize the Mercy Star and improve the relationship with friends and
subordinates. The harmful stars will indicate suffering due to friends and
➡️Tai Yang : If l or 2, your friends help you. If 4 or 5, friends don't help.
High profile friendships are indicated here. You must guard against private
information becoming public via friends, employees, or staff. Because you will be
in the public eye, you may also be the target of blame or become a scapegoat for
others. There is a certain superficiality amongst your friends. There will be a lot
of friends. If the Sun is bright, the person will be generous towards his friends.
He will be helping his friends sacrificing his time and money. However, usually,
his effort is not appreciated. When the Sun is dark, his friends will be
ungrateful. With the Gloomy Star there, there will be a lot of dispute and gossip.
If the Troublesome Star or the Stern Star is there as well, then he will be
involved with litigation with his friends.
➡️Wu Qu : This placement reveals strong, confident friends, but you may experience
obstacles, communication difficulties, and/or challenges with them due to forceful
behavior. Wu Qu is an auspicious star to find in this location if you run your own
business, as it indicates vigorous employees who get things done. Be tactful with
your friends to avoid driving them away. There will not be a lot of friends and
there is lack of support at work. When the structure is bad, the person will be
betrayed by his friends and people working under him. When the structure is very
good, then the person may have capable people working for him
➡️Tian tong : You will enjoy a myriad of friends, most of whom will be involved in
a relaxed or leisurely lifestyle. Joyful social occasions plus interactions with
interesting people from all walks of life equal very pleasurable moments. However,
if you are a business owner, Tian Tong can indicate lazy or unmotivated employees.
However, they are not helpful unless assisted by fortunate stars.
➡️Lhian Zhen : You will have many friends and effortlessly attract associates of
the opposite sex. Your friendships will tend to be exciting or risky in some way.
You will consider many of your blood relatives to be your friends. Being too
focused on passion could get you into trouble. The Wicked Star is impulsive and
sentimental. As a result, in the Friends Palace, it indicates making good friends
with strangers but breaking up just as easily.
➡️Tian Fu : This star is a sign of upright and honorable friends, some of whom may
be influential society types, powerful CEOs, or successful entrepreneurs. This
placement reveals long-standing friends who are reliable and whom you can count on
to act in your best interest. What they lack in flexibility they make up for in
loyalty. If the Misfortune or Calamity Star is in this palace or in related
palaces, then the person will lose money due to his friends or subordinates.
➡️Tai Yin : You mostly have female friends. They will help you with a good rating
or cause harm with a bad rating. Women and female friends will be of great
importance in your life and in business. It represents quiet, gentle employees who
work for you in the background. The majority of your friends and staff will be
women. With favorable stars placed in the same life palace, these friends
help you; under the influence of bad stars or the obstruction catalyst, they do
not. The bright Moon indicates a lot of good friends. The dim Moon with harmful
stars will indicate bad company.
➡️Tan lang : A variety of friends, many of whom like to drink and gamble. You will
have many acquaintances of varied interests and from many different backgrounds,
but few true friends. You will enjoy a lot of socializing and partying. Friends of
the opposite sex may have a secret agenda that has nothing to do with platonic
friendship. There will be a lot of friends. With the Deputies, the Angels, the
Intellect and Intelligence, there will be a lot of social gatherings. With the
peach blossom stars, the friends are just pleasure seeking companions. With the
Fiery or the Siren Star, it is easy to get good friends but these friends may turn
away just as easily due to
misunderstanding or due to understanding. With the Troublesome or Worrisome Star,
person may get into trouble because of his friends. With the Misfortune or Calamity
the person may lose money due to his friends.
➡️Ju Men : A great deal of gossip among you and your friends.Many arguments are
in store for you. Friends bicker amongst themselves and with you. Gossip, idle
talk, and backbiting are also revealed with this placement. Slander, lawsuits, and
arguments are burdensome; "friends" may try to bring you down and harm your
reputation. If the Gloomy Star is unfortunate, then be careful of being betrayed by
friends and subordinates. The presence of the harmful stars or the Annoyance Star
strongly suggests this.
➡️Tian Xiang : This is a favorable placement indicating supportive and involved
friends. Your comrades are true peers of a similar age and with a similar
background. As matters happen in twos with this star, friends and staff perform
dual roles. Be cautious of friends becoming twofaced or of a rivalry between two
different groups. If there is no harmful star or the Annoyance Star, then the
relationship with friends is very good. However, for these friends to be helpful,
the Deputies must be there. Otherwise the person will only enjoy being sociable. Be
careful when the Minister Star is with the Emperor Star in the Friends Palace. It
is not
a good idea to enter into a partnership. This is because the partner will try to
and the person will be the loser in a power struggle. In general, if there are
harmful stars in the Friends Palace with the Minister Star there, the person will
suffer financial loss because of his friends or people working for him.
➡️Tian Liang : Your friends are helpful to you, but will tend to be older. With
this placement, you will tend to be a loner and will have few friends. However, the
friends you do have will stand the test of time and be in it for the long haul. The
Blessing Star indicates few friends but the friends are usually beneficial. With
the lucky Star, the friends and subordinates are loyal. If the Lucky Star
transforms into
Annoyance, then the person may be hurt by his friends. With the Mercy Star, there
will not be a long-term friend. With the Sun, the friends will be very helpful.
➡️QI SHA : Friends and staff are strong and independent, but may possess dreadful
tempers. These hard-headed individuals have powerful personalities and have hard
lessons to learn in this life. You must be careful about associating with a wild
group or bad individual and thus becoming a part of these hard lessons. The Power
Star is not a good star to be in the Friends Palace. It indicates being betrayed by
friends in the presence of harmful stars. The Fiery Star or the Siren Star will
hurt the Power Star indicating that the person will be hurt by his friends. The
Troublesome Star indicates combat and conflict. The Worrisome Star indicates
stabbed at the back by friends. The Misfortune or Calamity Star indicates theft or
➡️Po Jun : Your friends are very unusual, often strong personalities. Could even
be involved with organized crime if with 13 Qi Sha. This star indicates independent
and rebellious friends, staff members, and underlings. If you are a business owner
with employees, beware of them undermining you or your company. Friends are
wasteful of your resources, and many times they are troubled personally. You may
have a difficult time making and keeping friends because you tend to associate with
problematic people. When the Ruinous Star is bright, and there are fortunate stars,
there will be capable people working for the person. When the Ruinous Star is dim
or there are harmful stars, the subordinates will betray the person.

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